Chapter 2

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I'm so excited that Mild will be here tonight. I haven't seen him in years. When we were younger, we were inseparable. We went everywhere together and did everything together. Shoot, I remember one time that Mild accidentally fell down while we were at the park near our house which caused a big cut on his leg. As I was trying to run to him to see if he is all right, I ended up falling myself and getting a cut in almost the identical location as Mild's. Even our mothers thought that we did it on purpose.

After being surround by managers, stagehands and fans all the time, it is good to be back home for a bit. Shoot. Tonight's little gig doesn't even seem like work. Instead, it feels like the good old days and so much fun. We didn't need security to hold the crowd back and we could walk freely from the stage to the bar and around the tables. Yes, there are a few fans, but most of these people are our friends and they remember us when we first started out. Back when we were nobody and no one knew anything about us.

It is so good to be home.

As soon as we stop playing for our first break, I immediately scan the crowd. It isn't too hard to find Mild, since he is sitting off to the side with a guy. I don't believe that his friend lived here when I was growing up here. I would definitely remember someone who is that good looking.

I can't contain my exciting any longer as I practically run across the room.

My feet come to a stop close to the table, but I can't bring myself to interrupt Mild and his friend's conversation. Oh, let me correct myself. Mild's friend isn't just good looking. He is absolute gorgeous. I can't take my eyes off of him.

I watch in amusement as Mild's friend slightly scowls and shrugs his shoulders. "They aren't bad."

He is cute. Oh, did I say gorgeous? The closer I get to him, the more I'm astonished with how beautiful he is. I have seen a lot of cute boys and very handsome men, but this is the first time that I have actually called a guy beautiful, but I can't help myself.

My attention is quickly pulled back to Mild as he gasps dramatically. "Not bad!! They are amazing and they have a huge following!! They are actually back in town from going on tour, which I might add that they sold out of all of their concerts."

Wow! Is he bragging? This is a first.

Before Mild continues, his gorgeous friend cuts him off. "Then why are they playing in a bar? Huh? If they are that big, they wouldn't bring themselves to play in such a small place like this."

Well, I guess he has a point, but my heart suddenly has a sharp ache as I realize that Mild's friend has never heard of us before. I didn't think that is possible for someone not to know who we are, but clearly, I'm wrong. However, my eyes bubble with excitement as Mild's friend quirks his eyebrow as if he is daring Mild to contradict him.

How cute?

I can't control myself as a warm hearty chuckle erupts from my lips.

My eyes stay focused on Mild's friend as I savor the view. I can't control the smile that spreads across my face. "Well, we are playing here because our friend owns the place and their regular band couldn't play tonight. So, we agreed to play a few nights to help them out. Plus, this is where we got our start, and it feels like old times playing here again. It doesn't even feel like work."

Mild instantly hops up from his seat and dashes around the table towards me as he chimes, "Mew!! You guys are amazing!!"

My attention is drawn to Mild as he jumps at me and engulfs me in a hug. Oh, I've missed Mild so much, but I also forgot how affectionate he is. Don't get me wrong. He is an amazing guy, but with me, he was always hugging me, which I love.

My smile spreads from ear to ear as I enjoy Mild's clinginess. He hasn't changed a bit.

However, my eyes can't stop from glancing over to the gorgeous man, who is just watching us. Once again, I find myself drawn to him. I chuckle as a crease forms along his forehead and his brows furrow. What is he thinking?

I playfully pat Mild on his back and chime, "It is great seeing you, Mild. It has been a long time, but I see that you haven't changed much." I pull away from Mild and tilt my head, as I playfully add, "I see that you are still clingy, like always."

Mild playfully swats my arm. "Mew! I'm not that clingy, just ask Gulf. He will tell you." Mild turns towards his friends and whines, "I'm not that clingy, right Gulf. Tell Mew that I'm not like that."

Oh, so mister beautiful's name is Gulf.

I turn my attention towards Gulf, and I bite my lip as a smirk slowly spreads across his face and he raises an eyebrow as Gulf looks at Mild. Well, this is interesting.

Gulf chuckles. His smooth deep voice instantly ignites a desire that I didn't think I still had. After being around people that just want to jump into bed with you, I have lost all desire to have anything with anyone, but the first time that I hear a sound coming from him, I suddenly want to devour those luscious lips and make him moan my name in pleasure.

Shit. I'm getting aroused.

I grab a chair next to the table and I sit down while still keeping my eyes on Gulf.

Gulf playfully points his finger towards Mild and swings it around in a circle towards Mild. "Sorry, Mild, but you are definitely clingy. Well, I have to admit that you aren't clingy to everyone and you are very careful around me, but you do seem to hug people a lot."

Mild's mouth instantly drops wide open. He tries to say something, but nothing comes out of his mouth.

Well, this is a first. Mild doesn't know what to say. I don't think I've ever seen this happen before. Yes, his parents could often make him quiet down, but I have never seen him like this.

Oh, this is just another reason to like Gulf. He clearly has a way to handle Mild, which is a feat in and of itself.

Mild begins to frantically shake his head. "No, I don't! You are exaggerating! I don't hug you!"

Gulf's smirk slowly fades into a frown. Oh, I don't like that look at all.

Gulf huffs, "No, you didn't hug me tonight, but you grabbed my wrist and wouldn't let me go no matter how hard I tried to get you to let go." He leans closer to Mild and hisses, "You know that I can't stand anyone touching me, but yet you wouldn't let go."

Mild snorts and crosses his arms over his chest. "Well, tonight, it was needed. You wouldn't have come into the bar if I didn't have a good hold on you. Plus, you had promised to come with me, but you were clearly looking for a way to leave. I wasn't going to let you break your promise."

My mind is stuck on the fact that Gulf can't stand to have anyone touch him. Something happened to him, and my gut is telling me that it isn't good.

Slowly, an anger, like I've never felt before, consumes me. I don't even know what happened, but I want to punch whoever did this to such a beautiful person.

Before I can ask any questions, Rick, the lead singer of our band, taps me on the shoulder and motions his head back towards the stage. Dang it. I guess I need to go and play some more. I know one thing for sure, I'm coming back to talk to Mild and Gulf some more.

I turn towards Mild and Gulf, and I interrupt their argument. "Guys, I have to go back and play another set, but I'll be back when we're done."

I don't wait for a response as I turn and head back to the stage.

I think tonight is definitely going to be an amazing night.

Posted April 7, 2020

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