chapter forty-one

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chapter forty-one

Over the next couple days, going up until the day before Jasper went back to college, Mikey grew to be civil towards Aiden's boyfriend. The latter teen had been over more than once and each time he seemed certain on being nothing but a good significant other for Aiden Balm. It was tense, for sure, between Mikey and Cadence, but it was nothing time couldn't solve. Heck, the twenty-one year old wouldn't be able to tell how long the two would be together, so he couldn't hold a grudge for the rest of the relationship.

Therefore, he turned to his own boyfriend. He had the plans to drive over, spend the day with the college student until he had to leave and come back home and sleep in his own bed. He had a vague idea of what he wanted to happen at Jasper's but it was all up to him since it was something more than simply watching tv.

Mikey walked up to his grandmother right before, his promise to be over at his heat friend's place in ten or so minutes ever presence in his mind. His hip was pressed against the wall for the doorway to the kitchen where Marlene was currently at. She looked over her shoulder and grinned, encouraging Mikey to tell her of his plans.

"Hey, Nanny, I'm gonna head over to Jasper's. I want to hang with him before he has to go back to classes tomorrow."

The older woman pointed a big spoon at her grandson and told him, "actually, can you help me with cleaning the house? I want to finally clean out the basement since: new year, new me."

Marlene chuckled and her facial expression was innocent, so Mikey didn't think anything of her wish. He shrugged, a little sad he wouldn't be able to be around Jasper, but he was pretty sure his boyfriend would understand; he was like that. Therefore, he took the time he went downstairs to text the older twenty-one year old.

Mikey                 3:48pm
So my grandmother is having me help her clean the basement out. I'm gonna try to do it wuickly, but don't count on it

Mikey                3:48pm
I think she knows

Mikey                3:48pm
I'm gonna tell her sometime tonight if that's ok with you

The young adult plopped onto the couch down there, eyeing the mess they called a basement. There was an abundant amount of trash, the small trash can overflowing with it and a small white bag beside it. Memories of Jasper and Mikey from any time they were down there filled his brains and he smiled softly at them.

From his thigh his phone vibrated and he looks down to it for a text back.

Jackass                  3:51pm
That's fine, I was probably gonna head over soon anyway. If you want I can come over tonight for a little bit? And idc if you tell Marlene, it's your choice

Jackass                 3:51pm
I'm ok with either. You pick bitch

A smile took over his face as he texted back quickly, waiting for his grandmother to come down and tell him what to start with.

Mikey                3:51pm
I'm gonna change your name to bitcher if you keep calling em thwt

Mikey                3:52pm
Me that**

Jackass                3:52pm
Noooo!!! 🥺 don't

Mikey                3:52pm
Then what do you want it as? Rn it's jackass

Without much said, Mikey changed Jasper's contact name as 'Bitcher' until a text came through with the name he wanted instead of Jackass. Mikey would put anything really, he didn't care.

Bitcher              3:54pm

Bitcher              3:54pm
Jk idk you pick

Mikey                 3:54pm
Ok what about bitch boy? Because you're acting like one 😌

Bitcher              3:55pm
🖕🏻 no. I like jackass more

Mikey                3:55pm
What about 👅?

Bitcher              3:55pm
Why that

Mikey                3:55pm
Yo I have a tongue piercing and it's hot

Mikey                3:56pm

Bitcher              3:56pm

Mikey grinned as he changed the name yet again and quickly told Jasper he would have to go for now, Marlene was walking down the stairs. Jasper sent an emoji and Mikey stuffed the device in his adidas pants pocket, zippering it shut. The older lady had them start on reorganizing the alcohol down there, behind the bar, and Mikey felt like a bartender when doing so. He hummed under his breath to a song he had stuck in his head as he placed the bottles in order from least took greatest liquid left.

At his side Marlene was folding the cover on the back of the couch and cleaning up. His promise to Jasper played in front of his brain and his palms sweated. Wiping them on his pants, Mikey shook his head and sighed airily. His grandmother asked him what was wrong and all he did was shake his head to convince nothing was wrong. It wasn't wrong, but his mind was being stupid and making scenarios he knew wouldn't happen: his grandmother was super accepting of Aiden and Cadence's relationship, albeit being the protective guardian he predicted.

In the end Mikey took a slow, deep breath in and faced his grandmother, getting it over with in one breath. "I'm dating Jasper."

Her eyes lit up and she smiled proudly. She came around the bar to hug him and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. And for once in his life, Mikey wished that his parents were alive so he could tell them this same exact news and have them see his best friend. They'd died when he was young, a couple years after Max was born, and he had grown used to not having them around, but this was something he wanted them around for.

"No doing anything in this house, Mikey. I don't care that you are very well an adult, there's an eight year old here."

Flashes of him and Jasper having sex in his bedroom past times caused his cheeks to flush and Marlene took it as embarrassment and pinched them. Then, she ruffled his hair and went back to cleaning up.

While squatted next to the sofa, she admitted, "I've known for some time now. Your aunt Tracy told me actually."

"What do you mean? I didn't tell her?"

"No, but Max did. Well, he told her you were dating someone, and she told me, but I put it together that it was Jasper; you're never around anyone else." She looked up from her spot near the floor and smiled knowingly. "And it's been obvious for years now—you and Jasper have liked each other for years now."

A fond grin took over his lips when she mentioned his boyfriend and he had to wipe it away quickly. He choked on his spit when she said nonchalantly, "I also saw you two making out on New Years. You weren't too subtle with that."

"Okay, whatever. Can he come over some time tonight? I want to see him before his classes start and his schedule gets super busy."

Marlene conceded and Mikey grinned, not being able to hide his excitement for the hours later when Jasper would inevitably show up.

Five more chapters, plus a bonus chapter (maybe another idk)! If you think I should end something full circle tell me please.

Also, college is ending soon for me, so once I finish updating this book, sayonara wattpad. I have drafts, but they won't ever be finished. I am like 93% sure I will never write on wattpad once this book is finished, so yea 😁

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