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•when i walk inside bella's frozen staring at the man sitting on the couch

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when i walk inside bella's frozen staring at the man sitting on the couch. my heart drops again and grayson stands behind me as my mom softly closes the door. "what is he doing here?!" bella yells. my mom frowns, "bella stop screaming there is no point!" bella just looks at her. "oh my god.." i whisper softly as his eyes vert over to me. he stands up as i walk closer to him, "beck look at you! all grown up.." bella comes next to me pushing me causing me to roll my eyes.  "dad," she whispers trying not to break down. i was never close to him like she was, that's why she was always so hurt by his leaving. he looks at her, "bella you look great.." there's tears built up in her eyes. i realized ethan and grayson headed upstairs as my mom watches us with tears in her eyes. i walk back a little bit, "you were gone for two years! two years!" bella screams while she bangs on his chest. his eyes water as she falls into his arms. "i know, i know..." he holds her as she cry's and screams. i cant be here for this. he wasn't my dad anyway, he was hers not mine. i didn't have a dad, mine was dead.
i feel my feet run upstairs and my mom calls my name but i don't listen. i open my door slamming it and grayson jumps. he looks at me and stands, i start to gasp for air as the tears fall from my face. he frowns, "becks.." he whispers. i start to fall to the floor but he catches me, he holds me to his chest as we sit on the floor. "becks, i'm here. okay i'm here.." i can't seem to breathe and all i can to is gasp and cry. his name was daniel evans, bella's dad, he was my mother's first love, high school sweethearts. the got married, moved into this house, had bella and when she was one he left. my mother was broken, my grandma was always here watching bella. my mom was always drunk at the club and well she met this guy, his name conner evans, my dad. daniel and him weren't related, but it was funny how they had the same last names. conner evans was my dad, they obviously hooked up drunkly. and well hi i was here. him and my mom started to see each other and she truly was in love with him. but he was in a car accident before she could tell him about me. and he died. my mom went back to being depressed and my grandma was back being here all the time. then my mom lost it again when my grandma passed, and that's when daniel showed up again. and he stayed, my mom was happy, bella was happy, but i wasn't. daniel did everything he could to try and be the dad i wanted and needed. but it never felt right. then two years ago he disappeared and my mother wasn't broken by it. cause she realized she was better then that to cry for him and me and bella were just older now.
but i sat here in graysons arms sobbing cause well, bella has her dad again. i still don't. and for that was another reason why she had everything and was so much better then me. but she didn't understand that, she still thought her life was shitty.

"are you sure this is a good idea becks..?" grayson whispered as i got ready for laura's party. my sister was going cause her life was great now, with dear old dad back. "i need this grayson, i need to leave reality for a bit.." he sighed and nodded. my mom was letting us go cause she knows we needed a break from everything right now.
bella slams the car door shut with a smile as she comes to ethans side, wrapping her arm around his waist as they walked inside. i stood next to her car just staring at laura's house. a house i spent a lot of my childhood life in. "you good..?" grayson whispered to me from the other side of the car. all my mind was on was well mason carter. i truly hoped he wouldn't be here tonight, for grayson sake. i didn't need this party to go bad.
"uh yeah..i'm fine g.." grayson smiled softly at the girls words. he had loved the idea of becks calling him 'g' no one had done it before. grayson came to the girls side and held out his hand, "my lady?" beck looked up at the tall boy rolling her eyes playfully. she slid her small soft hand into his big rough one. grayson walked ahead with the girl following behind him. entering the house was like walking into another world, music was loud, the smell of alcohol was to strong, and the sweaty dancing bodies just bother beck all around. this wasn't her scene, not even close. grayson on the other hand loved things like this, it was like a second home. where he would get crazy and no one would care hence they'd all be crazy too. but tonight he knew there would be no craziness, he came to the party with one goal. and that was to watch beck, make sure she'd be okay. "let's get some drinks.." beck said as she leaned up to graysons ear. some people had watched them come in and whispered things of course, others just didn't care. beck was one of the ones who didn't care, she just wanted to lose it all tonight. grayson was being lead by the small girl, she let go of his hand to get herself a drink. "want one?" she asked grayson as she turned her attention softly to him. he shook his head no, "well isn't that weird hm?" beck asked with a laugh as she took a big sip of the beverage. grayson cringed at the sight, this wasn't the beck evans he admired. this was a broken beck evans that he would soon learn to know. beck's smiled widen as she saw sarah across the room, "ima go talk to sarah. okay.." she was gone before grayson could answer. he sighed rubbing his eyes and heading over to the top of the stairs. he took a seat watching over everything.

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