Chapter 7

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Gulf POV

"Mom! Stop it! I don't want anymore food. I think I'm going to burst if I take another bite." I push my mom's hand away from me as she tries to put another spoonful of food in my mouth.

I have no clue what has gotten into her. Ever since I got here, she has been hoovering around me like I'm her lifeline or something.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love my mother, but I don't need my mother to be glued to my side. I'm an adult and I need my space. Not to mention, that I've been trying to get back to the university. I have a lot of homework to do and I want to see my friends. Okay, I did bring my homework and I've been doing it and studying at night, but I still miss my friends. To be exact, I miss Mew.

I don't want to waste our time together with me being stuck at home with my parents. I still don't know exactly when he will have to go back on the road and start working again, but I know that it will be soon.


I look across the table to my father and silently beg with my eyes for him to help me. He doesn't like to be dragged into things like this, but I desperately need some help and he is the only other person here.

However, I can't beg for long because my mother is trying to shove more food into my mouth, as she chimes, "But Gulf baby, you look so thin. I think you've lost weight and the only way to fix that is to get you to eat again."

Dang it. What am I? Two years old?

I gently push her hands and the spoon away from my mouth again. "Mom! I can eat on my own, and I haven't lost weight. I'm fine."

I don't how she can be so quick, as I continue to swat her away from me and occasionally dodge the spoon. Oh, I need Mild here with me right now. At least, he would stick up for me and it would be two against one.

I glance over to my father and trying begging again with my eyes.

I nearly squeal in delight when I see him roll his eyes and sigh. YES! He is going to help me.

My father clears his throat. "Dear, our son is an adult now. He knows how to feed himself. Plus, I don't see anything wrong with the way he looks. I think that you are just trying to fatten him up before he heads back to the university."

My mother huffs, "I'm not, and I definitely think that he has lost weight. I should have been talking with Mild more often to see what is going on."

I shake my head. She needs to stop treating me like a baby. What is going to happen when I decide to get married? Is she going to stop me? Or better yet, what will she do when I start having sex? There is no way that I'm going to discuss anything like that with her or even let her try to give me advice. No. That topic is completely off limits for her.

My father leans forward and rest his arms on either side of his plate on top of the table. "Dear, you need to stop this right now. If not, I will have to stop you."

Oh, thank you. My father is the best.

My mother makes one last attempt to get the spoonful of food into my mouth, but I manage to once again block her.

Her smile disappears and a small frown appears on her face. She tosses the spoonful of food onto her plate and snorts, "Fine! I'll stop."

I push my chair back from the table. "Well, I need to get back to the university so I can work on my project with my group. If there isn't anything else, I'll go pack my things."

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