Someone Unexpected

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Sarah and I have been working at Disney for almost 2 months now. I still didn't guide a group which I kinda regret. But today is my lucky day, I thought oh boy I was wrong. Last evening Richard called me telling me I had to guide someone the next few days. I was really happy to hear that he told me I had to meet the young man at Cinderella's castle at 2pm. So that's why I'm standing here 10 minutes for 2. I was waiting until I saw someone walk over to me. I looked and saw that it was... Adam! What is he doing here? "Hello babe." He said smirking. "Don't call me babe, were done." I said a little angry. " I'm your guide today, so just keep it cool and all. And nothing will happen and with that I mean no one will get hurt." I said and turned on my heels and walked away. Gladly Adam didn't say anything and just followed me. After 2 hours he started to irritate me by calling me 'babe'. "I said stop calling me 'babe." I said and I turned around really quick. Just to find him standing really close to me. "Haha I know but I like it when you get angry that's really hot you know." He said. I signed, this is going to be a long day. We walked further but he starting touching me in the wrong places. "Stop that!" I hissed at him. He only laughed. Before I knew it his lips were on mine. I pushed him away really hard. He looked in shock at me and walked over to me. "You little bitch you just don't go around and push me away." He said and slapped me in the face really hard. I turned around on my heels and ran away. I heard him come after me, I started run harder and harder. After a few minutes of running, I dared to look around and saw that Adam wasn't behind me anymore. But I made a mistake to keep running, before I knew it I ran into someone. I fell backwards on the ground. "Omg I'm so sorry I wasn't looking were I was going." I said. The young man went down on his knees and tried to look me in the face, but I turned away. "Are you okay. Why are you crying you didn't fall that hard or did you." He said to me in a British accent, I tought I recognized the voice but couldn't place it. And then I realized I was crying, I wanted to wipe them away but he already wiped my tears away. "Thank you, I just had a fight with my ex boyfriend and ran away from him but he chased after me." I said and looked up. I gasped when I saw who it was. He was faster than me. "Y/N. What? I didn't expect to see you here. You need to act right now, am I right." He said. "Louis." I whisperd. "No I'm a guide for the day and I found out I needed to guide Adam. I tried my best to ignore him but he started touching me in the wrong places and when I turned around he kissed me. I pushed him away ofcourse, but then he slapped me really hard in the face and called me bitch. That's when I ran away and he chased me. But I lost him I hope." I said trying not to cry. "What did he do to you!?" Louis said angry and he fists clenched."Louis calm down I'm alright now." I said and took his hands in mine and I felt him relax. "I'm gonna call Richard." I said and took my phone still holding one of Louis hands. My phone rang twice and then Richard picked up. "Hello Y/N how is guiding going?" He asked me. "Well to be honest not good. He was my ex boyfriend who hurt me really bad in the past. And we got in a fight and he slapped me really hard in the face and called me bitch, so I ran away but he chased after me. But I lost him for now. But I can't hide forever, so I'm going home for the day." I said. "I'm so sorry Y/N to hear this. Ofcourse you can go home, if you want you can stay home tomorrow. Just let me know." He said. "No I will come back tomorrow but if Adam still wants to be guided he gets a other person and not me or Sarah." I said. "No ofcourse not I will see what I can do." He said. "Okay thank you Richard." I said and hung up. Louis looked at me confused. "Do you wanna come home with me? If I'm right Liam and Niall aren't home so I can show you the place." I said smiling at him. "Btw where are you staying?" I asked him. "Uhm in a hotel but I wanted to look for a apartment for myself because I really like Florida and I come here often." He said and smiled back. "Okay you can come live with us. I bet Niall and Liam won't mind. The place is really big. But for now you have to stay with some one in they're room because not all the rooms are done." I said and took his hands back in mine and dragged him to my house. "Okay but can I at least pick up my clothes?" He asked me. "Oh yeah ofcourse. Is it far from here?" I