Chapter 5

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Gulf POV

Ugh. What time is it?

I slowly open my eyes, but I immediately shut them. Dang it. It is bright in here. I always keep my blinds pulled, so it shouldn't be this bright.

I drape my arm up over my face and I try once more to open my eyes. I still don't understand.

"Gulf. Shit! I forgot to close the curtain." Mild's worried voice suddenly has flashes of images from last night running through my head.

With the sound of footsteps dashing across the room, my mind suddenly remembers that I crashed at Mild's apartment last night. He wouldn't let me go home no matter how much I tried to persuade him. He kept telling me that my mother would kill him if she ever found out that he let me go home alone after a panic attack.

Dang it. I had another panic attack. No wonder my body aches and I don't have any strength to get up. Does that mean that I slept for a really long time? Usually when I have a panic attack, I usually sleep for hours once I finally calm down.

The room darkens as Mild asks, "There. Is that better?"

I groggily reply, "Yeah. Much better." I swallow, but my throat is still dry. I need water.

With my arm still over my face, I ask, "What time is it?"

Footsteps begin to come closer to me. However, Mild's voice comes from across the room. "It is 2 in the afternoon. You slept for a long time again."

I smack my tongue against the roof of my mouth. I need....

Before I can ask, a deep voice chimes, "Here. Sit up and have some water. Mild will warm up your lunch and then you can take your medicine."

Wait. I know that voice.

The couch dips next to me as the person sits down. No. It can't be.

I slowly move my arm so I can peek out from behind my arm. I nearly gasp when my eyes come into focus and Mew's handsome smiling face greets me. Shit. What is he doing here?

Before I can even think of what to say, Mild is standing next to the couch and he pulls my arm from my face. Shoot. I can't seem to take my eyes off of Mew as Mild helps me to sit up.

What is Mew doing here? I know that he is a friend of Mild, but why is he still be here. He didn't stay the night, did he. No. There is no way.

Mild gently takes my hand and puts my medicine in it. He softly demands, "Take your medicine and I'll go get you something to eat."

I'm lost. However, my hand seems to move on its own as it closes around the pills. Instead of looking at my hand, my eyes can't seem to look anywhere else, but at Mew, while one question keeps swirling around in my mind. Why is he here?

Mew smiles and twists the lid off the bottle of water.

I could wake up to this every day. Wait. What am I thinking? I don't know. Ever since I met Mew the other night, I have been doing things that I normally wouldn't do, but why.

With my eyes still staring at Mew, I use my thumb to feel for the two pills in my hand and slowly put them in my mouth.

I don't have to say anything as Mew lifts the water bottle up. My mind finally starts working a little as I slowly take the bottle from him. Shoot, I can drink without anyone's help.

After a few moments, I finally tear my eyes away from him. However, as soon as I look at the bottle and lift it my mouth, I fight the urge to look back at Mew again.

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