chapter one

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chapter one

It wasn't that hard for Mikey to come up with a reason as to why his little brother left the room, then the door was locked. All he said to his grandmother was, "Nanny, sometimes your need to kick your brother out to get some privacy once in a while." It was small humor and she understood since she came from a household of eight brothers with her being stuck in a room with two of them.

And that's how Mikey got away with fucking his best friend with his grandmother in the house. He also could get away with drinking underage because that was something she did when she was younger, and Mikey used that to his advantage. Hell, he even got his sixteen year old brother to drink with him one time with his grandmother in the room.

The Balm grandmother was no hypocrite, and she believed that. She couldn't tell her grandsons no to one thing she did when she was younger. Sure, she scolded them, but she never punished them for the action unless it was a major felony, or weed. She didn't align with most of the Boomer mindset, but she did with the opinion on weed. Yet, it didn't apply to any of her grandkids, all four of them; none of them smoked it because they knew they would get chewed out for it, and a mad Nanny was a scary Nanny.


When the two friends were done, collapsed on the double-sized bed with heaving chests, they laughed about getting away with this again. They've been doing it since Jasper's second year at college when the two boys got drunk and curious. Now, a year later, it was a casual thing where neither passed up the idea of screwing their best friend.

In fact, Jasper brings that up. He asked Mikey, "remember when we fucked the first time here? The look on your brother's face when you sexiled him."

A bubble of laughter rose out of Jasper's lips and he pressed his forehead against the dark blue pillowcase of Mikey's pillow. Next to him, Mikey was reminiscing the day this all happened and smiled softly, exhaling a short breath when he remembered how it felt to fuck his best friend with no shame. It didn't matter if they were drunk, or tipsy since that's as far as Jasper had gotten with the alcohol, Mikey could remember most of the night.

Once the exhaustion hit Mikey, he slowly allowed his eyes to close and moved his arms so they were under his head. He stretched a little to get more comfortable with the amount of space he had with his best friend beside him. He could tell Jasper was also dozing off, since the bed kept moving until Jasper stayed still. Without turning over to see if he was correct, Mikey knew his best friend was laying on his side with his back towards the younger of the two (Mikey).

Then, with the two boys comfortable, Jasper curled the cover around his fists and tucked both under his head or chin; Mikey kept the king-size blanket with the pattern of an old person's bed set on his chest. Mikey was close to completely falling asleep when there was a tentative knock on the door.

Gruffly asking, "what?" Mikey expected it to be one of his younger brothers, not the one who he shared a room with. But, he identified the knocker as Aiden—the brother he shared the room with—when he asked to come in.

Mikey told him, "no, fuck off, Aiden." There was a growl from outside the door, so the older brother countered it with, "unless you want to see my dick, I suggest you leave."

He spoke quietly enough that his best friend could actually fall asleep, but loud enough that his brother could hear him. This lead to Mikey's not-so-little brother to pound on the door, irritating Mikey. He groaned loudly as he rolled out of bed, grabbing his boxers from the ground to step into them. Then, he took Jasper's clothes and tossed them to the end of the bed in a pile, that way they weren't just haphazardly thrown on the floor.

Aiden stood on the other side of the door, a deep scowl etched on his face. He pushed past his older brother, muttering profanities as he grabbed his Nintendo Switch and the charger. Mikey shrugged nonchalantly before crawling back in bed, assuming the position he was in before Aiden interrupted.

As the sixteen-year-old was leaving Mikey mentioned, "we're done now, so you don't have to bug Nanny anymore if you don't want to."

There was a small amount of care in his words, but Mikey covered it up by closing his eyes so they didn't show the care. He peeked a sleepy eye open when he didn't hear anything and saw Aiden standing at the door, hand on the knob, with a deadpan look on his face. His mouth was ajar, but his eyes were hardened with hate. There was a short silence before Aiden muttered, "fuck you," and have his older brother the bird. Mikey returned it with a chuckle and closed his eyes once again to fall asleep next to his best friend who was already asleep.

Here's the first chapter! Hope you like! Also, sorry for the four day wait, I went camping and didn't have any type of WiFi or data for those days.

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