Chapter 2. School sucks.

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I woke up to my alarm clock.It read 6:23.That should give me enough time to get dressed eat something brush my hair and do my makeup...ok I thought.So is got up and searched for some clothes.I took out some ripped red jeans,A black T-shirt that said Rip you.And I grabbed my grey jocky sweater.I ran to the bathroom and grabbed my hairbrush I started brushing my hair and straightening it and teasing it and yeah...basically all you do with emo hair like mine...I grabbed my black waterproof eyeliner and my black eyeshadow and I did my eyes.I don't ever do lipstick I don't really care for it.When I finished I ran back downstairs and there was toast already on a plate.My sister ran down stairs and took the seat next to mine."Hi jennifer"! Nora said to me."Oh hey sis".I said back to her as I finished up my last piece of toast.When I finished I pushed my chair back and ran back up to the washroom to brush my teeth.I finished brushing my teeth And spit into the sink.I ran back downstairs grabbed my coat and zipped up my boats."Oh sweetie here's your kitbag"!My mom told me."Oh thanks mom". I said to her as I grabbed my kitbag and flung it over my back.She kissed me on my head and we hugged. "Have a good day at school sweetheart"!My mom yelled to me as I ran down the pathway.I ran to the sidewalk and I kept running until I came to the bus stop.My friend Mascita was there already!"Hi mas"!I called to her.I have her that nickname back in grade 5.We had been friends since I was in grade 2."Oh hey Jennifer what's new with you"?She asked me as she walked closer to me. Mascita had brown curly long hair and darker skin she was skinny like me."Not much is new with me"...I replied tiredly."Oh that's boring!Well Andrew texted me lay night Eeee"! Mas excitedly told me."Oh good for you what did he say"?I asked her.As I finally stood besides her rather than I front of her.She was much taller than me."Oh well...He said good night Mascita"!She still seemed happy."Really your excited because some random boy that you like said good night to you"?I wondered."Well...It's not like any guys talk or text you"! Mas said a little frustratingly."Sorry I asked"!I said laughing. Mas laughed with me.The bus rolled up to us with a screeching stop.We both stepped in the bus,And took a seat near the left back.I sat near the window so that I could see people walking around the side walk and see other cars.The bus seemed to come to a screech every time it stopped.It always does that I thought.The bus halted and and I realized that it was our school, so I got up and walked out of the bus after Mas."C'mon Jennifer we'll be late for first period, art"!Mas pointed out.Art was always my favorite period because I got to express myself with it.Me and Mas ran to the school doors. Mas held a door open for me."Thanks Mas"!I said to her as we kept running down the hallway to our lockers."No problemo my friend"!Mas answered back.We kept running till a teacher in the hallway stopped us."What are you young ladies doing running to class?Can't you walk!There's no fire"!She added."Um sorry MS.Corridor"...Mas said.I was guessing Mas knew this teacher.We decided to fast walk to our lockers now.We met up with our lockers.Our lockers are side by side because we asked for them like that.I opened my locker up and put in my combination- 6 36 12.It opened with a click, and I took out my art folder, pencil crayons, markers and today for the first four periods I had art, gym, social studies, and math...Boring I thought.Well besides art.I took out the binders,books and other stuff I would need for the morning.I looked over at Mas and what classes she had.Today we has lunch together, sweet!We also has art, gym and social studies together!"Oh yay! Looks like we have a lot of the same periods today Mas"!I told her.She closed her locker, so did I."Yes we do!Also Andrew's in our social studies class"!Mas gazed into nowhere. I rolled my eyes."We'll let's get going".I said and we walked down the hallway to art class.

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