Chapter 4. Home is where the heartbreak is.

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I walked in the door putting my jacket away and wiping my boots off on the carpet, then taking them off.I walked into the kitchen but no one was there..Wierd..I thought I walked upstairs into my sisters room and she was playing with her teddy bear she calls Bruce."Um hey Nora"...I said, walking closer to her then stopping."Hi Jennifer"!Nora said to me.I asked "where's mom and dad"?
"They're in there room!I think they're fighting"...Nora told me."Fighting"?I asked."yeah"! Nora said as she got up to stand in front of me."Well they never really fight"...I told Nora."How about we...spy on them"?Nora asked."Nora that's rude"!I told her angrily."Well...I just thought...".Nora winced."Ok fine!We'll spy on them for like 3 minutes and that's it"!I said frustratingly.So we walked out of Nora's room and to our parents door. Luckily for us the door was open just a crack, so we could see what was going on. Mom-Dear I...
Dad-Im sorry we just can't afford this!
Mom- I know...
Dad-when should we tell them?
Mom-not now...soon...
Dad-alright then...

I walked out of the way into Nora's room with Nora holding my hand."What do you think they were talking about Jennifer"?Nora asked me.I closed the door."I dunno but I'm guessing that they're gonna tell us that they can't afford something"...I answered."Well...What if the thing they can't afford!Nora said she sounded worried.So I tried to reassure her."It'll be ok sis".I hugged my sister close to me.She started to cry.I thought it was impossible our parents wouldn't do that...would they?...

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