chapter thirty-eight

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chapter  thirty-eight

"So where are you two going?" Jasper looked up from his phone as he laid on the Mikey's bed to see Noah staring at him.

His boyfriend was in the bathroom taking a shower, having tried to get Jasper to join him but with no avail. The elder had refused since even though Marlene wasn't in the house at the moment, he didn't want to be caught when she asked where he was since his car was parked outside when she got back.

Noah was leaning on the doorframe, his ankles crossed along with his arms. He had a smile on his face, but Jasper knew the Balm boys enough to know that the middle child was asking for teasing opportunities later on. They barely asked questions just because they were curious, there was always an ulterior motive to it. Therefore, Jasper stayed quiet by answering with a shrug, Noah groaning.

He whined, "how do you not know? Mikey had to have told you."


Aiden laughed from his bed, knowing exactly where they'd go since Mikey had asked Jasper on their date in front of him. It was a spontaneous date and they were both hungry, so they were going to eat at some restaurant they'd choose in the car.

The shower shut off and Noah left the room, leaving Jasper to go back to his searching of places to eat. He was feeling Olive Garden or Friendly's, but he go also go for fast food. Jasper knew Mikey would chose the restaurants since he'd been going on about wanting pasta through their texts the night before.

So, when Miley walked in his room with wet hair, hanging on his forehead, and a smile on his face, Jasper knew the night would be great. His hands trailed over Mikey's t-shirt, a worn Guns N' Roses shirt, when he walked closer to the edge of the bed for his phone. Jasper sat up from his laying position and slid off the bed for shoes.

He tied his sneakers and followed Mikey out of the house, feeling his pocket for his wallet and nodding to himself when it was there. Mikey had grabbed his hand and squeezed it, causing Jasper's heart to beat a little faster. In the car music played through the speakers and Jasper hummed to the lyrics.

At some point Mikey set his hand on Jasper's thigh to grab his attention, and he got it quickly. He was asked where they were going and Jasper said, "what about Olive Garden? They have your chicken Alfredo."


His heart hummed in his chest and his cheeks hurt from grinning so much. Across from him, Mikey had been joking about their time in middle school when they'd both gotten detention for sending notes across the classroom with depictions of each other. They'd been on thin ice already with the teacher, but that just hit it for the grouchy teacher and she sent them down to the principals office right away. Now, Jasper found the time hilarious and they made fun of the teacher together.

Jasper laughed, "that teacher was the worst! She constantly gave me D's on my papers and she looked like a fucking toad, too."

Mikey hummed, saying the opposite, but that was because he was great at writing papers normally. But, he always been that way and Jasper had been jealous each time he was given a C when he spent days on his paper, then Mikey came along with a paper written the night before and received an A.

Their waitress stepped up to their table and asked if they needed anything, if everything was fine, and the two nodded, sobering up quickly. Jasper took a sip of his strawberry smoothie and eyed the girl at the end of the table. She grinned to both boys and walked away, heading to another.

When she was out of earshot, Mikey said, "didn't she used to go to our school?"

Jasper shrugged, not remembering many peers from high school. He remembered his high school friends who slowly stopped talking to him which he didn't care about, and those who talked to him a lot during school—anyone else was forgotten about as they were deemed unnecessary.

Mikey copied his boyfriend's action and went back to eating his pasta while Jasper ate the salad. They were there for an hour or so, then leaving with the Andy's Mints in their hands. Jasper pushed Mikey when they were closer to the door, teasing him.

"You should let me drive your car, I'm pretty good at driving."

There was a slight hesitation, then Jasper was handed the keys and he cheered, leaning over to kiss Mikey's cheek. At Mikey's car he stole a kiss and ducked in the passenger seat, giving Jasper a smug look. In the car, Mikey had his hand on his thigh, waiting, and Jasper linked them together, driving back to Marlene's house.

Once parked outside of the residence Jasper placed the keys in Mikey's palm and stepped out. They headed for the front door and Jasper made the plan to head home since he worked the next day and it was already late at night. He told Mikey that when they got to his room.

Mikey followed his boyfriend back down the stairs, after dropping off his keys and jacket, and to the front door, hanging on the inside door. Jasper holding open the screen door with a waiting smile on his lips. Understanding the look, Mikey leaned forward and captured Jasper's lips with his own, smiling into the kiss.

"I'll text you," Jasper promised and lifted his hand from Mikey's waist. He jogged to his car and drove off, feeling happy with how his relationship with his best friend turned out.

And here you go. Just a nice little chapter to make up for not update for a whole week. Work and life got busy for me, so I apologize for not updating last week.

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