25 - Catch me if you can

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Take good care of my son and the lady he seems to fancy more than even I thought. A wonderful Lady she must be, otherwise she would not only have caught the eyes of my son. I hope he won't cause any further issues.
Regarding our business; we will be back in a month with the updated contract. If any shortages regarding produce or wheat arises till then let me know and I will send delegates from the South American Territories with the necessary supplies. I value a King who looks out for his people and would not want calamity to strike in such an important year.
If everything goes accordingly,
who knows, maybe we can celebrate not one but two engagements this season. Maybe a double wedding? It would be of utter delight for our countries and only strengthen our new found bond.

Don't you think?

- Excerpt from Correspondence to the King

"Catch me if you can" I shout to Eric, turning corners and running past small fountains, faintly hearing footsteps behind me. Something about this game felt so innocent, so childish and yet so much fun. In the rush of adrenaline I just wanted to forget all that had happened in the Ladies' parlour. The slaps, the stares the anger, Lady Charlotte's outburst and all the whispers and stares. Cassandra had seen Eric and me yesterday, but I didn't care to know what she had seen. I still didn't know what was up with me and Eric and I wanted to find out. I couldn't be mad at him and I also had bigger fish to fry. One of them was on my heels, Prince Stefán, who I had just managed to evade running deeper into the labyrinth.

Yesterday night I had sat contemplating in my room for a long time. I hated feeling anxious just by the thought of the Spanish royals, especially their Prince. Knowing I had to be careful around him I still didn't want to feel so powerless against him. If he had decided he wanted to play with me, then I would play his game and beat him. Breaking his heart would surely be enough to send him flying back.

So I played their game, running around the labyrinth, hiding in corners and running on at the faint sound of gravel crushing on the ground. Objectively, I couldn't deny the attractiveness of the situation. Two princes on my heels? I was sort of curious myself who would find me first. When I passed a rather long alleyway I saw Eric for a slight second, in the next I saw Prince Stefán striding in the opposite direction. I giggled which prompted him to take a couple of steps back, looking directly at me with a smug smile. I smiled as well and began to run again, turning more corners as the prince's footsteps steadily caught up to me. I took a few more corners and saw familiar statues, not far from the start of the maze. My feet kept me going, my heavy underskirts keeping me from being as fast as I wanted to be. It didn't take too long till Stefán would catch up. As I ran around on of the small fountains, I let out a small yelp as I pushed away the anxiety I felt when his hand held my upper arm firmly, spinning me around to face him.

"Got you" the Spanish prince called out  smugly with a triumphant smile so that Eric would hear.

"It seems like you did, your Highness" I say with a chuckle, taking a few steps back to put distance to our proximity.

"And what will be my prize?" He asked me in Spanish letting go of my arm as soon as I moved backward.
"Who said anything about a price?" I tell him with an innocent smile as I walk towards the maze's entrance. It didn't take too long for Eric to appear behind a corner and join us.

"Seems like I lost my own challenge." He stated flashing me a boyish smile. But today his dimples wouldn't melt my heart as the memory of yesterday played in my head and a solemn sadness filled my chest.

"Don't fault yourself, Lady Leah is rather quick on her feet. I shall still boast about getting her first, I hope you won't mind." Prince Stefán told Eric with a smug smile.

"Well what a sore loser I can be. I hope you would still allow me to escort you to tea and heal my wounded ego, my Dear?"
Eric asked me, extending his arm for me to take.

The whole situation was so playful, yet looking into Eric's face my wounded pride did not see the need to console his wounded ego in the slightest.

"Maybe you just shouldn't chase after what you cannot have." I tell him with a defiant and fake smile turning away from the men.

A hand placed itself on my shoulder and my instinct was to yell at Eric to leave me alone, but when I looked up it was the Spanish prince who gave me a sympathetic smile and my frustration subsided instantly.

"Are you okay?" He asked me earnestly.

"I don't think so." I reply with another sigh walking onwards leaving him behind once again.

"Let me at least escort you. I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving you alone."
He said walking behind me.

"I do not think that wise, your Highness" I tell him brashly.

"How come?" He asked with a lighthearted tone.

"Let's just say I got a bit into trouble in these recent days and being seen with any of you Prince's alone or worse together right now will not aid my struggle." I tried to explain without revealing anything about the incident with Cassandra or Eric.

"What a trouble maker you are" he huffed in amusement. P

"I can't help it that others just wanna see something in me that isn't there." I sigh with tension slowly fading from my shoulders.

"Does that include me?"

"As far as I know, yes, your Highness. Otherwise you wouldn't have personally invited me to the ball." I say not facing the Prince as his steps caught up to mine again.

"But how else would I get to see who you really are." He said with a chuckle.

"I do frankly not care for you to see me at all, your Highness." My teeth were about to grind themselves down as I felt my jaw clench with every time I had to call this man your highness.

"Never have I seen you so formal, Lady Leah." He shared his observations with me.

"Being informal with my peers seems like a habit I still have to shake off, don't you think, your Highness?"  I dragged my formal address to make my point.

"Have I offended you?" He asks aloof to my own question towards him and from my peripheral I saw his facial expression turn sour.

"Yes, you may have, your Highness." I answer with alarm bells ringing in my head. I tried to shake them away as we were in the open, even if I offend him he would not show his true aggressive nature here in the open, would he?

There was a pause before he spoke up again.

"I am truly sorry to hear that, my Lady." He said with a sigh. "Would you mind telling me what I did?" His reaction did certainly not match how I expected him to react but a glance towards his face made me realise his sourness was rather contemplation.

Maybe giving him a piece of my mind would make him back off.

"For starters, pestering me in that library when I was wearing nothing more than my night gown"

"You did what exactly?!"
Prince Stefán's face blushed at my statement as I could hear Eric call out behind us,who had apparently silently listened in to our entire conversation.
Before Prince Stefán could make any excuses I turned towards the other Prince, halting in my steps.

"And you, should definitely not be speaking!"  I say aggravated by his presence.

"So much in regards to speaking formally." I heard the man besides me mumble. Directing a sharp look towards him he held up his hands in defence with an apologetic smile on his face.

"I am sorry I may not have noticed me imposing on you, when I was just enthralled by your beauty, my Lady."  He said with a bow, apologising for his mistake.

"You should not be enthralled by anything." Prince Eric said, now standing on my other side.

"You are the one to talk" the other one huffed in annoyance.

"Stop bickering. I cannot hear anymore of this." I said finally taking off and leaving the men behind me while I stormed towards the other end of the palace's gardens.

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