Chapter 6

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These last few days have been amazing. Luckily, it didn't take long for Gulf to recover from his panic attack. I still haven't gotten the courage up to ask why he has them. Granted, we have become friends, but I still don't think that I'm that close of a friend to be able to ask about his past and what triggered him to have panic attacks.

But I want to get to that level and even closer.

Granted, I have been with a lot of boys and girls through the years. It is one of the ways that I pass the time when I'm on the road. It gets so lonely and, at sometimes, so boring that I often go look for someone to share a night with me. Hey, I'm not the only one that does it, but I can confess that I do it more than the other group members.

However, I suddenly don't have an interest in it, and it is all due to Gulf. He is so handsome, and if I dare say it, beautiful. He is smart and so much fun to be around. The only draw back is that he is so innocent. I feel like I'm doing something wrong when I flirt with him and make him blush.

Well, I have figured out that he isn't completely innocent, but me compared to him, he is a saint. If I'm being honest, he is a saint that I want to devour and ravage for the rest of my life. I know that I just met him, but I can't help it.

He is so different from everyone else. Shoot. Even my group members like him and now consider him a friend too.

A smile pops onto my face as I glance across the room at Gulf. He doesn't even have to do anything, and I'm grinning.

Mild stomps his foot and whines, "Come on, Gulf. I went with you when you had to go to the mall and pick up some things. Now, it is your turn to return the favor. I have to go buy some new soccer shoes, since my current ones are falling apart."

Gulf rolls his eyes and moves his hand around in front of him towards the rest of us in the room. "Mild. Look at all these people here. You can ask anyone of them to go, and I'm sure that at least one will agree."

Mild pushes his lower lip out and pouts. "No. I want you to go with me. Plus, you owe me."

Gulf shakes his head. "You know that I can't go. Now, you better ask someone else to go or you will have to go by yourself."

I bite my lower lip trying to hold back my laughter.  As I scan the room, it appears that my other group members are doing the same thing.

Oh, I wish Gulf could go on tour with me. I'm sure that there wouldn't be a dull moment when he is there.

Mild gives Gulf a sad puppy dog look, but surprisingly, Gulf doesn't budget. How can Gulf not be fazed by Mild's look? Shoot. I thought everyone folded when Mild gave that face. Well, I usually do.

Gulf continues to shake his head. "Mild. I can't. Did you forget that I have to go with my parents this afternoon?"

Wait. Gulf is going somewhere, and I don't know about it. Where is he going?

Mild sighs. "Dang it. I forgot. When do you have to go?"

Gulf looks down at his watch and hums, "Pretty soon. Sorry, man."

Oh, this is killing me. Where is Gulf going? When is he coming back?

Without realizing what I'm doing, I suddenly blurt out, "Where are you going? How long are you going to be gone?"

Mild whips his head around towards me and hisses, "It doesn't have anything to do with you, so leave it alone."

Gulf lightly taps on Mild's arm. "Hey, you don't need to bite his head off. He didn't mean anything by it."

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