chapter twenty-seven

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chapter  twenty-seven

The first couple of days of dating his best friend, either boy was in shock. They'd gone from regular best friends to friends with benefits, then to boyfriends. It was insane for both to think about, but put them over the moon either way. Just thinking of the other caused a stupid smile on their lips. Mikey was sure his brothers hadn't caught on since he acted the same way, but if any of them would take the time to really look into his actions they'd see the lovesick look he'd give his phone too much.

On the other hand, Jasper's parents barely spoke to him, so it saved him the conversation of telling them about his boyfriend. He'd already told them he was into guys near the ending of high school, but that was hard enough for him. Seeing as how tiring it was to get his parents to listen to him back then, he didn't really explicitly tell his sister about his relationship—he'd rather just let her find out on her own. And Jasper was pretty sure she did when she came over to the house unannounced one day.

Mikey has texted Jasper after eating his Dairy Queen while being parked outside the Balm household. He'd gone shopping for his grandmother with his two younger brothers, treating them for ice cream, then they ate in silence in the warm car.

MIKEY 2:04pm
Are you home or are you working?

It wasn't long before Jasper answered.

JACKASS 2:06pm
I'm home alone!!!!!! :(

Seeing as how his night could go, Mikey hurried his brothers to finish their blizzards, then had them help him take the groceries in. As he stepped to the door he yelled out to his family, "I'm going over to Jasper's!"

Then he was buckling and driving over, a little brighter than he felt before. He entered Jasper's house, mentally yelling at the twenty-one year old for leaving the front door unlock when he was home alone, but immediately went to Jasper's room. In his room, Jasper was folding his clothes and putting them away.

He turned when he heard his door open and a grin took over his face in seconds. Jasper felt giddy looking at Mikey and his stomach twisted in a good way. The pair of pants he was folding was slowly abandoned as he looked over his boyfriend's body, appreciating that he could call Mikey his boyfriend. A smug smirk was placed on the younger of the two's mouth as he noticed the stare.

"Hey, wassup?" Mikey's one hand moved on its own accord and reached out to touch Jasper. His fingertips brushed over Jasper's hip.

Jasper returned the action with stepping closer, a glint in his eyes causing Mikey's eyes to darken lustfully. They wandered Jasper's face before stopping at his smiling lips. Mikey leaned forward and Jasper met him in the middle, his fingers tingling as they ghosted over Mikey's hips before gripping them and tugging him even closer.

Jasper's body shivered when his best friend lightly pulled at the hairs on his nape. He parted his lips and sighed into the kiss when Mikey continued to thread his fingers through his hair. His head was light and he felt like he was floating or on cloud nine. The twenty-one year old never wanted to stop feeling this way anytime he kissed Mikey.

They only stopped when Mikey's legs hit Jasper's bed and he was sitting at the edge. He forced Jasper to lean to his level and he slid a hand under his shirt, feeling every curve on Jasper's abdomen. His waist was small and to Mikey he felt like he could wrap both hands around there and be able to touch middle fingers, but he knew that was untrue; Jasper did have a small waist, but not that tiny.

The older of them also had a smooth stomach and Mikey found in that moment that he really fucking liked his stomach. It was soft and he could press his thumbs into the skin, and he didn't have to worry about feeling abs or too much muscle.

On the bed, Mikey moved around so he was laying with the length of the bed and he looked up to see his boyfriend staring down at him. Jasper was seated on his hips with his hands slowly working his shirt up. Mikey let Jasper do whatever he pleased and lazily set his own hands on Jasper's lower thighs, his thumbs rubbing back and forth. Jasper left a small hickey on his neck and Mikey's grip tightened when he felt the cool air brush over the sensitive area.

As Mikey went to tell his best friend and boyfriend, "you're really fucking hot," he was interrupted by Jasper's door opening with a short knock. Neither boy moved, either family have known the other boy since the two have been friends, and they've been caught in much weirder positions than the one they were in currently.

One time Mikey was sure Jasper's sister had walked past the latter's room at the wrong time when they had friends over, and she caught a glimpse of the end of Jasper falling after being pushed by a high school friend, and he landed on Mikey. His head was closer to Mikey's crotch than comfort at the time and she knocked on the door with wide eyes. So, seeing her brother sitting on Mikey wasn't anything unusual.

But, when Mikey had his hands on Jasper, mid-thigh, and her little brother with his hands under Mikey's shirt, it might look suggestive. She blinked slowly, shrugging, then asking her question.

"Mom asked me to come over and get the portable heater you guys don't use, but I don't know where it is."

Tessa grimaced and Jasper sighed, not wanting to leave Mikey, but he stepped past his sister and led her to the small closet where everything and anything was pushed to. He pulled out the heater and Tessa thanked him. Before she walked out she caught Jasper as he was walking upstairs.

She called out, "hey, Jasper." When he looked over his shoulder she smiled. "I'm glad you guys finally got together."

Jasper's cheeks flushed and he stood on the steps, watching his sister wink and close the door. He shook his head and went back to his room. He crawled under the blanket, next to Mikey and looked at the screen—Instagram filling it. With the extra warmth next to him, sleep hit him like a ton truck in minutes. His eyes closed and he breathed out slowly.

He whispered to Mikey, "wake me up in like an hour."

Mikey hummed, setting an alarm, then went back to his phone, enjoying the pressing figure on his side. Jasper has turned his head away, but his arms and legs were still touching him. He laid on his stomach and Mikey chuckled when he saw how far his face was shoved in his pillow.

Just some soft Jasper x Mikey. Here's a way early update since I'm bored and it's basically 2am for me.

Also, it's something small, but I love the layout of my profile; and, if anyone watches Jujutsu Kaisen or like any anime, hmu I want to talk about this with someone. My other friend watches the dubbed version of JJK so I'm episodes ahead of him, and I just want to go on about the characters and how much I love them.

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