Not You Again

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"No not you again!" I screamed and turned around. And I saw Adam standing there. He took a step forward and I started to knock harder on the door. "Liam open this goddamn door!" I screamed. I heard some voices and the door opened. I closed it behind me immediately. "What's wrong?" Liam asked me. "Adam." Was the only thing I said and started crying. "What he is here?"He asked me. "Yes he is here." Sarah said. Liam was rubbing my back when I saw Niall walking in the room with only a towel around his waist and wet hair. "Omg! Put some clothes on Niall." I screamed at him. Sarah turned around and started blushing and stared at Nialls body. "Do you like what you see, Sarah?" Niall asked winking at her what made her blush even harder. "Uhm yes I do." She said and turned back around. I could see that Niall didn't expect that answer because he stood with his mouth open and red cheeks. "I think you need to close your mouth Niall otherwise you would catch flies." I said laughing. He looked angry at me and walked away. "I see you laugh already." Liam said confused. "Yup, I don't care about Adam anymore he can't do me anything. I've already won from him once and I will do it again. He can't hurt me anymore." I said proud of my own words. "Okay that's good." Liam said smiling. "But if I'm honest I'm scared to go back to our room." I said getting nervous. "You can stay here if you want. Me and Niall will look if he is gone and we will get your stuff and then you can stay here and starting to look for an apartment." Liam said and he walked away to Nialls room. "So we can stay here but how will we do that with the beds?" Sarah asked me. "I don't know I will ask them if there back." I said. Liam and Niall came back and walked to the door. "Hey Liam, how are we doing it with the beds there are only 2 beds and I don't want you to go sleep on the couch or something." I said stopping Liam. "We will talk about that when we're back with your stuff." Liam said and opened the door. "Be carefull you don't know what he is capable of." I said scared. He closed the door behind him and was gone. "Hey Y/N I'm gonna lie on Nialls bed and listen to music if there is something just call my name okay." She said and walked to Nialls room. I walked over to the couch and sat down. For a few minutes I stared to the wall infront of me and started crying. I took my phone and called the only person I could think of at the moment. "Hello?" Louis said. "Hey it's me. Y/N." I said trying to stop the tears. "Hey Y/N are you alright?" He asked me worried. "No I'm not." I said and let the tears run down my face. "Sshh it's going to be okay. What's wrong?" He said in a comforting voice. I got up from the couch and walked to Liams room and lied down on his bed. "My ex is here. He hurt me really bad back in my hometown. I moved with Sarah to Florida so I could escape him. But he found me because I didn't bought a new phone. Now I have a new phone but he is here already. We got back from the job interview and when we opened our door I could see that something was wrong. I closed it immediately and knocked on the door of Niall and Liam. Then I heard a voice behind me. It was him. Now Niall and Liam are getting our stuff but I'm scared that something will happen to them." I said still crying. "Omg I'm so sorry to hear that. Can I do something for you?" Louis asked me. "Just stay on the phone with me. Please?" I said. "Sure I will do everything for you." He said and I smiled. I heard some voices screaming in the room next to me. "No!" I screamed and jumped up. "What's wrong,love?" Louis asked me worried. "I heard some voices screaming in the room next to me. That is my room. I have to help them." I said walking in the kitchen and got a knife. "Love, please be carefull. Stay on the phone with me. Okay?" Louis said. "Yeah I will stay on the phone." I said and took my Earpods and put them and switched the phone to the Earpods. "What are you doing?" I could hear Louis say in my ear. "I put my Earpods in so I can put my phone in my pocket but I can still hear you and you can hear me." I said. "Your a smart girl, love." Louis said. I smiled at the thought of him calling me'love'. I walked to the door and saw my hotel room open. I walked in and bend down behind the couch. I looked around me but didn't see anyone. I got up and walked to the kitchen and hid behind the counter. Again I looked around and still saw no one. I got up once again and saw no place to hide, well shit then. I walked into my room and saw blood lying on the ground I gasped and put my hand over my mouth. "Y/N what's