CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Hook, Line, and Booker

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The faculty of BHU clapped as Claire began speaking.

"Celebrating our faculty and staff here at BHU is an annual tradition. But, recent events have forced me to take a hard look at our mission statement. We've always strived for perfection here at BHU and I'm responsible for that. But with responsibility comes repercussions. In light of understanding how our culture here at BHU breeds competition and pressure, I've decided it's time for a change. Success at BHU will no longer be strictly about academic performance. We will move forward with a more balanced approach and curriculum. Thank you," Claire said.

The teachers clapped, and Claire began to talk to some of them.

Taylor went to Alison.

"Did you know about this? It's kind of huge," Alison said.

"First time I'm hearing Claire 2.0," Taylor replied.

"You okay?"

"What does 'okay' even mean anymore?"


When Caitlin walked in, she was surprised to see Jeremy sitting on the couch in the living room on his laptop.

"Oh, hey. I didn't know you'd be here," Caitlin said, noticing that the moment she spoke he quickly shut his laptop.

"Have you been messing with my computer?" Jeremy asked.


Jeremy began packing his things.

"Where are you going? It's late."


"Do you want me to drive you? We could stop for dinner on the way."

"No, I've really gotta go."

Jeremy began leaving, but then stopped for a moment.

"Cait. I love you," he said.

"I love you, too," she replied, confused.

What the hell was he doing?


Taylor was watching Alison talk to Gabriel Evaristo, the professor of language studies who was on loan from the University of Buenos Aires.

Mona had been watching Taylor, and came up behind her.

"What are you looking at?" Mona asked.

"Am I gonna have to put a bell around your neck?" Taylor replied.

"That's almost funny. Thank you for your phone, but I'm gonna need to keep it for a while."

"Fine, but hurry up. Dana is a distraction. I need to find out who killed my brother."

Claire grabbed her drink and walked over to her mother, who had been talking to a reporter.

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