The Concert

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Today is the day that Louis and I are going back to Florida. Louis and I were checking our suitcases, if we had everything. After we checked our suitcases, we went downstairs. Our plane was leaving in 2 hours so we had some time to say goodbye to everyone. First I gave Daisy a hug and talked with her. "Why do you and Louis need to leave. I will miss you. And btw you didn't even go to the fair with me." She said and hugged me again. "Daisy listen to me. Louis has a concert in Florida and I need to go back to work, that's why we need to go back home. But I will promise you something. If you ever come to Florida, we will go to the fair or go do something fun. Or if me and Louis will come back then we will go to the fair. I promise." I said, Daisy nodded and after a few seconds she started to cry. "I will miss you, Y/N." She said and hugged me again. "Daisy please stop crying, your making me cry too." I said and tried to hold back the tears, but I failed. "I promise you that we can call almost every day. Just call Louis and if he is with me, I will come in the call too. I promise." I said crying. "Love it's time to go." Louis said and helped me up. "What but I need to say goodbye to the others."I said still crying. Daisy was holding on my clothes as Louis led me through the door. "Y/N please don't go." She said crying. Lottie came running after us and got Daisy, she gave me a quick hug and ran back inside. I could hear Daisy still crying and it broke my heart. Louis was putting our bags in the car and I ran to him giving him a hug. "I can't leave her like this, Lou. It hurts seeing her cry, because we're leaving." I said sobbing in his shoulder. "I understand, Love. But it will be alright. She is always like this. We will call her when we're home. She will be really happy then." He said rubbing my back. "We really need to go now, love. Otherwise we will miss our plane." He said, breaking the hug. "I don't really care if we miss the flight. But yeah let's go." I said and got in the car.


When we arrived at our house it was already midnight. I told the rest to go to bed and they did. Louis and I got inside and went upstairs immediately. Louis put our suitcases in the closet. I got my pajamas and put them on. "Shall we unpack our bags tomorrow? I'm too tired to unpack them now." I said and yawned. "Yeah that's a good idea. I'm too tired to do anything too." Louis said and got in bed. I followed him a few seconds later. We both fell asleep immediatly.

