chapter eleven

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chapter  eleven

The last of Jasper's clothes for the week were packed up and set in his car's trunk. He took some of the objects he didn't use in the first couple of months of college and placed them around the duffel bag. Then, Jasper said a quick bye to his roommates and drove to his house. It wasn't too long of a drive, but he still got to listen to his favorite song of the week: Blinding Lights by The Weeknd.

Outside of his house, Jasper looked up to the house that was always too empty for him. Ever since his sister moved out once she turned eighteen and graduated from high school, the three bedroom house was weirdly empty. But, for the week both Kirk siblings would be home.

Jasper had convinced and begged Tessa to stay at their house with him so he wasn't bored, instead of staying at her own apartment that she owned with her boyfriend. The two walked out a little after the youngest Kirk parked his Chevy Malibu car against the curb. Tessa and her boyfriend brought in all of Jasper's belongings from his car, and placed them in his childhood room.

After a couple months of not seeing it, he was still surprised at the ugly shade of green on the walls. It was a lime green color that had faded over the years and now it just reminded Jasper of all the times he picked the wrong decision. He grimaced at the color, but set his duffel bag on his double-sized bed with red sheets and a black pillow. Sure it would be a lot more comfortable than his at college, but this one was smaller it seemed when Jasper laid on it even though it was bigger than the twin at college.

Thanksgiving break would be tiring and boring, Jasper concluded already from the first couple of interactions.


He'd gotten out of the shower and wrapped his towel around his waist. The music coming from his phone was turned down, then he walked to the sink to set his phone down there. Jasper changed into jeans with a couple of holes in them, and a long sleeve shirt since he was finally getting chilly outside with t-shirts under his sweatshirts. He towel-blotted his hair and hung up his towel, making his way to his room.

Jasper dropped on his bed, heaving a bored sigh. The first day of Thanksgiving break was just him walking around the house, bored out of his mind. He didn't want to spend the second day like that too. But, Mikey was working and he didn't want to bug the Balms when he wasn't there.

But, there was nothing going on in the Kirk household, so he stood up from his bed and put on shoes. He knocked on his sister's door and peeked his head in as she said to come in.

"I'm going over to Mikey's, tell Mom or Dad if they ask."

Tessa gave him a thumbs up and went back to watching whatever she was with her boyfriend on her laptop. Jasper pulled on his sweatshirt, one from his college, and stepped outside. It smelled like it was going to rain, but Jasper took his chances and started walking to his best friend's house.

Halfway through, the skies let loose and he was drenched. He frowned the rest of the way, the constant splatter of rain on his already wet hoodie made him uncomfortable. One of the younger Balm brothers looked out from the room to the right of the door and grinned as he realized who walked in. Jasper nodded to him and trudged to Mikey's room for a new hoodie.

Aiden looked up from his Switch and pulled back when he recognized Jasper.

"Why are you here?"

"I was bored at my house, so I thought I'd bug you guys." Jasper nonchalantly peeled off the hoodie and long sleeve since the rain drenched that as well, and rifled through Mikey's clothing for a sweatshirt. He noticed one of his own—a grey one that he was sure went missing in the summer—and tugged it on. He changed into a pair of Mikey's adidas sweatpants and took his wet clothing to the dryer.

Jasper shouted out to Marlene, "Marlene, I'm drying my clothes!" Then he went back to Mikey's room to bug Aiden.

"Lemme play whatever you're always playing with your friend," he demanded as he sat beside the sixteen-year-old. Although there was a five year difference, Jasper always liked hanging around Aiden since he was quiet and didn't start shit like other sixteen-year-olds did.

On the screen was Animal Crossing and Jasper chuckled at it. But, he watched from beside Aiden, leaning back against the wall. When Aiden got tired of Jasper watching him, he switched games and put in Mario Kart, handing Jasper the red controller since he liked playing on the blue one.

As the start screen popped up Jasper asked lazily, "where is your friend? You guys are attached at the hip recently."

"At home?" Aiden answered in a question. "He's not always here, anyways."

Jasper shrugged, picking his character and car. "Just sayin'. I always see you two together when I'm here. Now start the game so I can beat you."

I really like next chapter. It's adorable I'd say. I mean, this chapter is too, but the first half of the next one is *chefs kiss*.

Also, I'm going to assume no one read my post on my profile, but I lost motivation for Wattpad recently from offhanded comments from my one roommate, so this will be the last book possibly on this account. There may be one more but I highly doubt it.

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