21 - What does it mean to be Happy?

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"Maria, tell me everything you have seen. Do not leave out a single detail. I believe there is something going on. It is either the best thing to ever happen or the beginning of a horrible tragedy."

When I asked my maid Fauna to fetch my dress for the ball I had not expected for her to return with a dream of a dress. While I had ordered a dark blue dress with crystals embedded as stars, which I had chosen from the vast selection the seamstresses offered to us whenever an event was announced, the dress she brought back was definitely not in the selection that had been offered. Behind her were two of the seamstresses working at the palace, giggling happily.

"I do not understand." I say, as I brush over the fine golden feathers falling over the shoulders of the dress, continuing into a waterfall of gold silk and metallic tulle. The dress was fit for a princess, no less a queen. Even more beautiful than the dresses the golden girls could chose from.

"The dress has been delivered by the Spanish dressmakers, accompanied with this letter." My maid Maria said, handing me the firm parchment with a golden seal of the Spanish cross.

Dearest Lady Leah,
With this I invite you formally to accompany to tonight's ball. I hope you find the dress I chose to your liking, as I seem no other fit than this one for you. I will come by around 8 to escort you and hope you accept my invitation. Maybe you have an answer for me today.

The Spanish letter was written in immaculate handwriting. I was overwhelmed to say the least. The seamstresses made me put on the fine dress and pinned needles onto the bodice, before stripping me again and getting to work right there and then. The women had stood in awe as I had put on the dress.

"You look like a princess, my lady."

I had gulped down anxiety rising within me. I wanted to say no to the dress, to the invitation, to all the danger that came with proximity to Prince Stefán, but as I stared into the mirror Lilliana stared back at me. Tears of joy welled in my eyes. I felt like my old self was staring back at me.

Was I happy?

I asked myself again as my eyes wandered to the silver bracelet on my wrist. The question remained on my mind grinding away my resolve to hide.

When my maids began working on my make up I began to relax. There was not a way to avoiding this. I could not without repercussion decline the Prince. As the ladies did an excellent job, lining my eyes with bold wings, and charcoal smudges faintly on my lower eye making my eyes wider and more mysterious than ever before. They dusted my eyelids with golden shadow, matching the dress, while their contour made my facial features sharp and refined. My lips were stained in a natural reddish way, glistening lightly as I turned my face around to see their shimmery golden perfection.

"Wow. Thank you, thank you so much!" I say, staring at myself in awe.

"But we have only just begun" sang Maria in a happy voice, as she unwinded my hair from the messy bun on my head. They brushed my hair with light oils, making it shimmer gold like my dress.

"Today is your big day, my lady. All should see the jewel you are." Fauna said, as she proceeded to lay my hair flat on my head, letting it cascade down my back in soft golden waves, giving me an even more mature look than ever before. I admired their immaculate work as I felt truly beautiful and fierce once again.

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