wrong?" Louis asked worried. The only thing I said was 'blood'. I walked futher and saw Niall lying on the ground with blood on his head. I ran to him and fell on my knees. "Niall please wake up. What happened?" I whispered. His eyes opened and he looked at me. "Y/N what are you doing here? Go! He is still here." He said. "No I'm not going anywhere I have to help Liam. Can you get up?" I said. He nodded and got up. "Is he alright Y/N?" Louis asked in my ear. "Yes Louis he is alright I'm bringing him back to they're room and then I'm going to help Liam." I said and helped Niall to get up. We walked to they're room and I put Niall on the couch. "Sit here and don't move." I said and walked away. I walked back in my own room and looked around. I jumped up when I heard a scream in my bathroom. I ran to my bathroom and saw Adam standing infront of Liam. Adam couldn't see me because his back was turned to me, Liam saw me but he didn't change his face expression. I know that it was really dumb of me but I took a sprint and jumped on Adams back. He tried to see who I was but he couldn't see me. He ran backwards with his back against the wall. I let go of him in pain when I felt my ribs break or bruise, I just didn't know but it hurts. I lied there on the ground and looked up. "I see you finally joined us. This is going to be fun." He said with his terrible voice. "I hate you." I said and spit some blood out of my mouth. I saw tears in Liams eyes while he looked at me. "It's okay Liam. I'm used to this. It doesn't even hurt anymore." I said while I stood up. I could feel the pain in my body but didn't show it. "Hmm if you don't feel any pain then I have to punisch you more so you will feel the pain." He said chuckling. He pulled me up at my hair and put me down infront of him. I looked at him and spat in his face. He looked really angry and slapped me in my face. "Your going to regret that." He said. "The only thing I regret is that I was your girlfriend." I said and I punched him in his stomach. "Liam go! I can do this alone." I screamed at him. He shook his head but eventually he ran away. "Now it is just the 2 of us." Adam said chuckling. "Oh your going to regret this Adam. I promise." I said when he got up from the ground. I clenched my fists when he walked over to me. I lashed out and hit his jaw. He took a step back and put his hand up to touch his jaw. "You bitch!" He screamed at me and ran towards me. Before I knew it I flew backwards while he hold me tight. I screamed in shock and pain. I lashed out again and hit him in his face. I heard sirens and Adam jumped off of me and ran away. I wanted to ran after him put tripped over my own feet. I felt everything go black but then I heard a voice calling my name. "Y/N stay with me. Stay with me for Louis, for Niall, for Harry, for Zayn, for Sarah and especially me." Liam said and I could hear him crying. I opened my eyes and looked him in the eyes. "I will stay here for you and the others." I said and started to laugh, I immediately regreted it because my ribs started hurting again. "The ambulance is on his way. Stay with me." Liam said. I nodded. "Y/N it is going to be okay. I promise just listen to my voice." Louis said in my ear. "I will Louis don't worry." I said smiling. "Huh were is Louis?" Liam asked me. "He is in my ear." I said laughing. Liam gave me a confused look. "I called him when you went to my and Sarahs room because I was scared and when I heard a scream coming from my room I put in my Earpods so I could still talk to Louis. He helped me get the courage to help you and Niall." I said and Liam nodded. "Well Louis if you can hear me thank you for helping Y/N out. She means the world to me and not in the way you think. You know I had a lost twin sister, Y/N is her." Liam said smiling. "What?!" I heard Louis scream. "Ouch Louis now I'm deaf, please don't scream so hard." I said laughing. "Sorry." He whispered. "Liam and I will explain later." I said. The ambulance workers ran in the room and got me up. "Miss tell me, where do you feel the pain?" The man said. "Uhm my ribs hurt but that's all." I said. "Okay we will take you to the hospital and ran some test on you to check if you aren't hurt somewhere else." He said. We went in the ambulance and after a few minutes we arrived. After they did some test they put some bandage on my wounds. And they said a few ribs were bruised. "Can I ask something?" I asked the nurse. "Ofcourse." She said and smiled. "Tomorrow I need to work, I work at Disneyland as a princess. Can I still go?" I asked. "Yeah ofcourse, but you need to be carefull with lifting children up and you need to be carefull