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I woke up to someone jumping up and down the bed. I got really irritated and got my pillow and throw it at the stupid jumping person. I heard a loud thump and sat up. I saw Liam sitting on the ground looking confused. "What just happend?" He said still confused. I started laughing. "You were jumping on the bed and I threw a pillow at you and you fell of the bed."I said. "Oh but my butt hurts now." He said a little smile coming on his face. I laughed only harder because of that. After a few minutes I calmed down and got up and went to the closest. I took some clothes and went in the bathroom. After I showered I put on my clothes and went back in the room. I turned around immediately when I saw Liam almost naked. I didn't need to see my twin brother naked. "Oh Y/N sorry. You can look now." He said and I opened my eyes. He had his clothes on, thank god. "No it's my fault I should have waited or asked you if you were ready." I said getting red. "Haha doesn't matter. We're family. But it is still weird because we haven't known eachother that long." He said smiling. "Yeah that's why I closed my eyes." I said laughing. I walked to te kitchen and took a muesli bar and a glass orange juice. "Are you not gonna eat?" Niall asked me. "Nope I'm not hungry." I said, his eyes grew big."Not hungry?! What's that, I didn't hear that word before. I don't even know the meaning of it." He said, I started laughing at his reaction. "Well you should look in the dictionary if you don't know it." I said jokinly. "I think that word doesn't stand in my dictionary, if never seen it." Niall said joking back. I was laughing. Liam came in the room and shook his head, Sarah followed him and shook her head too. "Come we have to go otherwise we will be late." Sarah said and took my hand. We got in the car and after a hour we arrived at Disney. Sarah and I jumped out the car and said goodbye to the boys and ran to our dressing rooms. "Where were you if been waiting for you." Tyler said already his costume on. "Sorry trafic was bad." I said while putting my dress on. I got out of the dressing room and put on my wig and put on a little bit of make up to hide my scars after that I sat on the couch. "Your actually really fast doing this. We have still 15 minutes left." Tyler said. "Oh okay. I will do my make up then a little better.' I said and got up. Tyler took my arm and pulled me back. "You don't have to, you don't need it and your scars can't be seen anymore. So relax a little." He said and put me back on the couch. We talked for a few minutes until Jordan came in the room and told us that it was time. We walked to our place and got in character. I saw little kids jumping up and down in excitement to get a glimpse of me or Tyler. I waved at them and they screamed. The first kid was a little girl. "Hello, what's your name?"I asked her. "I'm Claire, I'm 7 years old." She said and got nervous. "Oh what a nice name do you have. Claire do you wanna make a photo with me?" I asked her, she nodded. I went down on my knees and Tyler got down on his knees too. We smiled at the camera and the cameraman and the mother made a few photo's. We took photo's with a few other kids until a boy around my age came up. "Hello young man. What is your name?" I asked him and smiled. "My name is Jack."He said and smiled back. "What a beautiful name for a handsome young man. I bet that there are many girls who like you." I said and laughed. Tyler came over to me and stood behind me with his arms around my waist still playing with other little kids. "Yeah your right but I like this girl and I just met her." He said and leaned in. I knew were this was going but I stayed in character. "I like you the real you would you like to go on a date with me?" He whispered in my ear. I gasped. "How dare you to say that I'm not real. Eugene this young man isn't nice to me." I said and gave Jack an evil glare. "Hmm do you want to take a photo with us?" Tyler asked. He walked over to my side and I kissed his cheek when the cameraman took a photo. "Well it was nice meeting you Jack." I said and pushed him away. "Oh no it's time to go to my parents we have a little party. Because it's Pascals birthday today." I said and got up. I waved at the little kids and ran away with Tyler behind me. When we got underground we stopped running. "You did really great there. You even stayed in character when that boy asked you out." He said and smiled. "I was shocked when he asked that but I think he didn't like it when I rejected him." I said laughing. We entered our dressing room and I looked at the time. "Oh it is already time. I have to go Tyler see you tonight." I said and put on my clothes and ran to the front of the park. On my way I ran into Sarah. "Hey girl how went your day?" I asked her. "It went great but there was this irritating young man who kept asking for my number. Gladly I stayed in character. Btw his name was Jack." She said and signed. "Really he asked me on a date I got a little mad but stayed in character and pushed him away when we took a photo. Tyler got a little bit angry too, he was scared that I couldn't stay in character." I said and I shrugged my shoulders. "Hmm stupid Tyler." Sarah and we started laughing. We reached the boys, but they didn't see us. I looked over at Sarah with a evil look and she nodded at me. We sneaked behind them and I