The next moring I woke up with Louis arms wrapped around my body, I could feel dried tears on my cheeks and rememberd that I cried in my sleep because I felt bad for leaving Daisy. I turned my head to look at the time and saw that it was 9am. I turned my face back to Louis and looked at his beautifull face. "You do know that it is rude to stare at someone when they're sleeping?" Louis said and opened his eyes. "I'm sorry if I woke you up. But I don't care if it is rude." I said and smiled. "Did you have a bad dream last night? You were crying but you didn't wake up, how hard I tried." He said and looked worried. "It was not a bad dream but I felt really bad for leaving Daisy. I dreamed about our goodbye's and it hurted. That's why I cried." I said and felt the tears sting in my eyes again. "You really feel bad about leaving her. You love her don't you?" He said and looked in my eyes, hugging me tightly. "Yeah I really love her. How can't someone love her?" I said and smiled. "Your right. Everyone who meets her for the first time, falls in love with her immediately. She has that effect on people." He said and laughed. "Can we stay here in bed for the rest of the day?" I asked him. "I would love to but tonight is my concert. I need to leave in the midday to do sound check. But we can stay in bed for awhile." He said, I pouted. "Deal then. I need to get ready too, I need my time for that." I said and laughed. I tried to move a little but Louis grip tightend. "Lou let me go. I wanna lie on top of you or between your legs that's more comfortable." I pouted. Louis let me go immediately and I lied my head on his chest and lied between his legs. "Are you happy now?" He asked me, I looked up and tried to kiss his cheek but was struggling. "What are you trying to do?" He giggled. "I'm trying to kiss you as a 'thank you'." I said and tried again. Louis lifted me up a little so I could reach his lips. I kissed his soft lips and lied my hand on his cheek. "I love you." I said and looked in his eyes. "What?" He asked shocked. "I love you." I repeated. "I love you too." He said and a smile grew on his face. Around 11 am Liam knocked on our door and walked in the room. "Hi sissy. How was England?" Liam asked me. "Nice. It was hard to leave Daisy, she was really sad, but I promised her some things and I will keep my promises." I said and smiled. "Your in a realy good mood. What happened?" He asked curious. "Nothing." I said too fast. "I know you better than that. Tell me." He said. "Nope. I wanna tell Sarah first." I said and smirked. Liam signed. "SARAH!" He screamed. Louis and looked at eachother in shock. "Liam what the heck are you doing?" I asked him a little angry. "I want to know now, so you can tell Sarah and then me." He said, smirking. "Your mean." I said still angry. "What is it Liam!?" Sarah screamed when she ran in the room. "Y/N won't tell me something. She wants to tell you first. And I want to know now." He said. "Is that the reason you called my name? I'm leaving then. If she wants to tell me first she can do it now or later. It is her decision." Sarah said and winked at me. I mouted 'thanks girl' to her. When Sarah left, Liam turned back to me. "Your not pregnant or something, right?" He asked nervous. "WHAT!? NO!" I screamed, shocked. "Why would you think that?" I asked. "I don't know. I was scared for a second." He said rubbing his neck. "I'm sorry for asking that." He said, ashamed. "It doesn't matter Liam. But for your information, I'm still a virgin." I said. "What? Oh." He said, ashamed. I started laughing, Louis and Liam looked confused at me. "What's wrong with you?" Liam asked. "Nothing, it is just funny to see you get nervous because of my answer." I said still laughing. "Okay??? I'm leaving." Liam said and left the room. "Why did you say that?" Louis asked me. "Because Liam would have said that I need to be carefull. And I didn't need to hear that. So I made him shut his mouth." I said still laughing. "Well it worked but you could've said something else." He said. "Like what?" I asked. "Uhmm I don't know." He said shrugging his shoulders. I just laughed at him. "Love I have to leave in a hour. Can you please let me go so I can shower." Louis said and looked at me. "I need to shower too, so..." I said. "So...what?" He asked me. "We can shower together." I said but I started to laugh immediatly because of the look Louis gave me. "What??" He asked shocked. "I'm just joking. Go take a shower." I said and let go of him. "Hmm sometimes your really irritating." He said as he got up to get clothes. "I learned it from a really nice, goodlooking young man." I said and smirked when he turned around. "Who are you talking about?" He asked jokingly. "Hmm I'm talking about...Niall." I said and laughed at his reaction. "I'm joking. Ofcourse I'm talking about you, Lou." I said, while I got up and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you." I said and pecked his lips. "Your in a pranking mood. It's funny." He said and tried to kiss me. "No kisses until you showered." I said and jumped back on the bed. "Okay Love." He said, rolling his eyes and went in the bathroom. "Don't you dare to roll your eyes at me, Tomlinson!" I screamed after him, giggling. I heard Louis laughing in the bathroom. I was scrolling on my phone for a few minutes until Louis came back in the room and lied on top of me. "Lou, are you trying to kill me?" I said, pushing him of me. "Hé I'm not that heavy." He whined. "For me you are. I'm just small." I said and giggled. I got on top of Louis and put my legs around his waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked in his eyes. We looked in eachother eyes for a few seconds, then I leaned in and we started kissing. I ran my fingers through his hair and messed it up. After a few minutes we stopped kissing to catch out breath. I leaned my forhead against his and we looked in eachother eyes. "God, do you even know how much I love you." He said and gave a little kiss on the tip of my nose. I giggled. "I don't know. But I love you too." I said. Someone knocked on our door and opened it. "Louis you need to go to sound check.....I'm really sorry that I interrupted your make out sesion." Niall said and laughed at the end. "Niall! We weren't making out." I said and turned my head to him, blushing. "I don't believe you. Your blushing." He said laughing. "Btw Louis, I would change your hair." He said laughing. Louis got up holding me in his arms and walked in the bathroom. "Omg, love. You really messed up my hair! Help me to fix it, please?" He said and gave me puppy eyes. I laughed at him. I reached my hands out and fixed his hair. "Look in the mirror. Is it good enough?" I said after I did his hair. "Better then before." He said and kissed the tip of my nose. I giggled again. "Now go before your too late." I said and jumped out his arms. I gave him a quick kiss before he left. Niall was still in the room, so I asked him something. "Niall can you please get Sarah for me? I wanna talk to her." I asked. "Sure. But answer my question first. Why are you so happy this morning?" He said. "Uhmm. I told Louis that I love him and he said it back. It was the first time we used those words. That's why I'm so happy." I said and smiled. "Aww that's cute. Is that what your gonna tell Sarah?" He said. "Yeah." I said. "Okay I will get her." He said and left the room. "So...You and Louis said the 'I love you' for the first time. I'm happy for you sissy." Liam said when he walked in the room. "I'm really happy that he said it back and he ment it. Btw that's what I wanted to tell Sarah before I told you, but now you know." I said and smiled. "So there is nothing I need to be scared for?" He asked. "Nope. Not yet." I said. "Not yet? That doesn't sound good." He said and laughed. "I'm here girl. What do you wanna tell me? Oh hi Liam." Sarah said when she walked in the room. "I will just leave." Liam said and left the room. "First I need your help for a nice outfit for a concert." I said. "Okay. You go in the shower I will get a few outfits and you can choose one. And then your gonna tell me what you wanted to tell." She said and got in my closet. After I showered I did my hair and put on some mascara and lipgloss. I walked back in the room with a towel wrapped around my body and saw 3 outfits lying on my bed and Sarah sitting on the ground. "Why are you sitting on the ground?" I asked confused. "Because the ground is really comfortable." Sarah said and looked up. "Go try out your outfits." She said. I put the outfits on one by one.

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