Chapter 7. Kiss me.

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I ran downstairs when I heard the doorbell.I opened the door Brandy stood there smiling."Hey Jennifer"! He said he seemed confident."Oh hey"...I said back to him.My mom walked over polishing a plate with a dishcloth."Oh you must be Brandy"!My mom said smiling at him,And giving him one of those welcome looks.My dad got up and started: "So Brandy I heard you also skateboard"...My dad have him a mean sinister look.Brandy answered:"Uh yeah we went skateboarding yesterday"...Brandy seemed nervous.My mom stepped in again."Well come in come in"!Motioning him forward with her free hand.Brandy walked in, hanging his leather jacket on the coat rack, without asking.My dad walked up to face him.Then quickly turned around and walked back to his TV.My mom walked back to do the dishes."So Brandy wanna um...Well what'd you wanna do"?Brandy turned around to face me."You could...Tour me of your house"? He questioningly said.I was a little confused to wether I should..."Alright...I guess so"...I answered him.I walked I front of him leading him to the kitchen."So this is the kitchen"!I told Brandy."Oh it's nice"...He replied.I toured him downstairs."So what's upstairs"?Brandy asked. I turned around facing him.He looked curious."Just all our rooms"...I replied.Brandy walked up onto the second step, then turned around."We'll aren't you gonna tour me upstairs"?He asked smirking."I stared at him for a moment."Um..Sure I guess"...I said.I walked up the stairs, and looked behind to see if he was following.I stopped when we came to the hallway."Um this rooms are my dads and moms room and my sisters room"...I said pointing to them."So I'm guessing that room is yours"?He said pointing to it."Yeah"...I said nervously."Well aren't you going to at least tour me your room"?Brandy asked.I wasn't sure wether to say yes or no..."Um...Maybe"..I said confused.Worst decision ever!! I thought.So Brandy followed me into my room and I stopped when we got in there."So uh..This is my room"...I said".Brandy walked over to face me."Wait..Your favorite band is scream"?He asked me."Yeah it is"...I said, pulling a strand of hair back."Wow...We have a lot I. Common"...Brandy said staring into my eyes.We seemed to stand there for. while...Brandy got closer...I thought what if Brandy likes me back?I leaned I closer, until before I knew what was happening brandy pulled me in closer and we..kissed!It was propelling!My heart beat faster.I wondered if Brandy knew how fast my heart rate was going.But it didn't matter, I loved it, I loved him...

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