Chapter 5.Boys.

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I walked down the hallway over to my locker.I surprisingly saw brandy standing right next to my locker...Why would he be standing there.I kept walking and tried to ignore him when I got to my locker.I opened it and got my stuff out."So uh hey Jenn"...He said to me, as I turned around to face him."Oh hey"..."So um I was wondering if you and your friend Mas wanted to hang out with me and the boys today"?He asked, as I awkwardly shifted forward."Um well I'll ask Mas if she wants to but uh...yeah I guess"... I said feeling butterfly's in my stomach."Ok cool so see ya after school then, i'll see you two at the park then"!Brandy said.I started to walk away as brandy said "Don't forget to tell your friend ok"? "Um sure"...I called.I kept walking my way to class I thought that brandy must like Mas...she's a pretty likeable person..But I thought...Well I kinda like brandy...

"You do know the only reason I cme here is because I wanted to see Andrew right"?said Mas. Me an Mas were walking to the park just like I Brandy told me to."Yeah I know Mas"...We kept walking..."Ya know I think Brandy likes you Mas"... I told her."What? Did he tell you that he liked me because I don't like him"...Mas said."really you don't like him"? I asked a little to enthusiastically.we stopped at the park. "Um no I don't...He's to rebel like for me...Not my type"..."Oh that's good...I mean um"...I by accident blurted that out."I um"...Mas cut me off."OMG you like him"!I took to steps back."Shhh Mas he might hear you"!I whispered."Haha oh Jennifer your funny! Anyway lets go".Mas said laughing. Me and Mas walked up to the boys."Hey girls"!Andrew called to us.We ran faster til' we stood in front of them."Hey Andrew"!Mas said."Um hey"..."So who asked if the girls could come anyway"?Asked Hanusa."Hanusa don't be rude man"!Angrily said brandy.Hanusa seemed nervous."Um sorry I just wondered...Not trying to be...Ya know"...Hanusa said stepping backward."Well you guys wanna go skateboarding"?Brandy asked us."Um dude I don't think the girls skateboard and neither do we"...Hanusa pointed out.Brandy scratched his head."Well uh...Then what do you guys wanna do"? "I...I skateboard"...I said.I stepped forward in front of Brandy."You do Jennifer"?Brandy asked me."Yeah I do"!I replied."Wow that's awesome dude"!Brandy said.Well um how about just you and me go skateboarding"?Brandy asked me."Wait really"? I asked."Yeah"!Brandy said. He was serious..."Well what about you guys..."We'll just go to that new ice cream place down the street"!Andew answered.So the three of them walked down the street together until Hanusa turned around to face us and yelled: See ya later emo's! The three of them laughed and ran down the sidewalk,until we couldn't see them anymore."Did they just call us emo's"? I asked.(Even though I knew they did)."Um yeah well...Probably because of your hair and stuff haha"! Brandy said running down the sidewalk."Hey woah dude!I am not emo!And wait up"!I called laughing and running behind him. Brandy stopped."So um Andrew tells me you love around here right"? I caught up to him and stood in front of him. "Yeah I do...Why"?I answered and asked.Well um just because I live around here that's all..."Oh you do"?I said surprised."Um yeah...anyway so how about I show you where the skatepark is"?Brandy said as he took his skateboard and placed it on the ground."Yeah well...My skateboards at home..It's not that far away I will run and get it, and come back here! I said.So I ran to my house and got my skateboard the I rode it to the place where Brandy as still standing."Hey your pretty good at skateboarding"!Brandy said to me smiling."Oh you think so"?I asked him."Well good enough for an amateur"...Brandy snickered."Well you haven't see nothing yet"!I got up on my skateboard and said: "well you gonna show me where it is or are you gonna stand there"?I asked him laughing."Oh I'll show you something. And brandy got on his skateboard and started going fast down the road and Ollie'd twice."I followed after him.We started doing ticks like ollies an nollies and kicksflips."Watch this Jennifer"! Brandy held the board in the air and held it with his hand at one point he looked like he was gonna fall but he didn't.Whew!I thought...Wouldn't want that to happen now would we?I laughed inside my mind...

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