chapter thirty-nine

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chapter thirty-nine

After his boss had let him out early, telling Jasper he wasn't necessarily needed since he had meetings all day, the college student rode down the elevator, unbuttoning and buttoning the topmost button he'd done, boredom set in his bones. When he reached the ground floor he nodded to the nice receptionist, smiling amicably back to her.

In the car park he exaggerated his steps, looking for songs on YouTube to play on the ride home. He lightly bit on his bottom lip while contemplating, but ended up choosing his favorite playlist on Spotify and backed out of his space, driving to the street and home. Once on the main street, he was heading towards home or fast food, whichever came first in the drive. Jasper's mind was telling him food, but he didn't want to spend money especially when he shouldn't.

As he was pulling into a McDonald's parking lot his phone rang from the cup holder and it was Aiden's contact. Jasper frowned before answering it with a hum and was surprised by what Aiden had the balls to say:

"I'm gonna have Cadence over, can you come over so Mikey doesn't kill him?"

Jasper set his car in park in a spot, slouching in the seat, and stared at his phone. "Say that again? I have to stop my boyfriend from killing yours?"

"Yes." Aiden sighed exasperatedly, but it convinced the twenty-one year old. "Please."

"Is Mikey there now?"

He was told yes and Jasper walked into the fast food building, ready to order both his and Mikey's usual orders. He hung up on Aiden and stepped up to the counter, ordering and paying, then stepped to the side to wait. While he did the latter he chose to text Mikey himself on the situation.

JASPER                    2:37pm
Hey, are you home?? I got you mcdonalds and was gonna come over to hang

👕                   2:37pm
Yea, come over

So, Jasper walked in the house some time later with his arms full of McDonalds food and itching to get out of his button up shirt. It was nice and soft, but he wasn't feeling the outfit and wanted to be in something comfier—preferably his boyfriend's clothing.

He handed the food off and went to Mikey's shirts, smiling at the section. He heard Mikey thank him for the food, Aiden asking if he got something and Jasper absentmindedly told him about the fries he bought the teen. Rifling through the shirts, Jasper stopped on a long sleeve from their high school, changing into it and letting his button down fall to the floor, making a mental note to drop it in the hamper in the hallway.

Aiden gave the oldest a thankful stare and Jasper looked away, crawling on Mikey's bed and sitting beside him, but pressed against the wall. He held his drink between his legs and ate his hamburger and fries. Mikey dug into his Big Mac and fries as well.

The knock at the door startled the two older boys and Jasper's heart dropped to his stomach, reaching over Mikey to set his drink on the floor for extra safety measures; he didn't need to wash the sheets since his drink spilled due to an anger fit from Mikey. Aiden grimaced, but went to grab Cadence who was also shitting his pants at the front door.

For the time they had by themselves, Mikey tried to kiss Jasper, but he grabbed his hand and held on tight, really not wishing to go through what was inevitable to happen. Mikey went to ask Jasper what was up, but Cadence's nervous body walked into the room and Aiden followed, closing the door.

"Hey," Cadence breathed and Jasper gave him a quick glare, but in the end he smiled towards the second teen.

On the other hand, Mikey was sitting up straight, placing his burger next to Jasper's leg towards the wall, knuckles brushing his thigh. He huffed dryly and asked, "why are you here?"

"I asked him to come over. Stop being a douche and get over it," Aiden cut in with a sharp glare towards his brother, eyes cold and warning.

"No," Mikey countered and tried to stand up, but failed with Jasper pulling him back, pressing his mouth to the back of his neck. The fired up boy looked back over his shoulder with a heated stare and Jasper faltered for a second before shaking away the fear and holding onto his boyfriend.

Mikey growled, "Jasp, let me go."


"Fucking hell, let me go."


Aiden made sure Cadence was sitting on his bed, then sort of shielded him with his own body, sure his brother would do something. He knew the extent of Mikey's rightful anger, but he liked the boy behind him and didn't want him to get hurt in any way. There was a shitty reason behind Cadence's actions, but no one had to know beside the two of them, and Aiden made a decision to keep it that way for as long as he could.

Therefore, he decided to calm Mikey with, "look, I know you're furious, but everything's fine. Calm down buckaroo."

Cadence added, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did, and I know it was crappy. I'm trying to make up for it and I'm serious about that."

His eyes were casted to Mikey's and he had no choice but to narrow his eyes, then look away. He went back to his food and ignored everyone in the room including Jasper who was sitting there with his mouth parted from surprise.

He nudged Mikey with his fingers but he was quick to look away and to his phone. He was stubborn and Jasper groaned, leeching onto Mikey. He leaned on his shoulder, trying to grab his attention, pulling his face toward his own, and resulted in Jasper pressing his lips to the spot on Mikey's neck that rendered him still and breathing ever so haltingly.

Jasper smirked and whispered against his neck, "don't ignore me, bitch."

What he didn't think would happen would be: Mikey letting go of his burger and wrapping a hand around Jasper's neck in a second, getting close to his face. His dark eyes fell to his boyfriend's lips and he spoke softly, yet sternly—"I wouldn't go there, Jasper."

There was an exaggerated cough from the side of them and Jasper looked over Mikey's shoulder to glare at Aiden wholeheartedly. He narrowed his eyes and dug his short nails into Mikey's nape, the latter exhaling swiftly at the pinch.

"I am not leaving, so you two can cool it."

Mikey rolled his eyes and said loud enough for his brother to hear him, "he is so annoying." Then pressed a quick kiss to Jasper's lips and went back to eating his Big Mac and sipping on his drink, handing Jasper his own drink from the floor. The four of them were mostly quiet and Jasper stayed close to Mikey and his warm body.

I don't even know what to say anymore with these notes. I apologize for skipping last weekend's update; I've been doing that lately and it's simply because: college and my busy schedule. But here you go, and have a good night/day!

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