Visiting Louis Family

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Today is the day, Louis and I are going to England. To be honest, I'm nervous. I got up from my bed and jumped in the shower. After I showered I put on comfortable clothes and did my hair in a messy bun.

 After I showered I put on comfortable clothes and did my hair in a messy bun

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I walked back in the room and woke Louis up. He got up and went in the shower. I looked at the time and saw that it was 6am, we had to leave really soon. "Lou hurry up we have to leave in 30 minutes!" I screamed at the door. I heard him turn off the shower and some mumbling. I walked downstairs and got a muesli bar. After a few minutes Louis came walking in the kitchen with Liam behind him. "Morning sis. When are we leaving?" He said and yawned. "Why are you up? You didn't need to bring us." I said. "I want to bring you and then I can take the car back home." Liam said and shrugged his shoulders. "Okay well we have to leave now." I said and got up. Louis and Liam followed me. After a hour drive we arrived at the airport. Louis and I checked ourselfs in and got on the plane.


When we arrived, Louis and I were exhausted. We held a cap and Louis gave the adress of a hotel. "Why a hotel?" I asked him. "So we can rest for a bit and change our outfits. We will go to my family tomorrow." He said. "Oh okay, did you do that for me or not?" I asked him. "I did it for you. I know that your nervous and we're both exhausted so sleeping will do us good. I think that I can't hendle my little sisters right now so that's a reason too." He said chuckling a little. We arrived at the hotel, Louis and I checked in and went to our room. "I didn't look for a luxury room because we will only stay for one night." Louis said. "I don't care, if there is a bed I'm happy." I said and opened the door. "Wow it's nice." I said and looked around. "Yeah your right. Hmm maybe I have to book hotels without looking." He said jokingly. "Haha yeah maybe you should." I said and walked in the bedroom. I dropped my suitcase and took my pajamas out and put them on. "I'm going to bed. I'm too tired to do anthing." I said and let myself fall on the bed. "Same." Louis said and took his clothes off. He lied down beside me and we fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and saw Louis was already gone. I got up and went in the shower, after I showered I put on some clothes. 

