chapter three

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chapter  three

Jasper didn't have class and Mikey didn't have to work, so they could hang out and do whatever they wanted to. Mikey was the one to propose hanging out, but it was Jasper who suggested they go to the baseball field with his roommates and some of their friends to play either baseball itself, or kickball. Whatever they played, the two best friends were happy to hang out with the other either way.

So, Mikey told his grandmother where he was heading while eating lunch with some of his brothers sitting around him. They ignored his plans, going about their lunch, but his grandmother asked who he would be hanging out with.

"Jasper and his roommates, plus some of their friends." He shrugged since it wasn't a big deal, he hung out with Jasper all the time. Maybe sometimes it was just to fuck, but other times and most of the times they hung out was genuinely because they wanted to be near the other.

Mikey's grandmother nodded after feeling okay with her grandson being around his friend, and went on with her lunch. When he was finished with his he put the plate away, then went to get his shoes. He tied them and headed out. He struggled a little to put one of his sweatshirts on, it could've been Jasper's as well but neither knew anymore since they shared clothes ever since they were the same size. But, he let his best friend know he would be heading over to the apartment and took his time walking there.

Along the way Jasper texted back saying he and the roommates would wait for him.

Jackass             12:39pm
Ricky and Aaron's friends are gonna meet us there since their dorms are near it anyway.

Mikey tucked his phone in his sweatpants, zipping the pocket closed, and his hands in his sweatshirt's front pocket. He hummed to some song he heard Aiden playing while doing his homework the night before.

Arriving at Jasper's college apartment, Mikey let his best friend know. Three guys walked out to meet Mikey and they headed off to the baseball fields not too far away, maybe a twenty minute walk. It was just the beginning of September, so it was still warmish outside that they wouldn't freeze playing or walking there.

Jasper's roommates' friends were lightly throwing and hitting a baseball back and forth when the four of them walked onto the field. They called out to Jasper and his roommates, then nodded to Mikey. There was enough of them to play baseball since the friends brought along other people. There was at least twelve people on the field, all ready to play baseball or kickball.


"Mikey," Jasper shouted, annoyed with his best friend for using him as a shield. He tried moving behind Mikey, but the younger one was stubborn and strong.

Mikey grabbed Jasper's waist, fingers pressing into his sides and tickling him slightly. A ball flew towards the two and Jasper tried again to move away—using his butt to push away his best friend, twisting left and right to shake off the clingy boy. It didn't work, instead Mikey gripped Jasper's waist tighter and whispered heavily, "I will pound your ass into the ground if you do that again, Jackass."

Suddenly Jasper didn't have enough air in his lungs. He sucked in a breath too quickly and ended up coughing harshly. He seriously pushed away Mikey who let go, understanding he wasn't playing this time, and set his hands against his knees. Jasper bent over and breathed heavily as he tried to regain his breath. As he stood up he looked to his best friend who had a deep frown and care written all over his face, then bit, "fuck you."

Mikey winked, mouthing, "later," and caught the ball that was thrown at him. Their game of baseball turned to kickball, then turned to dodgeball when some girlfriends of the friends brought the dodgeballs with them. They told the group they stole them from the gym, so they'd need to be returned before the night.

Jasper could only stare at his friend when he threw the ball away, aiming at Jasper's roommate. He blinked away the trance that had taken over him, and grabbed a ball that was rolling towards him. His other roommate got out from his throw and it was down to Mikey, three of the friends, and Jasper himself. It quickly dwindled down to Mikey and one of the friends, both played baseball in high school, but the other friend was currently on the baseball team at Jasper's college.

Mikey won the dodgeball game and celebrated loudly. Jasper shook his head at his best friend, but patted his back when he walked over. They stood next to each other, shoulders brushing, and Jasper's heartbeat sped up from the touch. It was funny, he only felt this way always except when in the confines of either of the boys' bedrooms. He wasn't flushing or awkward when they had sex, but the moments before and after he was crushing hard on his best friend. Jasper didn't know if that was how everyone else felt, but he didn't want to bring it up to anyone else.

On the other hand, Mikey was enjoying the feeling of being slightly pressed against Jasper. He felt the spot where their arms met warm, along with his dick but that was only from earlier's action. And maybe it was the adrenaline pumping through his veins, but Mikey wanted to press his whole body against Jasper's, but not sexually. He just wanted to lay on top of his best friend and... kiss him slowly. The last part scared him, so he tossed it to the back of his brain and went along with his actions normally. He put an arm around Jasper's neck and called out to everyone,

"Well, we are gonna get going. It was nice hanging out with you all."

Mikey smiled genuinely. He really enjoyed being around other people his age, or around his age, and having fun. He was definitely an extrovert and got his energy from being around other people.

When the two were out of eyesight for the others, Jasper boldly slipped his arm around Mikey's waist. When there was no reaction he kept it there and casually looked down, smirking at seeing Mikey's bulge.

He teased his friend, "horny?"

Something changed in Mikey's eyes, and he said confidently, "you were the one who pressed against my dick, Jasper. What else am I supposed to think?"

Laughing, Jasper replies, "about anything else." Then he jokingly said, "we're best friends, Mikey. You don't think about my dick, and I don't think about yours."

Mikey stopped walking in the middle of the sidewalk to deadpan, knowing the latter sentence was completely off. He definitely thought about Jasper's dick, and he was pretty sure it was reciprocated, otherwise they wouldn't be in this 'best friend with benefits' stage.

"Jasp, we both know that's a lie." Mikey reiterated his thoughts of being in the weird stage of best friends with benefits, and Jasper's cheeks flushed. He pushed away his friend, but stay close while they walked back to Mikey's place.

So I guess I'll stop there for today. I wrote three chapters in one day and like them all. This chapter is longer than the others, so whoops about that.

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