Chapter 10

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A/N:  This is a short chapter but I hope you don't mind.  There is only one more chapter left and then the epilogue.  It is wrapping up soon.  :)


I can't stop myself as I pace back and forth in the changing room at the back of the bar. I mentally run through my list of things that I needed and for the 100th time, I confirm that I have got everything done. Now, it is just the waiting game to see if Mild can get Gulf to come to the bar again.

Why did I pick the bar? I should have known that Gulf was going to have a hard time coming here again. Shoot. The last time he ended up having a panic attack. I don't want to trigger another one. No. I want him to be happy, and I hope that my confession will make him happy.

Oh, no. What is going to happen if he has a panic attack and I don't get to confess to him that I like him or that I want him to be my boyfriend? What am I going to do then?

As my mind continues to swirl through the various what if's, Rick rushes into the room and chimes, "Mild did it! Gulf is here!"

My breath instantly hitches as my heart skips a beat. Gulf is here. This is it.

I look at Rick and tentatively ask, "How is he? Did he have a panic attack? Is he all right?"

A smile spreads across Rick's face as he replies, "Gulf is fine. Now, go out there and confess. We've got the rest under control."

This is it.

I slowly nod my head. "It is time."

Rick frantically nods his head. "Yes. It is time and if you don't get out there, I'm going to shove you out there." He turns and towards the coffee table in the middle of the room. With a huge smile on his face, he walks to the table and picks up the single red rose. As he turns back towards me, he chimes, "Don't forget your rose."

Oh, how could I forget that. I even sent Rick out to get it. Dang, I think I'm losing my mind.

A small smile pops onto my face as I lower my head and walk towards Rick. "Oh, I can't forget my flower."

I take a deep breath as I walk towards Rick.

I can do this. This is my future and I'm not going to let Gulf go.

My eyes lock on the red rose in Rick's hand as I mentally chant, "You can do this. Gulf will agree."

The thought of Gulf saying no doesn't even enter my mind. No. I'm not going to accept a no from him. I'm hoping that I don't have to go to that extreme, but I know that I'll do whatever it takes to make him agree.

My trembling hand reaches out and takes the rose from Rick. As the realization of what is going to finally happen sinks into my head, little beads of sweat suddenly begins to pop out across my body.

Stay calm.  I slowly breathe in and out.

Rick pats my shoulder and chimes, "Go get him, tiger."

My eyes slowly lift up from the rose to the door as I take a deep breath. I can do this.

I make my way out of the changing room and down the hall. My feet stop just before the opening to the bar area.

I tentatively peak around the corner and glance towards the corner table. A smile instantly spreads across my face as I see Gulf sitting at the corner table. He doesn't appear to be fine though. Even from here, I can tell that his vision is a little off. He appears to be looking through things than looking at them.

Oh, he almost had a panic attack.

My heart instantly aches. I didn't want to hurt him by bringing him here, but I felt it was appropriate since this is where we met for the first time. I wanted this to be the place where I finally confess my feelings.

However, I can't handle seeing him in pain.

Before I know what I'm doing, I'm walking across the room towards Gulf. Luckily, he is still a little out of it and he doesn't see me.

I stop in front of the table. I haven't been able to take my eyes off of Gulf since I first peaked around the corner to see how he is doing. I could tell from across the room that Gulf was having problems, but being this close to him, I can see just how pale he is and his eyes can't seem to focus correctly. Granted, it appears to be better than when I first looked at him, but it still isn't the normal bright look that he usually has.

I want to ask him how he feels, but I know if I say anything besides what I have had planned, I may not be able to actually confess to him. I have to do it now, before I lose the courage to do it.

I take a shaky breath, and I muster up my remaining courage to tell Gulf how I feel.

I slide closer to the table and around the side so that I'm closer to Gulf as I lean down and in a deep husky voice, I ask, "Do you come here often?"

My eyes are glued to Gulf's face. My heart skips a beat when I see Gulf's breath hitch.


Gulf POV

The voice that I've been yearning to hear is finally here. My breath hitches. The fog and anxiety from being in the bar slip away as my mind focuses on that one voice.  

However, I must be dreaming. Mew isn't supposed to be here. He is supposed to still be in the city.

The voice that I've been longing to hear is suddenly closer to my ear as it asks again, "Do you come here often?" However, this time his warm breath slides across my neck which instantly has my body reacting as goosebumps explode anywhere where his breath touched my skin.

Damn, this isn't a dream. THIS IS REAL!

I instantly whip my head towards the voice that I've been longing to hear all day long. My eyes widen as I find Mew's face only inches away from mine. His warm breath cascades across my face and everything seems to turn into slow motion.

It is as if we are the only ones here. Everything else seems to suddenly melt away. I don't hear or see anything, except Mew's gorgeous face.

I didn't realize just how much I missed him until I'm finally looking at him. I try to open my mouth and tell him how much I miss him, but the only thing that I manage to mutters is his name. "Mew.."

My heart instantly slams against my chest when a huge smile spreads across Mew's face. Shoot. I forgot how gorgeous this man is.

It is as if his smile is drawing me towards him. My mind can only think about how much I've missed him, along with how luscious his lips look as my eyes slide down his face to his lips.

One thought suddenly overpowers all others. I want those lips.

Without realizing it, my hand reaches up and grabs the front of Mew's shirt. Before he can react, I yank him down towards me and slam my lips against his mouth.

Ah, his lips taste so good.

Posted May 7, 2020

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