I walked in the kitchen and saw Louis sitting on the couch

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I walked in the kitchen and saw Louis sitting on the couch. "Goodmorning, love. I just wanted to go wake you up. Btw you look really good." Louis said and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Well you don't have to anymore. And thanks." I said and kissed his cheek. "Only my cheek?" He said jokingly. "Well if you didn't ask, I would have kissed you but now I'm not." I said and teased him. He gasped and we started laughing. "Are you ready to meet my family today?" He asked me after a few minutes. "Uhm yeah I'm excited to meet them but I'm also nervous." I said honest. "You don't have to be nervous, love. They will love you. Like I already said they want to meet you. My mom keeps asking me, she even called me this morning and I had to pretend that she woke me up." He said shrugging his shoulders. "She called you this morning?" I asked him. He just nodded. "Shall we go to Starbucks and eat something? And then check out of the hotel and then go to your family?" I asked him. "Yeah good idea." He said and got up. We left the hotel and walked to the park. We walked for awhile in the park and then found the Starbucks. We ate something and walked back to the hotel. We got our suitcase and checked out. Louis held a cab and gave the driver the adress. "Wait aren't you Louis Tomlinson?" The driver asked. "Yeah I'm Louis Tomlinson." Louis said and he smiled. "Omg my daughter is a huge fan of you." The driver said. "Here you have my signature for her." Louis said and gave his signature. "Really? Thanks. We're almost here." The driver said. I gasped when we arrived at the house. "You live here?" I asked and looked at Louis shocked. "Yeah love, I lived here." Louis said laughing at my reaction. "Lived?" I asked. "Yeah I still live here kind of but I moved in with you, Liam, Niall and Sarah. Do you remember?" He said still laughing. "Yeah I remember but still I was shocked." I said and shrugged my shoulders. "Come we're going to surprise my family." Louis said and took my hand in his. He led me to the front door and he knocked on the door. "I'm coming." I heard a woman scream. After a few seconds the door opened and the woman started screaming. "LOUIS!" She screamed. I jumped backwards because of her reaction. "Hi mom." Louis said and gave her a hug. "What a nice surprise." She said and she was crying. "Come inside." She said and dragged Louis with her. Louis reached his hand out to me and dragged me with him. "Oh who is this young lady?" His mom asked. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." I said and took a step forward to shake her hand. But I didn't expect her to push my hand away and to hug me instead. "It's really nice to meet you too. I'm happy that Louis found you, he is happier with you." She whispered in my ear, a smile grew on my face. "Come with me so you can meet the rest of the family." She said and dragged me with her. Louis walked after us and when we reached the room everyone looked up. "Louis!" 2 little girls screamed and ran to him. Louis got down on his knees before they reached him. The girls tackled him in a hug and they fell on the ground. "Hey Daisy and Phoebe. Where are Lottie and Félicité?" He said hugging them back and then looking up to his mom. "Uhm I think in they're rooms." She said. Mark, Louis step-father got up and hugged me. "It's nice to finally meet the girl who makes my son happy." He said and let me go. "Thanks sir it's nice to meet you all." I said and looked at Mark and Johannah. "You can call us Mark and Johannah." Mark said and he gave me a smile. Louis got up with Daisy and Phoebe in his arms and turned to me. "See it isn't that bad to meet my family. You worried about nothing." He said and kissed my cheek. When he wanted to take a step back he got pulled back to me because Daisy or Phoebe was holding my jacket. "Your really pretty." Daisy or Phoebe said. "Aww thank you." I said and got her in my arms. "I'm Daisy. I could tell you didn't know if I was Daisy or Phoebe." Daisy whispered in my ear and giggled. "Thanks for helping me out." I whispered in her ear. "What are you girls laughing at?" Louis asked. "Nothing." I said and smirked at him. Louis narrowed his eyes at me. "Why is it that I don't believe you, love." He said and walked over to me and Daisy. "I don't know." I said. "Run. He is going to tickle us if you don't run." Daisy whispered in my ear. I turned around and ran up the stairs. "I'm going to get you. You can't hide forever."Louis screamed after us. Daisy was giggling the whole time. "Go in that room."She said and pointed to a room. I ran inside and saw a girl around my age lying on her bed. "Who are you?" She asked me when she jumped up. "I'm sorry. My name is Y/N. You must be Lottie, I think." I said and smiled at her. "Nice to meet you, yeah I'm Lottie. Is Louis after you?" She said and locked the door. "Yep." Daisy and I said at the same time. "Lottie open the door." Louis screamed on the other side. "Just locked it in time." Lottie said and laughed at me. "Wait are you the girl Louis talks about the whole time. The one he met at Disneyworld in Florida, but already knew because of Niall and Liam. Your Liams twin sister." She said. "Yep that's me." I said laughing. "Come sit next to me. I like to get to know you." Lottie said and took my hand. I sat down next to her. "What do you wanna know?" I asked her. "Everything!"She said excited. "Uhm I'm 21 years old. I love my job at Disneyworld because I like to work with children. I love music. I like to write my own songs but also to sing. Drawing is one of my other hobby's. Uhm what's more to tell? Oh I like to prank others together with Liam but also Lou and Sarah, she is one of my bestfriends btw. That's it I think." I said and Lottie and I started laughing. "Well I already love you. But you write your own songs? Do you sing them too?" Lottie asked me. "Uhm yes I write my own songs but I don't really sing them just one. It's a song Lou has on his album, it's called Walls. I wrote that song and placed it on my fan account and he used it for his album. But he doesn't know and I'm not sure if I want him to know that. It's kinda personal." I said and shrugged my shoulders. "Really I loved that song the most. Your a really talented songwriter then."Lottie said. "Thank you." I said and blushed a little. "You did what?!" I heard Louis scream on the otherside. "I thought he already left." I said panicking. "Lottie open the door! I wanna talk to Y/N." He said. "No!" Lottie screamed back. "It's okay. I will just go talk to him." I said and got up. I opened the door and Louis fell backwards on the ground. "What are you doing?" I asked him and started