Chapter 8

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A/N:  Just a reminder, that this is a short story and there will only be a few more chapters left before we come to the end of this story.  However, I'm sure that I'll be writing more stories with Mew and Gulf in them.  

Oh, I'm also excited to see that schedule for TharnType Season 2, and I can't wait for the next season.  :)


I knew that we should have postponed the studio time. However, our manager wasn't going to let me do anything to postpone it. Well, usually it is me trying to get back into the studio because I'm bored at home, but this time, everything is different. I met Gulf and I don't want to be away from him.

I still can't believe that I didn't ask him for his number. I guess that I could have asked Mild for it, but I was afraid that Gulf wouldn't answer when I called him.

Oh, I should have asked Gulf for it. Then I wouldn't have had to go the entire weekend without hearing from him. I'm not even going to say anything about not seeing him before I had to leave with the band. I had a deep sadness that I have never experience before.

However, I don't think that I have ever had so much fear wash over me as it did when Mild called that Monday morning. I wanted to be there with Gulf. This is the first time since we formed the band that I didn't want to be with the band. If I could have, I would have left immediately to go back to Gulf. Unfortunately, I couldn't leave.

Luckily, Gulf was able to calm down as soon as Mild handed his phone to Gulf. Even though I was consumed by fear, hearing Gulf's voice slowly began to ease my fear as a warmth began to wash over me.

I wasn't stupid this time. I actually got Gulf's phone number before I was pulled away for work.

Even though I talked with Gulf every chance I got, I still missed him, and I yearned to be next to him. To see his beautiful face and be mesmerized with his gorgeous smile.

There is one other thing that I figured out while I was away from Gulf. Even though I've only known him a short period of time, I have fallen madly in love with him. I couldn't think of anyone else that I want to spend my free time with.

I think my band mates have figured it out too. They haven't asked me, but when I pushed them hard to get the recording done as soon as possible so that we could go back to our hometown, they didn't argue at all. They simply nodded their heads and worked harder.

Instead of taking a week or two, we were able to get all the songs recorded within four days. Granted, we worked until late at night and we went to the studio early in the morning. It made for a long day, but my days didn't feel that long because I would take every chance that I could to call or message Gulf.

That is why we have been able to come back to our hometown on Friday morning. However, I didn't tell Gulf that we were coming back this quick. I want to surprise him. I'm just hoping that Mild can get him to the bar again.

However, I'm not going to let Gulf have a panic attack again. We have worked with our friend who owns the bar to put up a little partition in the corner, so the table has a little extra protection from the crowd. In addition, our friend has agreed to keep the number of customers down and not let everyone in until Gulf has left.

Hopefully, this will keep Gulf from having another panic attack. I still haven't gotten brave enough to ask why he has them, and I'm not going to ask Mild. I want to hear it from Gulf when he is ready to tell me, but I'm not going to force the issue.

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