Chapter 1

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A/N:  I'm not done with the story yet, but I'm too anxious to get this story out to you lovely readers.  I know I said I was going to wait until the story was completed before I started uploading, but I just can't wait.  I hope you don't mind.  Thanks.  ❤

Gulf POV

"Why am I here? Didn't I tell you that I didn't want to come?" I glare at the back of Mild's head as he pulls me towards the front door of the bar. I can hear the beat of the bass already and I can only imagine how much louder it is inside.

My eyes quickly scan the area. My heart begins to race as I see more people going to into the bar and when the door is open, I can see that the place is packed. Shit! He knows that I don't like crowds.

Mild's grip tightens around my wrist as I try one more time to try and rip it from his hold. Dang it. When did he get so strong? I thought I was the stronger one, but apparently not tonight.

Mild glance back over his shoulder briefly and smiles. "Remember, I promised a friend that I would come to hear his band play tonight. I begged you to come with me so that I wasn't alone. You didn't agree right away, but after some serious begging, you finally agreed to come with me. Don't tell me that you forgot about it already."

Ugh. I was hoping that he would forget.

We reach the front of the bar and Mild finally stops pulling me. However, he still hasn't let go of my wrist.

I huff, "I agreed to come with you, but not to be your toy that you can drag all over the place. You don't have to keep a hold of me, you know."

Mild smirks. "Oh, do you think I'm stupid now? I know that you won't come in with me if I don't hold onto you. You are just going to have to bear with it until we get seated inside."

I glare daggers at him before I look down at my wrist. If only I could get him to let go of me, I would be fine.

My racing heart begins to beat even faster. I need to get him to let go of me, but unfortunately, I guess I will have to wait until we get inside. I hope he has a seat in the corner where there isn't going to be that many people.

As we walk close to the entrance, a woman rushes past me and bumps me. My heart begins, once again, to beat frantically, like it is trying to break its way out of my chest.

Mentally, I begin to chant, "They aren't going to hurt you. You are fine. It will be all right."

My vision blurs slightly and I'm not able to see anything clearly. Oh, I need to calm down.

I try to remember my doctor's instructions and I take a deep breath and then slowly let it out. I softly mumble to myself, "Breath in. Breath out."

The loud music and noises around me fade as I focus on my rapid heartbeat and my voice as I keep telling myself to breath in and breath out.

As my heart slowly begins to slow down and come back to normal, my vision finally becomes clear again. I soon find myself inside the bar and Mild sitting next to me. I don't remember exactly how we got here, but I'm not going to say anything. I don't want Mild to worry. I can handle this.

Luckily, Mild got us a spot that I was hoping for. Our seats are in the corner while the other tables are rather far away. It almost looks like they have been pushed away, but I'm sure that I'm just imagining that.

Wait. Did he ask to have a table away from everyone else? Maybe Mild is learning. You would think after being friends with me for over 5 years that he would finally remember that I don't like crowds, but I thought that he had forgotten that already. Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked me to join him. If he hadn't have given me his puppy dog eyes, I wouldn't have agreed to join him tonight. Ugh. I need to learn to not be influenced by his sad eyes.

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