chapter forty-two

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chapter  forty-two

Jasper's dorm smelled clean and antibacterial, the workers must have come through and cleaned everything over the Christmas break. When he walked in late Sunday night after seeing Mikey, he was surprised at the smell. It wasn't the typical lemon smell, but of lavender and he could appreciate it. 

The college student unpacked his belongings by himself and dropped back on his bed, feeling exhausted from being away from the room and his roommates. Ricky had been sitting on the couch when he walked in, but neither had seen Aaron yet. Their group chat had said he'd most likely be back in the early morning the next day, and because of that Jasper let his eyes shut and sleep take over him. For one thing, he had an early class the next day, it started at nine and he'd have to be up by eight. It wasn't a fun idea for Jasper.

The next morning his foot was hanging off the bed and his alarm was telling him to wake up. He trudged to the bathroom, knocking on the door before opening it and doing his business on the toilet. He could have fallen asleep standing up, but another knock woke him up.

"Yeah?" He called out and a tired Aaron apologized. Jasper washed his hands and opened the door, nodding to his roommate as an unspoken greeting to which both nodded. Jasper went back to his room to get ready and was dressed in minutes, hoping he had time still to eat and go on his phone before he'd have to walk to his first class.

Luckily he had the time and he sat on the couch, munching on a pop tart he'd stashed when he gotten back the night before. Aaron joined him soon after and they sat in silence until Jasper's quiet roommate spoke up.

He pointed out, "we have to go shopping for groceries and such."

"I'm good after five tonight."

"I'm good after eight thirty, I have a night class."

His roommate didn't seem too happy with his decision to take a night class and Jasper sympathized for him. They complained about night classes and how Aaron had to take the class for his major, then they left together. Their walk was freezing and Jasper wished to be holding hands with Mikey since his were always warm even without gloves. His cheeks flushed from his thought of his boyfriend and he blamed it on the freezing temperature for it.

When the building his class came up, Jasper bid his roommate goodbye and walked inside, taking the stairs two at a time. He passed by a guy he remembered from the baseball team and nodded to him. By the time he reached his class on the third floor, all the way at the other end of the building, Jasper was wheezing from his lungs constricting in the air outside and the cardio he had just endured.


Ricky and Jasper were waiting patiently for Aaron to end his night class and Mikey was currently in the bathroom, the videos on his phone playing quietly. The other roommate turned to look at the college student with a knowing gaze.

He asked matter-of-factly, "you're dating him."

Jasper nodded, proud of the accomplishment and swooned over his boyfriend. When Mikey walked back to them Jasper was finishing up talking. His hands found their way to Mikey's skin—Jasper played with the hair at the nape of his neck—and Ricky overlooked the display of wholesome affection. He congratulated them and Mikey smirked from his spot.

He whispered into Jasper's ear seductively, "y'know, we've got like an hour still, Jasp. We can see if your bed is still comfortable."

His warm hands slipped up into his shirt and trailed over his stomach and chest. The hand splayed across his chest could definitely feel the drumming of Jasper's heartbeat, but the older of the two didn't try to stop it. He pushed away Mikey's face and looked towards Ricky who was engrossed in his cell phone.

Instead of disappearing into his room for sex, the two stayed on the couch and watched Jasper's new anime addiction—ID: Invaded. Jasper set a leg between Mikey's and his boyfriend's hand gripped his thigh comfortably, pulling the leg closer to him. Throughout the episode Jasper had supported his weight on Mikey and the latter didn't seem to care, his thumb kept the continuous rubbing against the dark colored denim.

Aaron walked in approximately five minutes after his class was over and called out for his roommates, not seeing them on the couch. When Ricky stood up, Aaron jumped and had to catch his breath from sucking in a long one. Jasper chuckled from the couch and didn't want to move from Mikey's hands—they were too warm and soft, but he pulled away and helped him stand.

"Mikey's got a car, so we can use that instead of the bus," Jasper informed the two, mainly Aaron who nodded thankfully, and set his book bag in his room, then met them back at the door. Mikey and Jasper held hands when walking to his car and the other two talked quietly behind them.

Mikey asked when he was fumbling with his car fob, "so what's your schedule like? Do you have time?"

"Wednesday's and Thursday's are my busiest days, but Friday I somehow got away with no classes."

Jasper smirked and the idea of spending the day with his boyfriend filled him with joy. His head was light and his blood was pumping quickly. Beside him Mikey had squeezed his hand and leaned closer to clarify the idea he had in mind, just in case it matched Jasper's—which it did.

The four of them drove to Target and shopped, Jasper pushing the cart and grabbing things he thought they needed back at the dorm while Aaron and Ricky did that same. They spent around hundred dollars for groceries, but that was normal for them.

A text came through Mikey's phone when he was looking up where glass cleaner was and it was from Marlene. She seemed worried, so Jasper handed the phone off to the owner, having been annoying Aiden by text on it.

Marlene 9:23pm
Can you come home whenever you're free?

Jasper watched Mikey frown, and he pressed his thumb to his forehead to smooth out the wrinkles. The message reply sent and the two went on their way, following Jasper's roommates. For the next couple of minutes Mikey texted his grandmother and groaned, smacking his head against Jasper's shoulder.

He whined, "this is why I didn't want to tell her, Jasper! She is making up excuses so I can't spend the night with you! For fuck's sake, I'm your boyfriend and I just want to be around you after an annoying day at work.'

"Her stupid problem of needing held of taking Christmas decorations down is stupid. I have three other brothers who can help her with that! Plus, I'm at your place, why is she hovering? What the fuck does she think we're gonna do?"

Mikey huffed and apologized for his short rant, but Jasper ran his fingers through the younger's hair, lightly tugging at the scalp and whispering into his space. It helped calm him down, and Jasper chose to kiss his eyebrow in hopes to distract him for a little. They stopped in front of the cleaning supplies—the laundry detergent pods and softener—and Jasper stared into Mikey's eyes.

His eyes showed the annoyance and stress, but the hunched shoulders told Jasper how tired the twenty-one year old was. Jasper hugged him close and breathed into his ear,

"I'm here for you, Michael, don't forget that."

Oh yea, it's all coming together now. Four plus a bonus chapter left.

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