Chapter 1. Family.

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I walked down the muddy sidewalk in the pouring rain.My sister walked beside me we held hands.she splashed in the puddle we came up to."Nora would you please stop splashing water in my face"? I asked. "Ok Jennifer"!My sister Nora replied.We kept walking."Are we almost there yet"? Nora asked me. "Yes Nora our house is just two houses away".I told her.I smiled at Nora,she smiled back.Nora had blond short frizzy hair green eyes and she was really skinny and small she was also light skinned.I had black hair that was an emo style I guess...I had blue eyes and I was lighter skinned to...I was also very skinny.Me and Nora finally walked up to the house.I opened the door and we walked inside."Oh hi ladies"! My dad said to us.I put my zipped my jacket off and hung it up on the coat rack to my left,I took my boots off to and put them away.Nora did the same.I heard footsteps from the stairs to my right."Oh ladies your back! How was your walk"? Our mom asked us."It was good mommy"! My sister Nora answered to my mom as she went to hug her. "It was um yeah...Good I guess"...I answered."We'll ladies your mother made cookies, they're in the kitchen if you want some"!My dad said."Yay cookies"!My sister said running into the kitchen to get some."Um no...i'm good"...I replied. "Are you feeling ok sweetie"?My mom asked me. "Yeah just tired...I think i'm gonna go to my room".I replied to her.
"Oh well um, if you want some you can come down soon, I'm going to make supper soon Jennifer"!My mom told me."Kay be back down soon then". I said.I walked up the stairs am turned left to my room.There were three rooms one on the right from my room which was my sister's room, and the other to my farther right which was my mom and dads room.I walked into my room, and plopped on my bed laying on my back.I sighed.I looked around my room.I had lots of posters on my walls. My favorite band Scream was on the poster next to my dresser.I looked out my only widow in my room it was right next to my bed.I saw only rain now because it was coming down so hard.The rain looked like someone was crying over my window.I got up and decided to have at least one cookie...So I walked down the stairs and passed my dad who was watching a hockey game,and I walked into the kitchen where my sister and mom were sitting down eating cookies.There was a whole jar of cookies, I sat down in a chair next to my mom."Oh that nap was quick Jennifer"!My mom said to me.i heard the crunch of my sister as she ate her cookies. "Um yeah well...I kinda wanted cookies"...I told my mom.So I ate cookies with my sister and mom until all the cookies were gone"Well I should go and make some supper now shouldn't I"?My mom said."yeah mommy I'm hungry"!My sister replied."Ok then girls you can do whatever you want now, while I make supper, I'll call you down in a bit ok"?My mom told us.So I got up and walked back up the stairs to my room.Now to keep this interesting I probably should tell you more about myself huh?Well first if all I go to Easery Junior high,And I'm in grade 9.I really only have one best friend her name is Mascita konurey.Her parents aren't psychotic just cause of her name I promise!Anyway...My name is Jennifer wenscoti...Yeah not very pretty huh?I don't have a middle name because my parent decided I didn't need one when I was born..."Jennifer"!My mom yelled at me from downstairs. I guesses it was supper time.I ran downstairs from my room into the kitchen.When I got there my dad, mom and Nora were already sitting down. I say beside my sister.We ate supper and talked do a while till everyone was finished then I walked back upstairs to get some sleep.So I got dressed into a white tank top and black PJ bottoms,I walked over to my bed plopped down on my side with my hand under my pillow, pulled my sheets up to my shoulder and reached for the little lamp to turn I!The room was dark now...Time to sleep I thought.And I dozed off into sleep.

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