The Phone Call

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I heard some voices talking but I ignored them, my biggest mistake I ever made. The voices kept talking but still I ignored them. After a few minutes I felt someone picking me up but I pretended to be asleep. Oh boy I felt sorry for myself afterwards. I heard a door open and before I knew it, my body hit ice cold water. "Ahhhhhh that's cold!!" I screamed and jumped out of the bathtub. I looked around and saw Liam lying on the ground laughing, Sarah with her phone in her hand and Niall behind her laughing hard. "WTF Liam that's not funny." I screamed at him. But then I got an idea. I got a bucket, don't ask me what it was doing in the bathroom, and filled it with the water. I threw the bucket over Liams body. He jumped up and screamed like a girl. "That's fricking cold!!" He screamed. "No really I didn't know." I said sarcastic. He looked angry at me. "It's your own fault Liam, you shouldn't have thrown me in the water and laugh at me."I said and started laughing. "Hmm it was your own fault too you didn't wake up." Liam said laughing again. "Now go away, I'm taking a shower, a warm one!" I said pushing them out of my bathroom. After I had showered I put on some clothes and looked in the mirror realising I had no make up on and you could see the scar Adam left. I shrugged my shoulders and walked out of my room.

 I shrugged my shoulders and walked out of my room

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"Hey Y/N your finally ready." Niall said standing up and giving me a hug. "Wow what's that on your face?" Niall asked me as he took a step backwards. "That's a scar." I said because I didn't want to tell what happend back in London. "Yeah I can see that but how did you get it?" He asked me. I got really nervous and looked at the ground. "Niall stop, can't you see she doesn't want to talk about it." Liam said standing up and pulling Niall back. He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "You're in dept with me." He said. I nodded. Sarahs phone buzzed and she walked away. After a few minutes staring at the ground I felt my phone buzzing too and walked away. "Hey this is Y/N, Who am I talking to?" I said. "Hello Y/N we saw your application and wanted to say you got the job. If you could come over today so we can talk everything thru then you can start next week if you want." The man on the other line said. "Really omg ofcourse I can come over. At what time do you wanna see me?" I asked. "You can come over at 2pm if you want. You can ask for Richard." Richard said. "Okay I will see you later then. Bye." I said and hung up. I ran into the livingroom. "Omg I got the job!" I screamed and Sarah hugged me. "Really me too!" She said. "I have to be there at 2pm. And you?"I asked her. "I have to be there at 1pm." She said. "Girls then we have to go because it is 11am and it is an one and a half hour drive." Niall said and he got up. "Btw sorry Y/N I didn't mean to make you nervous by asking about your scar. If your ready to talk about it I'm here for you." Niall said and walked through the door. I followed him to the car. "Niall wait. I didn't want Liam to get angry at you but it is a little bit hard to talk about because it happend 4 days ago. I want to tell you but I'm scared to talk about it." I said getting tears in my eyes. "Hey please don't cry. I was shocked at Liams reaction. I notice that Liam has changed since you came here but not in a wrong way, he is really protective over you but I don't know why. I asked him but he told me that he doesn't know why he feels this way but he said like he already knew you." Niall said rubbing my arms. I flinched in pain. He pulled his hands away and looked shocked. "Sorry Niall I didn't mean to scare you but I have scars there too and they still hurt a little. But I have this feeling too that I know Liam but I don't know why. Btw I really wanna talk to you bu-." I said but stopped when my phone starting buzzing. I picked up. "Hey this is Y/N. Who am I speaking to?" I asked. "Hey Babe do you know I miss you?" Adam said. I stood there in shock and couldn't speak so Adam kept talking. "And do you know that I'm on my way to bring you back to London. Ofcourse you don't but now you do. I really miss you and your body, I love you." He said chuckling. "What do you want from me Adam?" I said getting angry. "I want you, that's what I want and I'm gonna get you because I know were your staying and I can find you everywhere." Adam said again chuckling. "You won't find me I won't let you get me. Forget it." I said and hung up. I felt the tears fall down my cheeks I started wiping them away and looked