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A/N:  First, I want to apologize for not getting this up sooner.  I kept getting interrupted and I wasn't able to finish it when I wanted.  Second, thank you for everyone who has made it this far.  It means so much to me to have so many read my story.  You will never knew how much it means to me.  

Once again, thank you so much.  I love you guys and I hope you see you at my next story.  :)


Gulf POV

I take a deep breath as I look at the side door of the venue. This is it. Well, at least I'm not going through the main entrance like the other fans, but I'm still not completely over my panic attacks. Granted, I can now go into the bars without much problem, but this is the first time since the incident that I've actually went to a concert. This will be a true test of whether all my therapy sessions are working or not.

However, I have an additional incentive this time. I want to watch Mew and his band in concert. I'm just happy that his manager is willing to work with me so I can stand off to the side away from the main crowd while still being able to see the show. It won't be the same as being in the huge mass of people, but I think this is what I can handle. The group's manager also let me know that there would be no flames or fires in the show. He stated that the company had decided when the band first started that they really didn't want to risk anything going wrong with big productions. The most that they do is some neat lights and big screen display of videos.

I have to admit that I was rather relieved when he told me that.

With my eyes still staring at the door, I muster all my strength and silently chant, "You can do this."

Before I have a chance to change my mind, I step forward and I knock on the door.

Knock. Knock.

Almost immediately, the door opens, and a security guard is standing there and looking at me. He does a quick once over of me before his eyes stop at my neck and then returning to my face. "Sorry, but I can't let you in without the appropriate access."

Suddenly, I realize I forgot put on the backstage pass. I quickly shove my hand in my pocket. "Oh, I have the pass. I forgot to put it on."

The security guard raises an eyebrow and watches me closely as I pull my security access pass out of my pocket.

As soon as his eyes spot the bright yellow security pass, his stern look slips away, and a small smile appears.

I quickly slide the lanyard with my security pass around my neck and sheepishly smile. "Sorry. I was so nervous that I forgot to put it on."

The security guard steps aside and lets me into the building. "Don't worry. However, don't take it off while you are here. Otherwise, you may be asked to leave."

As I step past him and into the building, I nod my head. "I promise that I won't forget."

Once I'm inside, the security guard shuts the door and asks, "Is there someone that you are supposed to be seeing?"

Well, I don't really know. I didn't really ask the manager much. I was so excited that he was going to give me a backstage pass that I forgot to ask many other questions. However, this is supposed to be a surprise and I really don't want to surprise Mew yet.

I slowly shake my head. "I'm here to surprise someone but didn't ask Pete what I should do before the show. However, he did say that he had a special place for me where I can watch the show."

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