CHAPTER TWENTY: Enter the Professor

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Ava walked into her room with the package after getting it from her mailbox.

She walked into the area where she designed things, and saw her dad sitting at her desk, looking through them.

She was pissed, because he was a liar.

"Hey! There's my little girl," he said.

"Don't say that. I'm not your little girl. I have been on my own for over a year now," Ava replied.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"What happened is I found out that my dad is only a thief, but a liar. You were just using me to get to the rest of the money you stole, weren't you?"

Michael didn't answer, not expecting things to go down this way.

Ava slammed the manila envelope onto the desk.

"You needed the bank account numbers. Sealed for legal reasons?"

Michael picked up the envelope, opened it, and found nothing inside.

"You didn't raise me to be an idiot."

"What'd you do with the notebook?"

"It's not here."

"Did you give it to Booker?"

"Why would I do that?"

"I see how this is working. You plan on keeping the money."

"You've taken plenty for you and mom to live a comfortable life on the run."

"Ava, we're not on the run, okay? We changed our names. We live in a small town. It's charming. I think you'd like it there."

"My life is here now. With friends who have become like my family. But unlike my family, they won't abandon and leave me to clean up their mess. And I can actually trust them."

"That's a lot of money, Ava. Too much for you to handle. You'll get caught."

"No, I won't. Because I learned how to get away with other people's money from you."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I turned you into me."

"I am nothing like you."

Michael tried to hug his daughter, but she put her arms up.

"Don't. Don't," Ava said.

"I am sorry," Michael apologized.

"That makes two of us."

Michael left without another word, as Ava sat down and began to cry.


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