up to see Niall standing infront of me. "Y/N are you okay who was that on the phone?" He asked me worried. "It was my ex boyfriend, he hurt me really bad the scars I have come from him he made them. And he is now on his to get me back. I'm scared Niall really scared." I said and started to cry harder. Niall pulled me in a hug and started rubbing my back. I hugged him back and kept crying but after a few minutes I stopped. "Are you alright? I promise that I will protect you and Liam will too and Sarah ofcourse we will find a way to keep him away from you. Okay?" Niall said. I nodded. "But I don't want to hide from him or run from him. I already ran away to this place I'm originaly from London but no now I'm in Florida because I ran away from my ex who wants me for my body, what I don't understand I'm not that pretty. He hurt me so bad I don't trust anyone anymore, yeah I trust you and Liam and I think if I will ever meet Zayn, Harry or Louis that I will trust them too but other people need to gain my trust." I said getting frustrated. "First thing you don't have to hide from him he won't hurt you if we are with you, second you don't have to run anymore we will stay with you the most of the time. And the last thing you are pretty even if you don't see it yourself and don't say 'these scars make me ugly' because that's not they make you strong, they let others see that you are strong because you've fought for your life." Niall said to me and I smiled at him as a thank you. "Are you done talking because the others are coming and I think you don't want Liam to hear this yet." Niall said. "I'm done." I said still smiling. We got in the car Niall was driving and Liam was in the passenger seat and Sarah and I in the back. "Hey are you okay? I can see you've been crying." Sarah said. "Yeah I'm okay now, I will tell you later." I said and looked her in the eyes. We all sat in silence after that. "Hey we're here." Niall said and parked the car. "I will go with you Sarah and Liam stays here with Y/N and will go with her if it is her turn. Is that okay with you?" Niall said. "Yup." We all said. Niall and Sarah got out of the car and Liam too so he could sit next to me. "Hey are you alright? I could see you've been crying. And maybe this is gonna sound weird but when you were talking to Niall I could feel your feelings, you were scared and sad. I don't know why I could feel that but I'm worried about you." Liam said and I could hear the worry in his voice and I could see the worry on his face. "If I'm honest I'm scared and sad. And I can feel your worry towards me too, I don't know why but it is weird." I said looking in his eyes. "I can feel that your getting nervous too."Liam said laughing a little. "Haha do you find it crazy I have a job interview in an hour ofcourse I'm getting nervous." I said laughing too. "Can I ask you what you've been talking about with Niall?" Liam asked me. "Uhm sure. We were just messing around first but then I got a call, I picked up and heard the voice of my ex. He is the one who gave me these scars. He said that he would find me and get me back. That's why I'm scared, but I just don't know how he could find me. He knows I'm in Florida but how I don't know. And I'm sad because he hurt me so bad and I don't wanna run or hide from him anymore." I said and started crying again. Liam pulled me on his lap and hugged me. "Ssh it is going to be okay."He whispered in my ear and rubbed my back. He kept repeating those words until I stopped crying. "Me and Niall will keep you save. He won't touch you again. I promise I will do my best to stop him. And Sarah will help too ofcourse, she went with you so she won't leave you now." He said. "Btw I think how he knows were you are. I think he could find it with your phone, so you need a new one. We will get one after the job interview." He said. My eyes grew big, how could I be so stupid to not buy a new phone. "Shit I didn't think of buying a new phone." I said getting upset. We got out the car and made our way to the reception. "Good afternoon, how can I help you?" The receptionist asked me. "Hello I have a job interview with Richard." I said. "Oh ofcourse. Do you see that red door at the end of the hall? You can wait there he will call you in." She said while she pointed to the red door. "Thank you."I said and walked away. When we reached the door we saw Niall sitting outside. "Hello Niall." I said and waved at him. "Hey good luck." He said and stood up. Sarah walked out the door and followed Niall. When she saw me she put her thumbs up. "Good luck. I got the job." She said and walked away. I took my necklace and put a kiss on it for good luck. I saw Liam looking at it with a confused look. "What's wrong Liam?" I asked him. He looked me in the eyes still confused. "No wonder I can feel your feelings and you mine. The necklace you have is the same as my mum, she told me that I have a twin sister who got kidnapped but still had the necklace. And we have the same eyes too. I think your my lost twin sister, Y/N." He said still confused. