Chapter 3

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Gulf POV

What am I doing here again? I can't believe that I didn't even fight when Mild asked me to come with him again tonight to watch Mew's band again. Well, I guess I'm getting a treat since Mild keeps telling me how much the concert tickets would cost if we were going to one of them instead.

I still don't really understand it myself. I never agree to go out to a bar, and definitely not two nights in a row. I think I've gone completely crazy.

However, I do have to admit that the band is good, but I'm not going to admit that to Mild or to Mew. Neither one of them need to know that.

I glance down at my Sprite and hesitantly ask, "I thought it was only going to be a couple nights that they were going to play. Why are they playing back to back nights?"

I look up at Mild as he shrugs and shakes his head. "I don't know. I didn't think that they were going to play back to back nights too. I think it was a last-minute thing."

Well, that would explain why Mew didn't say anything about it last night, when we talked. I wonder what came up that they agreed to play again tonight. I thought that Mew and his band were on vacation and were supposed to be resting. I don't think their managers would be too happy when they find out that they are playing in a bar, even if it is their friend's bar.

I look around the bar. It seems like there are more people here tonight than compared to last night. Thankfully, the crowd is staying away from our corner table, just like last night. However, I can't help but to wonder why they are keeping away, but also, I couldn't be happier. I don't think that I would have survived last night if the crowd was packed up right next to us. I would have definitely had a panic attack. Let's just hope that tonight is the same and I can stay sitting at the table.

I take a drink of my Sprite.

As we sit waiting for the band to start, Mild chimes, "Gulf, I think it might be best, that tonight, you sit here in the corner. I have a feeling that our little bubble around our table will shrink, and I don't want you having a panic attack."

I look over my shoulder and I suddenly realize that the crowd is already closer to our table than it was earlier. I nod my head and get up from my seat. I slide my Sprite over to the corner seat, and Mild shifts so he is sitting beside me as a buffer from the growing crowd.

A wave of nausea washes over me as a group of people push towards our table.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

Before I can think any more about it, the band walks out from a side door and up onto the stage. I turn my full attention towards them and momentarily forget all about the people that are around me. 


When the band finally takes a break, Mew immediately walks towards us.

I can't seem to take my eyes off of him. My heart begins to speed up, but I don't feel the panic that I normally do when I'm around this many people. No. It isn't panic, but I'm not sure exactly what it is.

My breath suddenly hitches as Mew turns his head towards me and smiles. Oh, how can someone have such an amazing smile?

As he gets close to the table, Mew chimes, "Mild! Gulf! I'm so glad that you made it again tonight."

A huge smile instantly pops onto my face. I can't control myself as I excitedly chirp, "Hey, Mew!"

Wait. What am I doing? Why do I sound so chipper? I mentally shake my head and continue to keep my eyes on Mew.

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