counted down. "HELLLLLLLLO!" Sarah and I screamed. "AHHHH!" They both screamed. Sarah and I started laughing really hard. Niall and Liam looked angry at us and waited for us to stop laughing. "Haha your reactions were so funny." Sarah said and hugged Niall. Liam kept looking angry at me, so I put out my tongue at him. He shook his head and got in the car. I got in the car too and Sarah and Niall followed too. Liam started the car and drove to our new home. We arrived there really quickly. I still couldn't believe this was our new home. I jumped out of the car and ran to the front door. Liam followed behind me and laughed at my excitement. "What?" I said. "Nothing." He said and gave me the key. I opened the door and was bluffed by the huge hall. "Wow." Was the only thing I said. "Indeed." Liam said. I walked inside and ran up the stairs. I walked in the first room and saw that it was a bedroom, it only needed a little paint on the walls and furniture. I ran to the other rooms until I saw the one with the nicest view. "This is my room!" I screamed and turned around and saw Liam and the rest standing behind me. "Sorry I thought you guys were in the other rooms."I said and Liam laughed and shrugged his shoulders. We all walked out the room and looked around the rest of the house. It was huge, I looked at the time and saw that it was already time to leave. "Shit Sarah we have to go. Boys you can stay here and keep looking around. When we're done working we will come to this place." I said and walked away dragging Sarah with me. We started running to our dressing rooms again. I arrived and ran inside to only see Cole waiting for me. "Your late, hurry up." He said and I went in the dressing room and put on my clothes. I walked out and looked if my wig was good and put on a little bit of make up to hide my scars. "Are you ready we have to go." Cole said and took my hand. We started running and held our arms like we were flying. The kids started to jump up and down and laughed at our actions. "Hello." I said and waved at a little boy who was dressed as Peter Pan. He looked at me with big eyes and smiled. I smiled back at him and picked him up. I flinched in pain just a little because of my sore ribs. "Look Peter this little boy just looks like you." I said and walked over to Cole. "Wow you really look like me. What's your name?" He asked him. "My name is Charles. I'm 8 years old." He said and laughed. "Wow Charles your a really big boy, do you want to take a photo with us." I said, he nodded. I held him on my hip and held my other arm like I was flying, Will did the same besides me and Charles did too. His mom and the cameraman took a few photo's. We took some more photo's with other kids and when the time was over we ran away again like we were flying. "Hey Y/N I needed to tell you that you and Sarah don't have to come to the show, you 2 can go home if you want." Cole said. "Really but I didn't see Sarah anywhere so how can I tell her?" I asked him. "I think that she already knows." He said and pointed infront of him. I looked up and saw Sarah waiting for me. "Hey girl, hurry up so we can go home." She said. I ran inside and put on my clothes and ran back to her. "Bye Cole I will see you tomorrow." I said and waved at him. He waved back at me. Sarah and I started running to our new home. When we reached the front door I took the key and opened the doors. I saw Niall and Liam turning around real quick. Oh I forgot to tell them we were coming. "Jesus Y/N we tought you were some burglar. Why are you so early?" Niall said. "Haha sorry Cole said that we could go home, I don't let me tell twice ofcourse. So we ran home. I forgot to tell you guys sorry." I said and shrugged my shoulders. "Do you have any pencils and paper?" I asked and looked at Liam. "Uhm yes why?" He said and got paper and pencils. "I want to make some notes for my ideas for the rooms." I said and looked at him. "Oh okay but isn't it more convenient if you have a drawing book or something else." He said. "Yeah maybe it is." I said and nodded. "Shall we go to the hotel then and get the pencils and book." He said. "Yup good idea." I said and we walked outside. When we got in the car I got a call and picked up. "Hello Y/N I wanted to tell you and Sarah that you 2 will be free tomorrow." Richard said. "Oh okay that's nice. Are the times the same for the day after tomorrow?" I said. "Yeah the times are every day the same." He said. "Okay then we're back the day after tomorrow." I said and hung up. "We're free tomorrow." I said and looked at Sarah. She nodded. "Nice then we can start looking for furniture for the house." Niall said and I smiled at the idea. "Yeah that's nice." I said and looked out the window. The rest of the car ride was silent and when we got home it was already 9pm. "Shit we forgot to buy pencils and drawing book." Liam said. I looked at him. "I will get them." He said and got up. "I will come with you, can you girls survive on your own?" Niall said. "Hey I want to come too." Sarah said. "Y/N do you wanna come too?" Liam asked me, I shook my head. "No I'm really tired, I'm gonna take a shower and then go to bed." I said and walked away. I heard the door close and put on some music and started to sing under the shower. After I got out the shower I put my Earpods in and lied in bed, after a few minutes I fell asleep.

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