First Day At Work

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The next morning I woke up and turned around and saw that Liam was still sleeping. I got up and went in the shower. I put some clothes on and went to the kitchen.

I was searching for some food but didn't know where to look

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I was searching for some food but didn't know where to look. I jumped up when I heard someone talk to me. "Can't you find the food?" Niall asked me. "Niall! Omg you scared me!" I screamed and turned around. "Sorry." He said laughing. "What do you want to eat?" He asked. "I don't know if you have cereal then it will be good enough." I said and Niall handed me the cereal. "Thanks Niall." I said and smiled at him. I started eating. "Is Sarah almost done we have to go to Disneyland?" I asked Niall. "Yeah she is almost done. She already ate and is now in the shower. I already showered. I will drive you and Sarah to Disneyland btw." Niall said and I nodded. "I will wake Liam up then to tell him we're leaving." I said and got up but dropped my dish when I saw Liam standing infront of me. "You don't have to wake me up, haha. I'm done already, I will drive with you." He said and laughed. We all were laughing by now. Sarah walked in the room and looked around confused. "What did I miss?" She asked. Niall me and Liam looked at eachother and started laughing harder. "Okay you guys are weird. I don't know you." She said and walked away. I stopped laughing and went after her. "Boys come we're going." I screamed. I heard the boys coming running after us so I started to run and took Sarah with me. We hid behind a wall to scare the boys. They ran past us and looked around. I jumped infront of them and screamed. They both screamed like girls. "Haha you should have seen your faces!" I screamed laughing. "They can see it if they want I filmed it."Sarah said laughing. They looked at us serious. "What? No you didn't!" Niall said.

 "What? No you didn't!" Niall said

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"Yes we did." Sarah said still laughing and showed them. "Shit!" Liam said. "Come we have to go. Otherwise we will be late." I said and opened the car door. We all got in the car and drove to Disneyland. After a hour we arrived Sarah and I jumped out of the car. "We will see you tonight around 11 outside. Okay?" I screamed at the boys and ran away. "Yup!" They screamed back. We ran to Richards office and knocked on the door. "Hey girls your just in time here. Y/N you will go with Jordan he will help you today and Sarah you go with Will he is your guide for the day. If you will come back to my office tonight around 11 we will talk about how your day went and then you can start tomorrow." He said and smiled. "Sure Richard."I said and smiled back. "Well nice to meet you Y/N, I'm Jordan and I'm your guide for the day." Jordan said to me and smiled. "Hello nice to meet you." I said and we started walking to the park. "What do you wanna do first? Get to know the park or try out your costumes?" Jordan asked me. "Hmm I'd like to try out my costumes first."I said and looked at him. "Okay I will call someone so the costumes are ready for you." He said and took his phone. When he was done calling we walked further. "Well here we are. This is not the place where you normally put on your costume put that doesn't matter now. When we are walking around the park I will show you the place where you will put on your costume for Wendy and Rapunzel, both are in different places underground." He said and led me to the door. "Hey I'm Cole I play as Peter Pan." Cole said and smiled at me. "Hello Cole nice to meet you." I said and smiled back. "Wow your the right person to play Wendy you really have a British accent. Are you from England?" He said with a surprised look on his face. "Yup I'm from London but my best friends and I wanted to move to the US and we liked Florida." I said and laughed. "Nice." He said and laughed too. "Well now I want to introduce myself. I'm Tyler and I play Flynn Ryder in other words Eugene. I'm not always with you but in the evening I'm always there and one time during the day, eveyday the times will be different." Tyler said and smiled. "Well nice to meet you Tyler. I can't wait to work together with you all." I said and I looked around smiling. "We can't wait either now go try out your costumes." Jordan said. I walked over to the costumes and took Wendy's costume first. I walked in the dressing room and put it on. "How do I look boys?" I asked they all turned around and they're jaws dropped. "It looks like it's made for you." Jordan said and the others nodded. "Thanks boys." I said and walked back in the dressing room and put on Rapunzels dress. "Wow this one looks like it's made for you too." Tyler said. "Well thank you boys." I said and walked back in again and put on my own clothes. "Well we're going to go so she can learn the park route." Jordan said. We walked out the door and Jordan led me to the gates of the park. We walked through the gates and I was overwhelmed with how huge it was. Jordan laughed at my reaction. The whole day he led me through the park and told me when I will be a guide that I have to go in the attractions with the group but that we wouldn't do it now because we didn't have enough time for that. The day went by really fast and before I knew it, it was already 10.30pm so we walked back to the office of Richard. Jordan let me knock on Richards door. He opened after a few seconds. "Hello Y/N how did it go today?" He asked as he led me and Jordan inside. "It went great I liked it. The costumes fit perfectly and I liked the park. The only thing is that the park is so huge that I will get lost for sure." I said and laughed. "Haha yeah it's huge but you will get used to it. After a few days you will know it by the back of your hand." He said laughing too. "Jordan how did you think it went?" Richard asked Jordan. "It went awesome, she paid attention to everything. So I think it will go great." He said and smiled. "That's really good. Well Y/N your free to go, if your here around 9am tomorrow than you can get started tell your friend Sarah the same." Richard said and he shook my hand. I walked out the door and saw Sarah standing there. "Hey how was your day?" I asked her. "Good it went really great." She said and smiled. " Okay come we can go home we have to be at the places for the first costumes at 9am. I have to be at Rapunzels first you Belle and then Jasmine." I said. "Okay thanks for telling me." She said and we walked outside. We looked around and saw Niall and Liam waiting for us. We waved at them and then ran to them. "Hey girls how did it go?" Liam asked us and gave me a hug. "It went really great I can't wait to start tomorrow." I said and starting to jump up and down. "Haha that's great." Niall said and he opened the car door. The ride home was silent but a nice silent. When we arrived at the hotel we ran up the stairs. Sarah and I dropped ourselfs on the couch. "Girls we have a surprise for you." Liam said and walked away, after a few minutes he came back with his laptop. "We're going to help you buy an apartment. We will pay for it" Liam said and smiled. "What?! No Liam you can't do that. I'm not accepting that. Your not going to pay. Do you hear me?! And you too Niall!" I screamed at them. "Yes we are and we will stay with you in the times we're in Florida and that will be often. And the others can live there too." Liam said and laughed. "What?! The others too? No are you kidding me?" I said in disbelieve. "We're not kidding. Mom and the family's of the others can stay there too. But if you don't want it we will just buy an apartment." Liam said. "No it's not that it don't want it but I just can't believe that I will be friends with the people I love the most." I said and laughed. "Then it's settled." Niall said laughing too. Liam opened his laptop and logged in. Then he gave it to me. "Go look for a house you really like it needs to be big ofcourse with at least 8 bedrooms and bathrooms. The rest you go choose yourself. And let Sarah look with you ofcourse." Liam said. Sarah and I started looking around. When we saw one we both screamed in excitement. I opened the link and looked at every detail. This house was huge, it had 12 bedrooms with each a own bathroom, it had a few hidden rooms, a outside pool and inside pool, a little cinema, a library, a game room and for the boys a mancave. It also has balcony's and teracces. "Wow this house is amaZAYN." I said and started laughing at my own comment. Sarah laughed along and the boys followed us. "Well let see then." Niall and Liam said both. I showed them the house and they gasped. "Wow it's huge." Niall said with wide eyes.

