Chapter 9. Bad grades=Bullies?..

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I was sitting down in my seat, I was in math class and our teacher was giving us back the tests she graded...My teacher Mr. Makino walked over to my desk and gave me back my sheet it was flipped over on the back...I flipped it over in front and got an..F!I felt really worried now...What was I supposed to tell my parents?Oh hey mom! I got an F! Hope you aren't mad that one mark could ruin my future! I thought...What if I whited it out and...Told her...I got an A+?UGH!!!I decided there really was nothing I could do about that mark...*Ring* The bell rang so I got up and walked down to the cafeteria because well yeah we had that next."Oh hi Jennifer"!Said an unfamiliar voice. "Um hi"?I turned around. It was Cloe!She was really popular and she had two girls beside her..."Well I just saw your horrible F you got in math class"!She said.I was pretty sure she wasn't in my class which is why I was confused..."Um how do you know about it"...I asked with confusion."Dearie Jennifer, gossip goes alone way got that?Guess your to stupid to know that"!She snobbishly said.I thought: She called you stupid..."Well at least I'm not a snobby dumb clutsy"- "hey girls what's going on"? I saw a teacher appear from the hallway.I started but Cloe cut me of.."Cloe"- "Shes being mean and rude"!All I asked was if she wanted to sit with us"!"Treat people the way YOU want to be treated next time Jennifer"!The teacher said as he walked back down the hallway."Look you little brat, why don't you go sit with the rest of that weird group if friends!Ok"?She seemed angry now."Sorry but what did that teacher just say"?I asked (I knew what he said)."Well I want to be treated this way"!Cloe pushed me down and hit me in the face!It hurt and the last thing I saw before I fainted was my friends...They ran to me...

I woke up in a white room...No...medical supplies in here so...A hospital?But why...Wait...Cloe...She pushed me...oh...I looked around and my back hurt..So did my eye and my forehead...Owch...I saw a woman come in she was my mom..."Hi sweetie how are you feeling"? She said in a kind soft voice."Um...My back, forehead and eye hurt so...Bad?I said.My friends came in and my mom left."Hey"...Mas said.She sat down on the edge of my medical bed."So um..Cloe punched you and pushed you"? Andrew asked."Yeah"...I replied."Thats got to hurt"...Brandy added.I sat up on the bed."Yeah it did..It still does"...I said laughing a little."So...why did she punch you anyway"?Mas asked. I breathed in slowly."I don't really know"...I said.I was such a liar..."I think it might be jealousy"!Hanusa pointed out."Oh...Maybe"...I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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