12 - Like a Fairytale

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"I messed up! Holy star spangle how could I forget to tell her?! And why does she make me forget everything important when I am with her?"

The embarrassment. The audacity. Why didn't he tell me who he really was? An arranged marriage of sorts. A good joke he made and he knew, he knew who I was and yet kept this from me. He could have told me. But why did he not tell me? It's not like I would have never found out. But finally it all made sense. A man who could bring me to Angeles after a day and a half spent together. A man who spoke so elusive and well mannered. The things he told me of his past. None of it was a lie. Just a play with words. I wanted to be mad at him. More than anything. Anger, no hurt, was boiling inside of me, yet my face did not show any of it. His charm was misdirected and it troubled me deeply that I couldn't be mad at him. Of course I couldn't be mad at him. He had helped me so much. He had been there for me. He wanted the best for me. He got me out of my hell. Eric wanted me to be part of this. Yet, I couldn't be. I wanted to scream my frustration out loud, confront Lady Charlotte for taking this from me. But of course I could not. Even if I did what would it bring me? The matter was done and it was not Lady Charlotte's fault. I believe her to be a woman of integrity and after everything I have witnessed in this country I believe that the girl they picked up from Drummer's State just could not be their queen regardless of his Highness' wishes. My thoughts were averted, when Yana was announced. She wore the gold dress embroidered with red I had seen this morning, adorned with golds, her red veil lifted after her sightly wobbly curtsy. "May I present to his Majesty and his Highness, Lady Yana Tanner of Drummer's State, a Lady of the arts, blessed with the voice of an angle and the grace of a northern flower. In deep gratitude offered as a Lady of America for the Princess to be." Charlotte announced and Yana said "Long live the King" before glancing up and hurrying to stand by the other women. I knew she was somewhat shy, but the bolting move made it even more so obvious. Poor girl. Standing next to the woman in front of me I touched her shoulder reassuringly. With a surprised face she turned her head and relaxed at the sight of me. She was truly sweet and if I had the chance who to support as a lady in waiting I knew exactly who it would be.

When we were lead out of the throne room we were escorted to a parlour, where Lady Charlotte ordered tea for the many of us. The room was spacious and had multiple TVs, books, games and personal music devices. It was our common room, where we could always enter, no men allowed. It would also be the place we would be having our lessons in arithmetics, languages and general politics. As a Lady of the court you not only had to be pretty, but also educated. While a lot of the girls sad down on the many couches  surrounding the TVs to watch their dramas or telenovelas, I sat down with Yana. The girl smiling and gushing about her beautiful dress, the fine silks and the intricate designs. It was wonderful and I was happy for her.

"Please come to my room, I have to show all of it. It is as big our house! I can't believe this is happening! I wrote my parents as soon as I got the chance. I hope they are okay."
She smiled sweetly, I remember her dancing on the markets again.

"I have seen you are around town. Dancing and laughing with all your friends. They must miss you terribly."
She nodded.
"I miss them too, you know. I have known them since childhood, I will miss them. Can I tell you a little secret?"
"Of course" I answered.
"I was about to be engaged to a friend, he was my childhood sweetheart. Thomas. We fell in love when we were just sixteen" she sighed.
"As much as I love all this."
She gestured you her clothing and the room around her.
"I would wish to go back to him. He is still everything to me but I couldn't do that to my parents."
I placed a hand on her shoulder.
"I am sorry to hear that, I know our lives were planned differently. I hope to be of any condolence if you ever need it" she leaned against me.
"Thank you, Leah. If you ever need someone to talk to, I will be there as well."

We sat there together for a bit, listening to the giggling girls, swooning over the male actors and discussing the action on screen.
"You know, when I was introduced, the prince didn't even look at me"
Yana said in a coy tone.
"He was looking at the other girls direction. And I get it, they are prettier, he probably knows some of the noble girls from the city as well. The whole contest is stupid. Urgh! He probably already knows who he's marrying. As happy as I am, I don't think this is the life I want to live. I would much rather be in your place. You get to wear pretty dresses, eat the same food, but no one is bothering you. Some girls are so rude. One asked me if the north even had food because I had enjoyed my meal so much today. I just like food you know!"
I smiled at her exclamation.
"Whoever said that, must have been quite jealous of you. And believe me, with all the rules I have to follow. It is expected of you to do this, or that, and don't forget.."
I mocked the rules which had been rudely told to me by the footman the day before. And it made my friend laugh as well. I couldn't tell Yana about me and Eric, no, the Prince. There was nothing to tell anyways.
"We don't even have so many rules, I believe. For us it's simple. Do what Charlotte asks you, when royalty is present don't speak unless a royal tells you to, don't engage with any other male than the prince and don't harm any other girl. These are at least the main ones. There are others but etiquette was never my strong suite. I will probably embarrass myself anyways and the prince will demote me. I almost fell when I had to curtsy today."
she joked as well and I laughed.
"Don't worry, I will make a prim and proper Lady out of you"
I said with a smile.
"You? I could not have a better companion to get through this."
She hugged me and we laughed.

"Ladies, listen up" Charlottes voice rang through the room.
"As you all know for the start of your Season a ball will be held in 3 days. In order to prepare you the best we can, the next 3 days will be all about etiquette and dance."
Some of the Ladies cheered, some groaned and most just looked really nervous.
"I will expect you in here after tea for our first dance lesson"
With that she sat back down and continued her conversation with the older Ladies surrounding her.
"A ball." Yana said in awe.
"Can you imagine. This just became even more of a fairytale." I agreed. In my mind the golden ballroom of Madrid came to life, with the glittering chandeliers and the musicians playing lively music. Me on the dance floor dancing with family and sons of nobility. Laughing and having fun. The crown princess bestowing me with the highest honour. I smiled at the memory of my fathers advisor's son, when I had asked him to dance on my last birthday back then. The angles painted on the high ceiling smiling down at me. Oh how I had missed it. Maybe this opportunity was someone answering the prayers I had silently wished for ever since coming to America.



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See you for the next chapter & don't forget to vote and tell me your thoughts :D


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