"What's the price?" Liam asked

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"What's the price?" Liam asked. Oh dear god I forgot about the price. I scrolled down the page and saw the price and gasped. "Uhm I will look further." I said but before I could do anything, Liam had taken the laptop out of my hands. "Oh it's a little pricey." He said and showed Niall. "We do it." Niall said. "What!? Boys are you crazy? You just can't go buy a house of 36 milion dollars. Your really crazy!" I said in disbelieve. Liam sat down and was typing away on his laptop. It was silent for a few minutes, the only sound was the typing of Liam. "It's done, we have the house. We can go look tomorrow." Liam said and smiled. "What?! Your joking." I said and jumped up and looked on the laptop. There was the message that told the house was ours. "Omg you really bought it." I said and jumped up and down in excitement. "Liam I love you." I screamed and hugged him."What about me I payed too." Niall said and faked cried. "Oh poor Niall. I love you too." I said and hugged him too. "Well shall we go to bed now it's getting pretty late." Liam said. "Yeah good idea, btw tomorrow Sarah and I need to work but I have some free time between 2pm and 4pm and Sarah too so we can go to the house then." I said. "Yeah good idea the house is literally a 5 minute walk from Disneyland." Niall said. "Really that's nice. Then you guys don't have to bring us every time." Sarah said clapping her hands. I got up and walked to the room of me and Liam, Liam followed me. "I can't believe you really bought that house." I said still a little shocked. "Haha you liked it and I wanted you to see happy." He said. "I'm happy I would've been happy with a other house too." I said and smacked him on his shoulder. "Ouch why did you do that?" He asked me and rubbed his shoulder. "Because you do really stupid things." I said laughing. "Hmm I don't care." He said laughing too and layed on the bed. I layed besides him and fell asleep.

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