chapter nine

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chapter  nine

Aiden was the first to react to Mikey's new piercing. He gasped loudly and punched his friend's arm harshly. The friend retaliated with a backhanded smack to Aiden's stomach and shrugged off the piercing. Mikey thanked the friend for not being dramatic, but Aiden gave him the middle finger.

Aiden asked knowingly, "did you get it with Jasper?" And when his older brother nodded he looked at Cadence smugly. "What did he get?"

Mikey dropped down onto his bed and rolled to his side, facing the wall, but looked over his shoulder to tell his younger brother, "his tongue."

A chuckle, along with a suggestive, "oh?" came from Aiden, but Mikey threw Jasper's pillow at him. He was hit in the face and silenced, then his friend tossed the pillow back to Mikey who had his hand outstretched for it. He put it back in its spot and noticed there was the faint smell of his best friend to his sheets. Mikey curled into the covers and murmured, "don't fuck with me in the room, please. Sexile me."

Then, he was out. He had a handful of his blanket in his fist, bringing it up to his face so his nose was buried in the smell of Jasper. He was asleep before ten that night which was surprising since he would usually be on his phone until midnight. Mikey blamed it on the leftover smell from Jasper since he was comforting and warm, and the smell must've triggered something in his brain to fall asleep quickly.


A loud crack of thunder woke Mikey up around three in the morning. He grumbled from it, turning to his other side and peeled open an eye to see what time it was. The clock Aiden and Mikey had in their room showed 3:28 and he pressed his head further into his pillow.

Snoring from the other side really woke up Mikey. Aiden never snored before, so why was he now? But when the twenty-year-old sat up and looked at his brother's bed he was a little surprised to see his little brother's friend sleeping next to him. The friend had an arm raised above his head and his other placed on his stomach, lying on his back. Aiden was on his stomach and his face was turned towards the friend. Mikey gave it no deep thought, instead pushing it away since he also sleeps in the same bed as his best friend.

Yet, once the actions Mikey and Jasper participate in roll around to the front of his brain to he acknowledged, his eyes widened. They fuck. With this realization Mikey opened his texts and composed a text to his best friend.

Mikey                3:31am
Jasper! Aiden and his friend are sleeping in the same bed! It's not the usual stupid no homo sleep either! I will beat this kid up if him and Aiden are fucking

Seeing as he wouldn't be sleeping for a little bit, Mikey slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom, then walked down to the kitchen for a cup of water. He leaned against the fridge to read Jasper's response.

Jackass                3:32am
Don't hurt the guy Mikey. Plus, we sleep in the same bed, so you'd be a hypocrite to beat up Aiden's friend

Jackass                3:32am
Also go to bed you dumbass it's 3:30 and you have work tomorrow

Mikey                3:32am
YoU hAvE wOrK tOmMoRrOw

Mikey                3:32am
You go to bed, you have classes at like eight in the morning

They continued to bicker over texts until Jasper conceded and said goodnight. Mikey followed soon after with a smile on his face. He had a funky dream of Jasper and him, but he wasn't able to remember the events in between when he woke up from his alarm. All he knew was that it caused his chest to warm significantly and he thought about the feeling the whole time he was getting ready in the dark so he wouldn't wake up to the two boys sharing Aiden's bed.

An adorable chapter in my mind. I needed a filler because I didn't know what else to write yet. I didn't want to rush into anything just yet. Anywho,

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