27 - Self Sacrifice

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"I fear for the girl, my Queen"
"But if she truly was the lost princess, she would never get so close to him, would she?"
"I don't know, Your Majesty"
"I agree with you though, she is definitely no ordinary girl, but a princess?"
"Looking at the photographs, there seems to be a resemblance..."
"Nonsense. It has to be a coincidence!"
"His Majesty wants to inform the Prince regardless of truth in hopes to further our alliance. If he believes our hunch, the girl is as good as dead, Your Majesty."
"The audacity of my husband! Risking an assassination in my court?! Complaining nobles and business partners are not worth an innocent girls life! I have heard enough of this! Keep the girl safe, Charlotte."
"I shall try my best, Your Majesty, but it might be too late."

The tea went on, with Eric having us sat  in his private little pavilion, just a few meters from the rest of the party, keeping a keen eye on me while conversing with Yana about various topics about her life, asking her about her upbringing and the way life was in Drummers State for her, also sometimes asking me on my view or experience. I only had short, deflecting answers for him as I was fed up with his antics at this point. On the other hand Prince Stefán seemed to enjoy himself with the abundance of women listening to his stories that could be heard from the other side of the rose bushes separating us. Yana had once used the phrase 'being pissed' by something or someone and I finally understood that sentiment. I was seriously pissed. What an odd word. And what an odd feeling. But I was the small little obedient girl serving my Lady and 'aiding' her as best as I could without getting totally enraged at Eric.

I was glad when we ladies were asked to get ready for dinner and evening activities. The group began to disperse, but not before a lot of jealous stares were thrown towards Yana, who probably had now spent the most time with the Prince alone.

Before I could leave Prince Stefán stopped me and confirmed our dinner for that evening. "Are you okay?" He asked me once again this day. This time I didn't answer, just shrugging, before I left to get ready for our dinner.


In my quarter Fauna awaited me, telling me that Maria was running errands and would be back in a bit. I thanked her and sat on one of the couches. "I have a date to get ready to." I say sighing exhausted from the ordeals of the day. "What wonderful news!" My maid exclaimed, to which I did not share my sentiment on the matter verbally. Maria entered the room and greeted me with a curtsy, her face was calm but I felt that something was off.

"Is everything alright?" I asked her.

"All is well Lady, I was just informed of your afternoon plans. Lady Charlotte had asked me to chaperone you." She said with a curt smile.

"Fauna, please go and fetch the dress that Charlotte had ordered from the seamstress." She asked of her colleague, who nodded confused as she left the room.

"But I thought you..." were already out running errands. I wanted to say but the uneasiness in my maids eyes made me stop.

What was she not telling me?

"Are you sure everything is fine, Maria?" I asked her eyeing her with suspicion.

"Oh yes, everyone is just giddy that you are chosen as the Prince's favourite." She said with a cheerful tone, motioning me to sit in front of the dressing table.
"..It's a lot of stress for us as a lot of changes have to be made. The king himself ordered you to be pampered as if you already were the Spanish Crown Princess." She laughed nervously.

"The Spanish Crown Princes, huh?" I mumbled under my breath letting out a chuckle at the irony of it.

"Lady Charlotte ordered us to take utmost care of you, and since you do not have a lady in waiting I will have to suffice." Maria informed me to which I shook my head.

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