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•who knew spending one night with grayson dolan could change your life in so many ways

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who knew spending one night with grayson dolan could change your life in so many ways. i was just at a party, well i mean it was at my house. it was my sisters party, bella evans. my sister was beautiful, she was a senior in high school, on the cheer team, and an amazing body. everybody wanted her. everyone. then there's me, beck evans, everyone knew me as bella's little sister. i was a junior, i didn't do sports but if i did on occasions it be volleyball, my body was okay, and not everyone liked me cause they didn't know i existed. my sister and i were complete opposites.
my sister had me working as a waiter at this party. "your moms gonna kill you-" i look at sarah, my best friend. "no she's not, cause this party wasn't thrown by me. never is, and she knows that-" i pointed at my sister currently flirting with jack gilinsky then grayson dolan came up to them. "she's the one who's gonna get killed," sarah laughed. but before i could put my finger down and look away grayson dolan caught me staring. "fuck," sarah whispered. my eyes widen and i looked at her, she never cursed unless we were indeed fucked. grayson left the conversation and walked over to us. to be honest grayson scared me, he was on the football team, a senior, he currently had his hair bleached blonde, a slit in his brow, a nose piercing, he towered over me the man was 6 ft, i was in fact 5'1. "this is why we don't point beck.." sarah whispered. i sighed as grayson came up, "so i heard your sister likes to pay you to do this stuff." he said referring to the tray of drinks in my hand. i look up at him, "well her liking to pay me would be an understatement, and no she doesn't." he smiles, "must be a rumor." sarah tapped my shoulder, "uh beck, jax just got here so i'll see you later." i nodded and smiled at her. great she left me with this beast. i swear he could rip me apart with one- beck get a grip. "jax tayler is dating sarah, that's cute. there both quiet kids, look at her going for a senior." grayson says so smoothly. i laugh as he takes the tray out of my hand, "evans wanna show me something-" oh god, this is where i die. i look at him biting the inside of my cheek, "your sister says you have a window you sit at. every party i see you there." i didn't say anything, i just started walking through the coward of under age drinkers making it to the stairs. i turn around to see if grayson was following, he was for sure, he had also picked up two drinks on the way.
as i stood infront of my bedroom door, i regret every choice leading up to this moment. i couldn't even remember if my room was clean. i groaned and open the door softly, the night sky shining through my window. i let grayson inside first, thank fuck it was cleaned. "it's cute," grayson says. and i found myself smiling, "thanks, it's kinda plain but it's not over crowded like my sisters. i'm sure you've seen it." my eyes widen as i realized what came out of my mouth. grayson last year use to come over to my house all the time. my mom fell in love with him, she'd always say what a good guy he was. obviously my sister was fucking him. they never dated, but i remember the day i walked to her car for us to go home and she was just quiet and looked so sad. her and grayson had been doing whatever they've been doing for like 6 months. that was the first time grayson had stayed to just one girl. that day at school he broke it off, clearly my sister caught feelings cause it affected her so much. we sat in the school parking lot for a good two hours of her just crying and screaming/ranting about how much of a dick he was. but i'm guessing there fine now, hence he started showing up to her parties again.
grayson laugh, "yeah i have seen you sisters room, fucked her a lot there." i rolled my eyes, "gross," i mumbled to myself. grayson looked around my room, observing anything and everything. i went and sat at my window watching laura claudio, my sisters best friend get alcohol sucked out of her bellybutton. then it was my sisters turn, as ethan dolan was the one doing the alcohol sucking. which lowkey made me gag. god they looked so stupid. then i felt grayson behind me, his rough hands softly on my bare shoulders sending chills down my body. "ethans in love with your sister, he's been for a while now." we both looked down at them. "that's why last year i broke off the thing i was doing with her, ethan was always upset but he never told me why and i found out it was because of her." i smiled small and whispered, "that's sweet gray.." graysons hand had moved softly from my shoulders to my hair, he moved it over to one side. "a heart," the tattoo on my neck. i looked at him, "yeah i got a matching one with my mom." he slowly sat down, watching me. "your sister doesn't have one." i shook my head, "yeah she doesn't, this was a thing for just me and my mom. my sister doesn't even know we have them. when we got them she was out with you." i looked away from him, out my window and my sister was looking up at us. you could tell she was drunk by the way she was standing. and when i looked at her face, she looked so sad. almost broken, like if you touched her and she would fall apart like broken glass. i could feel grayson eyes studying my freckles like the constellations, and he's looking for signs.

when i woke up that morning i thought i was dying, my chest had felt so heavy like i couldn't breathe. when i finally open my eyes grayson freaking dolan was sleeping in my bed, and the heaviness on my chest was his arm draped over me. when i look to my left my sister is standing there and she looked horrible. she looked like a mess from last nights events, and like she'd been crying. "beck get up, we gotta talk.." oh i knew i was fucked, graysons shirt was off and so were his shoes. what the fuck happened. i was still dressed. i slide out from under his arm, "what?" she walked out of my room and head out to the hallway. i sighed and turned around looking at grayson, i quickly got out of my outfit from yesterday and just threw on an oversized hoodie. it was my dads, and it went up to a little above my knees so shorts were pointless. i stepped out of my room and my sister was there rubbing her eyes. "beck have you checked your phone?" i look at her, "obviously not bella, you just woke me up." she rolled her eyes handing me hers, my heart dropped as i scrolled through her instagram feed. all of it was about grayson and i. pictures of us in my room last night of me sleeping and grayson awake in my room as he was taking to his friends. dude there was so many guys in my room and i didn't even know it- lord. he was drunk, really drunk. "he never left your room after you fell asleep, he made ethan come bring him drinks. he never left.." i continued to look through stuff, comments asking who the hell i was. girls claiming i was so lucky. people saying i was bella evans sister, and thought i was fucked up for getting with him after what happened between them. "what happened beck?" she sounded so broken, it obviously she was still in love with grayson. i looked at her as she took her phone back, "dude what the fuck, nothing happened." she laughed, "yeah totally cause no one just spends a night with grayson dolan and not do something!" i glared at her, "i'm being serious! not every guy i hangout with i fucked like you!" her eyes widen, "nice, real nice beck. you know what fuck you!" she walked to her room slamming the door and locking it. before she could close it, i saw a shirtless sleeping ethan dolan. she was wearing his shirt...i wanna to walk up in there and yell at her for practically calling me a slut for dOiNg stuff with grayson. what was she doing with her life. "she's just mad at you cause your right." i jumped at the sound of grayson voice, i turned around to face him and he laughed softly. "sorry, didn't mean to scare you becks." i shook my head at the nickname he'd given me. becks. as i heard the front door unlock, "fuck. fuck fuck!" i pushed grayson out of the way grabbing my phone and looking at myself, i looked fine for the moment being. "what's wrong?" he said. "beck mija! bella!" my mom calls out and i hear here foot steps come up the stairs. oh god.


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