with your wounds." She said and I nodded. "Well you can go now, you have to clean the wounds once a day with water ask someone to help you and it will be okay. If you will come back in 2 weeks to check your ribs it will be alright you only have to come if they still hurt otherwise you can stay home. Well goodluck and be a little bit carefuller when you walk down the stairs." She said smiling. Yeah I know we told them I fell down the stairs and fell down on a glass table what caused my wounds. I know that it was dumb but I didn't want any trouble with the police. Liam and I walked home because it wasn't that far away. "I wanted to say thank you sissy, if you didn't come help me and Niall, I think that I would be dead by now. He was really angry Adam. But I think he will leave you alone for some time. If I'm being honest I think he going to train himself to take you back." Liam said and he looked at me. "It doesn't matter Liam I will not ran away from him again, if he wants me he needs to fight for me but he won't get me that easy I will fight him. Even if that means I'm going to die." I said looking back at him. "I won't let that happen to you. I know that I left you this time but the next time I won't." He said. We reached the hotel and opened the door. Liam and I ran up the stairs and went in our room. "Hey you back, how are you?" Niall said and he jumped up and hugged me. I flinched in pain and Niall pulled back immediatly. "Sorry I didn't think." He said. "It doesn't matter Niall you couldn't know. But I'm good, just a few bruised ribs and a few cuts." I said. "How are you doing?" I asked and looked at his wound. "I'm good it wasn't bad Sarah fixed it." He said and I saw Sarah standing behind him blushing. "You know she is really good at fixing wounds." Niall said and turned around and kissed her cheek before walking in his room. Sarah was blushing really hard by now. "You like him don't you?" I asked her, she nodded. "Yeah I really like him, btw I will share the room with Niall if you don't mind. He asked me to come with him." She said. "Ofcourse not, go!" I said and I pushed her to his room. I turned to Liam. "I will take the couch." He said. "No! Or I will take the couch or we share the bed, we're twins." I said and laughed he started laughing too. "Okay put on some other clothes I will come in 10 minutes." Liam said and walked in the kitchen with his phone in his hand. I walked in his room and put on my pajamas, I lied on the bed waiting for Liam. After 15 minutes Liam still wasn't here, so I got up and walked out his room. I could hear him crying on the phone. "Louis I almost lost her because I was too weak to help her. I just have her back for one day and then I almost lost her. I don't know what to do." He said. I turned around and walked back in his room to give him privacy. I started to cry because I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't stop crying anymore not even when my phone starting buzzing. I picked up still crying. "H-hello." I said. "Hey Y/N I heard from Louis what happened. Are you okay? Btw that's a stupid question ofcourse your not okay. Can I do something for you?" Zayn said. I stopped crying when I heard his voice and started laughing because he sounded a little nervous. "Haha it can go better. Actually if you want to do something for me then I want to ask you to find something out. Can you find out if Niall likes Sarah because she likes him, but she won't believe me that he feels the same and he won't tell me." I said giggling. "Ofcourse I can find out, but I think your right. Because he told me that he likes a girl he just met and I don't think that your that person because he said that she was funny and your not funny at all." He said laughing at the end. "Oh now you hurt my feelings. I'm funny your not."I said joking. "Haha very funny. Hey but do you mind if I hang up because I have to go." He said. "No ofcourse not I will hear you some other time." I said and hung up. I heard a knock on the door and sat up. "Can I come in?" Liam asked. "Yes come in." I said back. "Hey sorry that I took so long I was just talking to Louis." He said. "It doesn't matter Liam, I was talking with Zayn. Louis told him and Harry what happened and Zayn wanted to know how I was." I said and smiled at him. "Okay what did you tell him?" He asked me. "I told him how I felt and asked him something that I want to know but not can find out by myself." I said. "Okay shall we go to sleep then. I'm getting tired." Liam said and a yawn escaped his mouth. "Yeah good idea." I said and layed down and fell asleep immediately.

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