asked embarrased. "No it's just out of the park." He said. We walked to his hotel and got his clothes. On our way to the house, Liam called me. "Hello big brother. What do you want?" I asked him. "Hello sissy I wanted to tell you that I'm at the airport picking Daniëlle up. She is my girlfriend btw." He said and I could hear he was smiling. "Oh really, I want to meet her so bad. Btw Louis is here and he is gonna stay with us. Is that alright?" I said. "Yeah ofcourse I missed that lad so much. But you do realise he has to sleep on the couch or in your bed because Daniëlle is staying with me." He said. "Oh uhm now I do. I don't really mind but I don't know about him." I said and looked at Louis. "Well talk with him about it and then you know. Good luck." Liam said and he hung up. We arrived at the house, I opened the door and looked at Louis. His mouth was open in shock. "It's huge." Were the only words he said. I laughed. "Yeah I know. Come." I said and dragged him inside. I led him to the livingroom. "Well this is the livingroom." I said and pushed him on the couch. "Uhm Louis, I want to ask you something." I said nervous. "Go ahead, love." He said, I blushed when he called me 'love'. "Uhm Daniëlle is coming and she stays with Liam ofcourse but the only room that is 'free' is my room. So you can stay in my room and I will sleep on the couch." I said. "NO! Your not sleeping on the couch. I will sleep on the couch." He said and I jumped up because I didn't expect this reaction. "Uhm I don't want you to sleep on the couch Louis, so you can share the bed with me if you want. But I thought you didn't  want to sleep in the same bed with a other girl then your girlfriend." I said nervous, mentally I slapped myself in the face. "Uhm I really don't mind to sleep in the same bed as you. And I'm in Florida because I got kicked out of my own house by Eleanor because she broke up with me, when I found her cheating on me and confronted her with it." He said and I saw tears forming in his eyes. "Omg Louis I'm so sorry. But if she cheated on you then she is just stupid because she didn't see that she had the right man infront of her. Your too kind Louis." I said and hugged him. I felt him move closer to me and he hugged me back tight. I could feel him sob in my shoulder. He kept sobbing for a few minutes and then pulled back. "Thank you, love. I needed that." He said and wiped away his tears. "Shall we go to my room then, so you can settle in?" I asked him and he nodded. I led him upstairs and to my room. When I opened the door Louis stopped and that caused me to fall backwards, against his chest gladly he catched me. "Sorry but your room is nice." He said and walked further. "I know right." I said and laughed. "You should laugh more often, love. I like your laugh." He said and smiled at me. I blushed, and ofcourse he saw it. "Are you blushing? Because of me? I'm not that special, that you need to blush." He said and laughed. "Uhmm you are a special boy Louis don't forget that." I said and blushed harder. He only laughed harder. I turned around and walked to the closet. "Here Louis if you give me your clothes I will put them away for you. So you can take a shower." I said and looked at him. "Uh sure, but do I smell that bad then?" He asked me. "No that's not what I said but I think you need to relax a bit." I said and panicked. "Haha don't worry, love. I was just teasing you." He said and laughed. I walked over to him and smacked him on the shoulder. "Don't do that ever again. I panicked." I said and walked in the closet to put his clothes away. I heard the bathroom close and looked behind me. Louis was gone, thank god. I took my phone and put on some music and starting singing and dancing a little. After a few minutes I was done putting Louis clothes away because he didn't have that much. That means I can take him shopping, haha. I was still singing when I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped up. "Omg Louis you scared me!" I screamed and looked at him, just to see him standing there with only a towel around his waist. I blushed and walked in the closet. "Here I'm so sorry that I didn't give you any clothes." I said and walked back in the room with my eyes closed. "You don't have to close your eyes, love. I know that this body is to much to resist but that doesn't mean that you have to close your eyes. "He said and laughed. I opened my eyes but tried to focus on something else then Louis. "I know what your doing. You try to focus on something else then me." Louis said and he was still laughing. "Just put on some clothes. Please?" I begged him. "Only for you." He said and walked away. After a few minutes Louis came back in normal clothes. "Do you know that you chose one of my favorite clothes? And you can make good sets of clothes." He said and smiled at me. "No I didn't know but thanks for the compliment." I said and blushed, why the heck am I blushing every time Louis says something. "I have a little question for you, love." Louis said and looked me in the eyes. "Sure, ask me anything you want to know." I said and looked back at him. "On which side of the bed do I have to sleep? Or you can just put a mattress on the ground and I will sleep there. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He said and rubbed his neck because he was nervous I could tell. "No you will sleep on this side." I said and hit the edge were he would be sleeping. "And just for your information, you make me feel everything but uncomfortable. To be honest I feel save with you." I said and turned my head away because I was blushing. "You don't need to turn your head because I know your blushing. And I'm happy that you feel save with me." He said and put his finger under my chin and turned my head back at him. I blushed even harder when I saw him smirking. I jumped up when I heard the door open and someone scream. "Sissy where are you!" I heard Liam scream. I ran down the stairs and saw Liam standing with his back to me. I turned around and saw Louis follow me and we counted down. At three we both jumped on Liams back what caused us all to fall on the ground. "Wha-" Liam said but was cut off when he fell on the ground. "Louis! I'm so happy to see you!" Liam screamed when he pushed me off of him. "Auch." I said and rubbed me head. "Sorry sissy." Liam said and put his hand out to help me up. When he pulled me up he hugged Louis. "I'm happy to see you too Liam." He said and he hugged him back. "Aww this is so cute." I heard someone say. I turned around and saw a girl around my age standing there. "Hey you must be Daniëlle. Liam told me so much about you." I said and hugged her. "Yup I'm Daniëlle and you must be Y/N Liams twin sister." She said and hugged me back. I nodded. "Come I will show your room. The boys are still talking, so." I said and dragged her with me. When I opened the door, Daniëlle gasped. "Is this Liams room. I don't believe it it's so big and clean and nice." She said. "It is his room but I designed it." I said and smiled. "What really. Your really talented then." She said and looked at me. I just nodded at her comment. She walked in the room to the closet and started unpacking her things. "I'm gonna take a shower. If Liam asks about me just say I'm in the shower and that he needs to leave me alone." She said giggling at the end. I laughed with her and closed the door. I walked downstairs and saw that Liam was alone. "Hey Liam where is Louis?" I asked him and he turned around. "He went looking for you, but he is probaly lost by now. Where is Daniëlle?" He said. "Oh okay I will go look for him then. Daniëlle is in the shower. And she said that you needed to leave her alone. Not angry but I think what I know what she ment." I said and giggled. "Hey I'm not that bad but I will her alone then. I will wait in my room for her then. Or am I not allowed?" Liam said and laughed. "She didn't say that." I said and laughed too. "Well I'm gonna look for Louis." I said and walked away. First I walked around the house downstairs but couldn't find him. So I went upstairs, first I looked in our room but he wasn't there. I walked around for a bit but still didn't find him. So I took my phone and called him. He didn't pick up. I wanted to walk further but someone took my by my waist and spun me around. "Wha-" Was the only thing I could say before I was cut off by a hand over my mouth. "Give yourself over and no one will get hurt." I heard Louis whisper in my ear. I bit in his hand but not to hard but hard enough for him to let me go. "What was that for?" He said and looked at his hand. "I'm sorry but I wanted to say something but with your hand over my mouth I couldn't. But be happy I bit you instead of kicking you in the balls." I said and laughed at his face expression. "What's so funny?" He asked me confused. I calmed down a little. "Your face was funny." I said and started laughing again. Before I knew it Louis threw me over his shoulder and walked away, I was still laughing but didn't know that I would be sorry for myself. Louis opened the door to our room and threw me on the bed he walked back to the door to close it. I was still laughing, Louis looked at me with his arms