Chapter 3.Cafeteria food.

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"Alright class settle down"!Said our teacher Ms.Muddinbery.The class settled down.I took a seat beside Mas and we sat two seats from the front."Alright class today we'll be painting anything you like, so your brushes and paper is already on your desks"!I took out my brush and thought about what to draw....I decided to draw a girl with blond hair and her eyes closed with her hands in her cheeks and her face sideways...facing my left!Now about the background I perfect!

"It was lunch period after math, so I walked down the hallways with Mas."so what're you buying for lunch"?Mas asked me as we kept walking down the hallway."Um I think I'm gonna buy cheese pizza and fries"...I answered.We came to the line up that was supposedly small."Wow not a lot of people are lined up today huh"?Said some guy who turned out to be Mas's crush Andrew!"Um yeah"!Mas answered as she pushed me out of the way and butted me.(probably to get closer to Andrew I thought).We were three people away from the counter so I knew that we got here early."Ya know our report cards are coming out soon right"?Andrew said to us questioningly as we moved up farther in the lineup."Um yeah"...I sort of answered.It was Andrews turn to get his food I saw him ask for a burger and fries."So you girls wanna sit with me"?Andrew asked us as Mas got her food."Of course of course"!Mas said a little to enthusiastic."Well ok then!Is that alright with you Jennifer"?Andrew asked me.I got up to the counter."Cheese pizza and fries please"!I asked the lady."Sure dear"!She said as she have me what I asked for.I gave her my money,and walked over to the table where Andrew and Mas were sitting.I sat beside Mas.To other boys walked over and sat down on both sides of Andrew."Hey girls these are my friends Hanusa and brandy!"Hanusa's new here and from Japan"!Andrew said to us.Hanusa had brown deep eyes and had browner skin he was tall with black frizzy hair that parted in the middle.Brandy had brown hit that slicked back into a retro style well it was kinda hard to see he was wearing a black beanie hat and he had blue eyes he was also wearing a black leather jacket he was very handsome...well I thought that..."So what're the girls names"?Brandy asked me and Mas."I'm um...Jennifer...I said shyly.I didn't mean to be so shy but there was something about him that made me shy..."I'm Mascita!You can call me Mas"!Mas seemed confident.I wasn't.the bell ringed."Oh!We should get going to class"! Andrew said to all of us.

As I walked home with Mas I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach..."You feeling alright Jennifer"?Mas asked me. We kept walking until I got to my house."Um yeah...I'm fine"...I answered and I walked down my driveway, I didn't say goodbye.

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