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The Perfectionists, Alison, and Mona all met in Mona's apartment to discuss recent events.

And by recent events, they meant Dana.

"So now that we know Dana's our A, we have to find out as much about her possible," Mona said.

"You wanna profile her. I did a report on criminal psychology last year and in order to catch a psychopath you wanna identify their personality behavioral traits so you can know what kind of psychopath you're dealing with," Caitlin said.

"Thank you, Spencer."

Alison smiled at the reference to their friend back home.

"I'm Caitlin."

"I know. And we caught a break because it's Staff and Faculty Appreciation Day."

"Yeah, which is all about celebrating and getting to know your fellow staff members," Alison added.

"And you plan to get to know Dana," Caitlin connected.

"Now, Dana has full access to Beacon Guard so keep all confidential conversations out of public restrooms," Mona said.

"They're spying on us in the bathrooms?" Ava asked.

"How do you know that?" Alison followed up.

"When you spend enough time watching people, you know when you're being watched. When they realized I figured it out they brought me in and told me to keep my mouth shut. Until now, that's what I did. Sometimes when no one can hear I'll say something to them in mirrors just to remind them that I know. The cameras are there to protect us, but let's not give Dana anything to use against us."

"She already has something on me. I might've screwed up."

"You definitely screwed up," Caitlin agreed.

"I submitted a cello piece as my own to Professor James and I think Dana knows about it."

"Oh, she knows about it."

"Why did you cheat? That can't keep being the answer for you, Dylan!" Alison said.

"I know it was stupid. But I felt backed into a corner."

"You just handed Dana another huge chunk of leverage!" Mona said.

"I know, but I just-"

"We have a plan, okay? I'm gonna use Caitlin's new friend Jeremy's computer because it won't be traceable back to BHU. So I'll hack into the portal and delete the file before Professor James can see it," Ava interrupted.

"You can do that?" Mona asked.

"Of course."

"Nice. Well, you take care of that and I will find out as much about Dana as humanely possible."

"It's not all bad news. We have another player on our side. Taylor," Alison said.

"So now you think we can trust her?" Ava asked.

Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists Season 1Where stories live. Discover now