chapter thirty-one

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chapter  thirty-one

Back at Jasper's place, the two riding in separate cars back to the Kirk house, Mikey was sitting on Jasper's bed with his bed pressed against the wall and his eyes set forward. He was grinding his jaw and thinking of ways to hurt the sixteen-year-old boy without catching a case.

"Hey," softly came from Jasper and his face filled Mikey's field of vision. His eyelashes fluttered at the closeness, but his eyes stared into Mikey's, making sure the younger one didn't do anything bad. He sat on Mikey's shins that were out in front of him—trapping him there—and curled his legs around them. Mikey folded his legs up and Jasper placed his chin on his knees.

But, doing this caused Mikey to frown further. His nose twitched and Jasper bit his lip, thinking of a way to calm his boyfriend down. He ended up placing both hands on Mikey's cheeks and smoothed down his furrowed eyebrows, whispering,

"Michael, look at me."

His eyes swiveled to Jasper's and the older twenty-one year old went to speak but he was cut off with Mikey's mouth crashing onto his. Jasper could feel Mikey trying to calm down—his nails digging into his boyfriend's arms.

Backing away, Jasper offered, "if I suck your dick will you calm down?" Mikey shrugged and the other shook his head. "No, I need a yes or no. I'm not doing something you don't want."

With Mikey's clear consent, Jasper's fingers worked on the button to Mikey's jeans and slid them down with the underwear. He buried his face between his best friend's thighs and bobbed his head. Air was pushed through his nose sharply when Mikey's fingers gripped at his scalp and moved along with Jasper's movement.

Afterward Jasper was being pulled up the meet Mikey's smiling lips and before they met Mikey said, "you have too much power with your mouth."

Then, they were molding their mouths together and Mikey nipped at Jasper's, the same sensation from before in the bathroom came up for Jasper. He sucked in a breath, but worked his mouth against his boyfriend's.

At some point, Jasper must have done something because Miley was pushing him away and telling him, "you are not topping, bitch, stop doing that."

With a laugh Jasper responded, "what do you mean?" genuinely confused on what he was doing.

Mikey helped Jasper out of his clothes beside boxers and roughly whispered in his ear, "acting like a top; doing dominate shit that will end with you on top. I'm fucking you, not the other way around."

They shared a laugh, but Jasper tried to see how much Mikey thought would end with him being the bottom. It started something in Jasper that he smirked at. He pinned Mikey under him, using his weight to try to keep Mikey down.

At one point Mikey teasingly wrapped a hand around Jasper's neck and he growled, "stop. You're hot as fuck doing this, but it like you're trying to get fucked into the bed."

Just by having the thought that Mikey's fingers could squeeze the sides had Jasper flushing and hardening from it. Mikey had to take notice because he smirked, doing just what Jasper imagined, and leaned down to whisper, "you have a choking kink."

The rest of Jasper was a bright red and he was pushing Mikey away, feeling embarrassed enough in front of his best friend and boyfriend. He wasn't about to do anything further when he was way beyond feeling fine.

Seeing Jasper recoil, Mikey pulled him back. He said into Jasper's ear, breath warming his ear, "I'm sorry, I won't tease you for it. But just know: it's hot."


The next morning the two are woken up by Jasper's mom walking in. She knocked before doing so, but neither boy had any type of clothes on and they were next to the double-sized bed.

"Jasper," she said softly and stepped over the two's clothes. She ignored Mikey's bare back and her son's, then pushing down on his shoulder. He grunted and turned his head away. She tried again, "Jasper. I have to tell you something."

He peeked open both eyes before shutting them again, humming to show he was listening. She told him of her leaving with his dad for his parent's house and Jasper nodded. She asked him if he wanted to join them, but he shook his hand. All the young adult wanted go do was sleep in and stay in the cocooned warmth between the two boys.

He reached his hand out to slap Mikey's shoulder and received a backhand to the crotch. Jasper's mom chuckled, but told her son to be safe and she walked out. Then, Mikey was looking at Jasper and asking in a scratchy sleep-filled voice,

"You think she noticed?"

"If she didn't–" Jasper snorted–"then she is so oblivious."

They chuckled and laid back down, Jasper leaning into Mikey's warm body. He sighed contently at the heat radiating off him and tucked the cover in around them to keep it there. They were cocooned and Jasper wouldn't have had it any other way for the morning with both of their days off.

And here you go! :) I do know I said I might have published an Aiden chapter, but I just got back to college so I don't have time yet—I'm not accustomed to my school schedule yet, but still. The Aiden chapter is a tentative one I've had in the back of my mind for awhile. It might just be a bonus chapter once this book is finished so it's not just a random POV change.

But, hope you have/had a good day.

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