laughing. "I was waiting for you to come outside, so I sat down against the door. But now I think that it wasn't a really good idea." He said looking up. We all started laughing. "We're going to my room." Louis said and got up. "Nope we're not." I said crossing my arms. "Just come. Please?" He pouted. "Nope." I said. "Then the hard way." He said. Before I could say anything, Louis threw me over his shoulder. "Louis put me down!" I screamed and slammed his back. "Nope if you just listened to me,then you wouldn't be in this position." He said laughing and I could heard Lottie and Daisy laughing too. I could heard Louis opening a door and closing it. Before I knew it I was thrown on a bed. Immediately I sat up straight and looked angry at Louis. "What? Do you think that your scaring me, with that look?" Louis said trying to hold his laugh. "You should be."I said and stook my tongue out. "But your punishment is scarier. You won't get kisses for the rest of the week." I said and smirked. "What?! No! Love please I was just joking. I'm actually scared of you." He said and got on his knees begging. "Hmm maybe if you try more your best, I will forgive you." I said teasing him. "What do I need to do? I will do everything." He said. "Really everything?" I asked him. "Yeah everything." He said nodding. "Don't start to ask me about that song." I said and smirked. "But th-"He started saying but I cut him off. "Do you want kisses or not? If you start asking about it you won't get kisses for a week." I said crossing my arms. "Okay! But this is not fair." He said. "I know but I'm not fair. I just don't want to talk about it, not yet. Maybe sometime but I don't think so. It's really personal for me." I said and felt the tears sting in my eyes. Gladly Louis didn't see them. "Okay I understand but that doesn't mean that I'm not curious." He said. "I know but I just can't talk about it. I don't know why I can't." I said and looked at the ground. "We will stop talking about this. But I have one question. Did Sarah mean this when she said that you had a secret about me?" He asked carefully. "Yeah this is what Sarah meant." I said and looked at him. "So no other secrets?"He asked. "Nope." I said and smiled. "Good. Shall we go to Fizzy? You already met Lottie." He said and got up pulling me with him. "Sure." I said and followed him. Louis knocked on the door of Fizzy, after a few seconds she opened the door. "Louis! I didn't knew you were coming home!" She screamed and hugged him. "And it's nice to finally meet Louis not-yet-girlfriend."She said and gave me a hug. "Not-yet-girlfriend? Really Fizzy?" Louis asked her. "What? It is the truth." She said shrugging her shoulders, laughing. Louis shook his head and turned to me. "Can you believe this girl?" He asked me, I just shook my head, laughing. "I already live with 3 crazy girls and know there are 5. Holy shit."Louis said looking shocked. "How dare you to call me crazy? When your the crazy one here. You chased me and Daisy upstairs, to tickle us. And then you call me crazy." I said in disbelief. "I already love her." Fizzy said. "Haha I love you too." I said and highfived her. "I'm leaving." Louis said and walked away. "Well I have to go before he does something stupid." I said and followed Louis. Louis was already in his room so I knocked on his door and walked in the room. "Your mad at me." I said and looked at the ground. "No I'm not. I just don't know how to handle you, sometimes. You act like a child sometimes."He said and grinned at me. "Your mean." I said pointing at him. "And btw you act like a child all the time." I said and smaked his arm. "Yeah otherwise I would be boring." He said and laughed. "Your probably right." I said and laughed too. "Come sit on my lap. Please?" He asked me with his puppy eyes. "You could've asked me in a normal way Lou." I said laughing. I walked over to him and sat on his lap. "Are you happy now?" I asked him. "Almost. If you would kiss me I would be the happiest man on earth." He said and smirked. "Are you serious right now? You didn't need to ask." I said and pecked his lips. "That's not a kiss." He pouted. "Maybe you will get one later." I said smirking. "Your mean." He said fake crying. "Oh no is my Boobear crying? How can I make you smile?" I asked him jokingly. "You can't. Because you made me more sad because you said Boobear and not Lou." He said still fake crying. "I'm sorry Lou. How can I fix it?" I said still joking. "You can fix it by kissing me." He with a little smirk. "I'm mean? Look at yourself, your blackmailing me." I said. I looked a few seconds in Louis eyes and then kissed him. We were just kissing when someone ran in our room. "Louis! Y/N! Come play with us outs-"Daisy screamed but stopped when she saw what we were doing. "Omg! Mom! Louis and Y/N are kissing, maybe even having se-" She started screaming. But I stopped her by jumping off Louis and covering her mouth. "Shh. Not everyone needs to know." I said laughing. Louis was laughing so hard that he fell on the ground. "What's so funny?" Daisy asked me. "Your reaction. You didn't need to scream that hard because your brother and I were just kissing, nothing more. So keep your mouth shut."I said still laughing a little. "I will keep my mouth shut, if you go to the fair with me." She said and smirked. "Deal! But Louis needs to come too then." I said. "Deal!" She screamed. "Daisy what was wrong? You were screaming so hard that I couldn't understand what you were saying." Johannah said. I gave Daisy a look and she turned around to her mom. "It was nothing mom. I was joking. I said that Louis and Y/N were having sex. I hoped that someone heard it and would be shocked, but it was just a joke. They weren't doing anything." Daisy said. Johannah gave her a suspicious look. "You do believe me right?" Daisy said and gave puppy eyes. "I do believe you Daisy, but I'm just curious why you wanted to prank them." Johannah said. "Louis tried to tickle me and this was his payback." Daisy said. "Hey that's not fair. You pranked me too, and I didn't do anything." I said jokingly. "I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't think about you. I just wanted to prank Louis back." She said guilty. That kid can act really good, I thought by myself. "Well Y/N, go think of a good prank to get this kid back. She need to be pranked. Good this time. So Louis you can't help, you have the worst pranks ever. Everytime you pranked someone, something is broken or it is a mess in the house." Johannah said and looked at Louis. "But mom, I want to he-" He tried to say but Johannah cut him off. "Your going to listen to me. If I find out you helped her, then your a death little boy." She said and pointed at him. I laughed at Louis reaction, he looked really shocked.