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it immediately because I didn't know what to say. I kept staring at him and kept thinking about what he just said. "What? Your my twin brother, I knew I had one but didn't thought about who it could be let stand that he would be a famous person." I said in disbelieve. "You believe me?" Liam asked me. "Yeah ofcourse but my mom is still alive then. Wow." I said. "Yeah weird huh. I will call her so she can meet you. I hope you want to meet her. I can't beli-" He said but got cut off. "Hello Y/N come in. Your friend need to wait outside if you don't mind." Richard said. "No ofcourse not. See you later Liam." I said and waved goodbye. I walked in the room and sat down. "Well you already got the job and the only thing you have to do now is signing the papers and choose 2 princesses you want to be." He said and pushed the papers to me. "Okay." I signed the papers and looked at Richard. "Which princesses can I choose?" I asked him. "Well Belle, Rapunzel, Wendy and Cinderella are free." He said and smiled. "Uhm I want Wendy and Rapunzel." I said. "Good choice, Wendy is a really good choice because you have a Britisch accent and Rapunzel is a good character for you I can see." He said and smiled. "Well you can come back tomorrow so you can learn the park a little and try the costumes." He said and stood up. I stood up too and walked to the door. "Okay it was nice meeting you, but I want to tell you that I will have a other phone number tomorrow so I will give it to you tomorrow. "I said and  shook his hand. "I will see you tomorrow then." He said and opened the door. I walked out and got a hug from Liam immediately. "Wow did you miss me that much. Brother." I said teasing him. "Haha really funny, sissy." He said teasing me back. We laughed for awhile and walked to the car. "So which princess did you choose?" He asked me. "I chose Wendy from Peter Pan and Rapunzel." I said happy. "Really nice. I called mom btw and she is booking a plane ticket to come visit us, she will call me when she is coming." Liam said. "Really I can't wait to finally meet her." I said. "I thought you would be nervous." He said confused. "I am but still I'm excited." I said smiling. We reached the car and went inside. "Hey how did it go?" Niall and Sarah said at the same time. "It went great. I chose Wendy and Rapunzel."I said smiling. "Nice. I heard from Liam you need a new phone because of Adam, I already told Sarah everything if you don't mind." Niall said nervously rubbing his neck. "Ofcourse I don't care." I said. "Wow your in a really good mood. What happend?" Sarah said. "Liam you can do the talk if you want." I said. "Sure. Well long story short. Y/N is my twin sister. We just found out." Liam said happy. "What?!" They both screamed. "Yup."Liam and I both said. "Let me test it." Niall said. He pocked Liam on his cheek, Liam and I both flinched in pain. "Hey that hurts!" We both yelled at Niall. He pocked me on my cheek too and Liam and I both flinched in pain again. "Niall stop it!" We both yelled. "O shit." He said. "Your really twins. Can you read eachothers minds too?" He said. Liam and I looked at eachother. "Nope we can't." We said at the same time and started laughing. "What this is really weird. First you 2 didn't do this and now you do. Liam you didn't feel any pain 4 days ago like you got cut but now you 2 feel eachothers pain. You just found out that you guys are twins and now you act like this. That is really weird. You guys are weird!" Niall said. "Haha we know that it is weird. It is weird for us too." I said laughing. Niall shook his head and started the car. After a few minutes we arrived at the mall. We went into a shop and bought me a new phone. They put all my apps in the new phone and all my data and gave me my new number. After that we went to the hotel. Sarah and I opened our door and I saw that something wasn't right. "Close the door." I said. "Why?" Sarah asked. "Something isn't right. We didn't leave it like this." I whispered. She closed the door and we walked to the boys door we knocked on they're door. "I see that I was right were you are." I heard a voice say behind me. "No not you!" I screamed and turned around. And I saw.....

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