crossed. "If you don't stop laughing I'm gonna tickle you." When he said that I stopped laughing immediately. "No your not." I said and I sat up straight. "Why not?" He asked me and walked over to me. I was ready to get up and ran away. When Louis was almost infront of me I jumped and ran for it. But Louis was faster ofcourse. He wrapped his arms around my waist and started tickling my sides. I fell on the ground laughing. "L-louis p-p-please st-op." I said between the laughs. He looked at me and shook his head. "Nope this is to funny." He said and sat on top of me so I couldn't move. He started tickling me again. "L-LOUIS!" I screamed between the laughs. I heard someone ran up the stairs and threw the door open. "What is wrong wi-" Liam said but then saw us lying on the ground. He took his phone and took a few photo's. "Liam I-i'm going to ki-ll y-ou if you do-n't hel-p me." I said between the laughs. "Try your best sissy. I'm not gonna help you this is too funny." He said and laughed. Louis looked up and laughed too. I squirmed under him and that caused him too fall on his side. I jumped on him and strangled him between my legs. He gasped when he realised he was in deep shit. "Please, love. Don't do this. You'll regret it." He said trying to sound serious. "Sissy don't do it you'll regret it. Believe me." Liam said. "Yeah believe your brother." Louis said still trying to sound serious. "Well that's a boomer for you. Because I'm gonna pay you back." I said and started tickling him. Louis started too laugh and me too. He got up and ran away. "Come back you little piece of shit!" I screamed after him. I ran after him and I saw him ran in the garten. I followed him and saw him hide behind the stones of the pool. Bad idea Louis really bad idea. He didn't see me so I walked around the stones to the other side so I would stand behind him when I stood behind him, I bend down. Louis stood up and walked away at the edge of the pool. I got up and ran to him and pushed him in the pool. "Wha-" Was the only thing he could say before he hit the water. I started laughing so hard that I fell down on my knees. He got up and looked at me. "What was that for?" He asked me and started laughing because of my giggles. "For you tickling me." I said and stopped laughing. I got up and put my hand out to help him out of the pool. I knew I made a mistake when I saw him smirking, I just wanted to pull my hand back when he took it and pulled me in the pool. But I think he didn't plan that I would fall on top of him. Both we went under. When we got up again we started laughing. "What's wrong with you guys?" Sarah asked us and Louis and I looked up as if we were caught. "I put that on video, btw." Niall said. Louis and I got out the water. Louis needed to pull me up because I couldn't get out that easily. "Niall mate I missed you." Louis said and walked over to him. "Yeah I missed you too but first go put on some other clothes before you hug me." Niall said and backed away, Louis took a sprint and hugged Niall. "I said do not. Jesus now I'm all wet." Niall said and pushed Louis back what caused Louis to fall back in the pool. We started to laugh. Louis got out of the pool and laughed with us. "Btw where are you staying?" Niall asked Louis. "Uhmm I sleep in the room of Y/N in the same bed." Louis said and rubbed his neck. I asked myself why he did that every time when he talked about me. Sarah winked at me and walked over to me. "You did good girl. The Louis Tomlinson wants to sleep with you." She said laughing. "It's not like that." I said and blushed. "Omg you like him!" She screamed in my ear. "Yes I do but I will make no change with him. He just got out of a break up with Eleanor." I said. "Oh really why did they break up?  Is that the reason he is here?" She asked me. "She broke up with him when Louis found her cheating on him in they're own house and he confronted her with it. She threw him out of his own home." I said and got a little angry. "You really care about him otherwise you wouldn't get mad."She said and looked at me. "I'm not mad." I said trying to hide it. "Yes you are I can see it." Sarah said and laughed. "Okay! I'm mad. She hurt him, he cried on my shoulder. It hurted me to see him like that. Are you happy now?!" I screamed at Sarah and ran inside crying. I heard her screaming my name but I ignored it. This reminded me of Adam, I had this feeling he was cheating already and now I know for sure. When I was in my room I lied on my bed and fell alseep crying.

My Saviour- A Louis Tomlinson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now