"Are you guys coming downstairs for diner, in a few minutes

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"Are you guys coming downstairs for diner, in a few minutes." Johannah asked. "Yeah we will come downstairs in a few minutes." Louis said. Johannah took Daisy's hand and left the room. "A little death boy?" I asked laughing. "Don't you dare to make fun of me." He said and gave me a deathstare. I just started laughing harder. Louis crossed his arms and looked at me. "What?" I asked him still laughing. "When are you going to stop with laughing?" He asked irritated. "Never!" I screamed. "I thought that you told me that I should laugh more often. And now you tell me stop laughing. Do you even know what you want?" I said in a joking way. " I want you.....And I want is that you stop laughing at this moment." He said and smirked. I stopped laughing immedaitely at his comment. "Wh-at?" I asked. "You heard me right." He said and left the room. "Wait, first you need to explain." I said and ran after him. I took his hand and dragged him to our room. "Now explain." I said a little uncomfartable. "Your uncomfortable. Because of what I said." He said, I nodded. "I don't understand why you said that." I said and looked up. "I said that because.... uhm this is awkward. Because that is what I want..... this is really awkward." He said and looked at the ground, his face turning red. "Haha Lou I'm sorry but it is just that I didn't know what to say. That's why I reacted this way. I'm sorry. But you don't have to be embarrassed." I said and put my hand on his cheek. "It's just that I'm still scared. I want it but I'm scared. Just wait for awhile. It won't be long. I'm almost ready for it." I said turning red. "I will wait as long as you need. Even if it will be forever." He said and looked me in my eyes. I got up on my toes and kissed him. "Thanks Lou." I said after the kiss. "Shall we go downstairs?" He said, I nodded. We walked in the kitchen holding hands and everyone looked up. "You guys are too cute." Mark said, I blushed a little. "What are we eating, mom?" Louis asked. "Uhm right now nothing. I burned the food. We were waiting for you to come downstairs to ask if you wanted to order food or go out?" Johannah asked us. "Uhm I don't really care." I said. "Love what do you to eat?" Louis asked me. "Like I already said, I don't care. I'm happy with anything, if it is food." I said and laughed at the end. "Sometimes I ask myself if Niall isn't your twin because you 2 are obsessed with food." Louis said laughing. "Do you find it crazy? Food is life." I said and everyone started laughing. "I have a idea. You 2 go out and we will just order something." Lottie said and winked at me. "What do you think, love?" Louis asked me. "Uhm yeah good idea." I said. "But first let me change clothes." I said and ran upstairs, Louis ran after me. "Wait! I need to change too." He screamed after me. I left the door open for Louis and looked in the closet.

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