Chapter 8. Babysitter...

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I woke up today at 8:00 my usual time on a Sunday I dunno why.."Sweetie can you come down for a second"!I heard my mom calling me.I ran downstairs.My mom was at the bottom of the stairs."Sweetie I know it's Sunday and I know your tired...And probably have plans but"...My mom paused for a minute."Can you babysit your sister today"? Mom asked me. I just sort of gaped wide eyed at her."What?Mom!I can't"! I replied angrily."I know you had plans sweetie but please"?My mom am seemed like she needed me..."Well i'll call Mas and see if she can babysit Nora instead ok mom"?"I told her.Alright sweetie". My mom said.My mom walked away into the kitchen.I walked upstairs and grabbed my phone.

Me-Hi Mas can you babysit Nora for me today?
Mas- I'm still sick...
Me-Oh...But I was gonna go and hang out with Brandy today...
Mas- Wait...Do you like Brandy still?
Me-Duh!!And um..We may have sorta kissed...
Mas-OMG girl really??Eeeek!!!
Mas-tell me all the details!!
Me-Hmmm...Only if you babysit Nora for me!
Mas-Wha...Ok FINE!But there better be tissues because I'm sneezing up a storm here!
Me-Haha I promise Mas!
Mas- bye!
*beep* alright so...I can go hang out with Brandy when Mas comes...Good I thought!I walked downstairs and heard yelling...I decided to peek around the corner and see what was going on...My mom and dad were in the kitchen yelling stuff that would make my sister cry...I realized that they were fighting over some kind of financial issue...
Mom- "We can't afford it"!
Dad-"But the kids"...
Mom-"I know sweetie but your job doesn't pay enough"!
Dad-"alright...Lets call there grand mother ok"?
Mom-"alright...I'll miss them."
Dad-"Me to"..
I ran upstairs to my sisters room.I slammed the door shut and plopped sitting on her bed."Um...What's wrong Jennifer"?Nora asked me with a confused look on her face."Thats what I'd like to know"...I said.Not the best reply."Look...I heard bits of a conversation mom and dad were having...They said something about not being able to afford something for us or...just us"...I said.really confused about what I had just heard."Does that mean they can't afford us anymore"?!My sister yelled with concern.Tears started to form on her face."No Nora I don't think so..Maybe they were planning a trip for us all to go in but...They couldn't afford for us to go with them"..?I said sounding confused but also trying to reassure my sister that everything was ok."Um..Mas is gonna babysit you again for two hours...Ok"?I told Nora getting up."She'll be here in like five minutes"...I said.Nora just stared at the ground still sitting on her bed.I left the room and walked downstairs.Dad was sitting on the couch watching TV again...Thats really all he ever does...My mom was baking cookies...Wow...Guess the fights over..."I'm going out i'll be back after two hours ok"? I called out to mom.I looked in the kitchen to make sure she heard me."Alright sweetie! Love you"!My mom said and I walked out the house and rode my skateboard over to the skatepark.I saw Brandy sitting near a tree. So I walked over to him.He had headphones in."Hey Brandy can you hear me"!!I yelled and laughed."He took his headphones of, hey I'm not deaf!No need to shout"!He laughed."So whats new with you"?He said as he got up."Oh not much"...I replied."Well...Instead of skateboarding I was thinking...maybe we could so something else".."Like what"?I asked.Brandy pulled my head closer to him."Heh".. Brandy breathed.He kissed me.I felt his breaths on my forehead.Does this mean we're...Boyfriend and girlfriend...?

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