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•grayson with a faint smile leaned against his wall as becks mom took her into a hug with tears

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grayson with a faint smile leaned against his wall as becks mom took her into a hug with tears. it was monday afternoon, grayson was good. safely at his house with the evans girl. they hadn't gone to school today obviously. aaron has been caught and arrested. as beck predicted he'd be doing his usual drugs, when they found him his head was over the moon. he was high as ever, tears, yelling, apologizes, it honestly broke beck. cause she really did love that man one time ago. bella was out now, and she knew beck was the one who told. but weirdly enough she didn't care. but that wasn't important right now, bella and becks relationship really was the worst. but bella never wanted her little sister to go through the aaron stage again, it was worse the first time. bella stood at the dolans doorway as she watched her mom take beck into a hug with loads of tears. and for once bella wondered, maybe new jersey wasn't the place for her. bella and laura always wanted to move to la together, you know as best friends usually do. but bella never went through with it like laura wanted too. well that was because grayson was the only thing ever tying her down here. but she saw the way grayson looked at beck, he was in love. well obviously, he took a bullet for her.
bella bit her lip as her mom help beck on the couch of there home. "i'm going to leave.." her mom and sister looked at her in confusion. "at the end of the year, after i graduate, laura, ethan, and i are moving to la. it's what i've always wanted...and well jersey isn't the place for me really...i think we all know that.." beck sent her older sister a small smile and her mom frowned. the girls mom stood up, "are you sure? cause you know-" "yeah mom, i think it's best.." "we'll since were talking about moving.." beck said softly, grabbing her sister and moms attention. "me and i'm grayson, at the end of the year are leaving to new york..." bella's eyes widen, "seriously..?" her mom sighed but then smiled, "the girls are moving onto bigger things..." bella smiled and beck laughed softly. "where the fuck are you hoes getting that damn money from?" her mom said laughing. beck smiled, "um graysons dad, he thinks grayson needs a fresh start and well i agree." beck said softly while laughing. bella took a seat on the couch with her mom and beck. "well dads giving me the money, he says he feels bad for always leaving..but i guess i'm the one leaving now." the girls mom laughed softly. bella looked down at her hand the beck was holding, beck squeezed it and looked at her sister sending her a smile.

"grayson this isn't funny! pink or blue?" grayson snicker standing up in the dressing room he was in with beck. "babe, it's just prom, not the oscars-" she rolled her eyes, "i know that stupid. but i still want to look good!" she said in a duh tone while raising her eyebrow. grayson stood behind her, he looked at her in the mirror, she was currently wearing the blue dress. she looked amazing. "blue, for sure." beck smiled at his words as he kissed the side of her head. things were good, aaron was in jail with well a death sentence...turns out after he got out the first time he went to the next town next to jersey and did horrible things to other girls. which beck figured was what roxy and jane were talking about. beck was good, she was pretty much living in graysons room. grayson became like becks damn prince, he never ever let an eye off the girl. at times beck would find it annoying, but she understood the purpose of it. ethan and laura were officially a thing now, and sarah and jax still going on strong. beck told her best friend about her moving to new york at the end of the year, of course sarah was sad but she knew beck needed this. and well bella, she was doing online school for the rest of the year, it was better for her. she also had gotten off all social media's, the girl wanted to better herself and beck was happy about that. "okay now we gotta find you a tux!" grayson rolled his eyes at the girl as she changed back into her clothes with a smile as grayson held the girls blue dress. beck and grayson were a thing, but they hadn't put a label on it. they were taking things easy, and they liked it so it stayed like that. grayson placed the dress on the counter and the cashier ringed it up. "145," beck pulled out her wallet as grayson glared at the girl. he took his height as an advantage and stood in front of beck as he paid of her dress. beck groaned, "seriously?" grayson smiled handing her the bag, "your majesty." she grabbed it putting her wallet back in her small bag. "grayson i'm not poor, i could have paid for it." he smiled taking her hand softly in his. "your point," she rolled her eye sat his words. "your literally so annoying." he fake gasp, putting his free hand on his heart. "oh god i'm so hurt! becks how could you!" she rolled her eyes as grayson laughed looking down as fixing his hair. he groaned as he walked right into becks back as she stopped moving. "um beck you good-" graysons eyes widen as he saw what she was looking at. "oh god.." mason carter was walking up to them with a girl and a child. "hey guys!" beck snapped out of her trance but grayson didn't. his eyes were burning holes into the dude. "oh my god hi mason! h-how are you?" beck said softly but kindly. mason smiled, "i'm good really, this is my girl jenna rose and my daughter jessica." beck smiled at the little girl in the stroller. beck felt graysons hand tighten around hers, she stepped back on grayson foot purposely. he groan, "uh hey carter," mason nodded at grayson as grayson smiled at the jenna girl. beck leaned down looking at the baby, "hi there gorgeous," beck said softly tickling the child's arm. the baby smiled making an adorable noise as beck looked at the child in awe, grayson noticed and smiled wide at her as beck stood up. beck reached her hand out of jenna to shake, jenna took it kindly. "i'm beck, it's nice to meet you, your baby gorgeous." jenna smiled, "it's nice to meet you as well, and thank you so much." jenna said carefully. beck let her hand fall to her side as she analyzed jenna. she looked well a tab bit broken, she realized the girl was covered head to toe. "well we should get going, it was nice seeing you guys.." mason said softly as he pushed the stroller jenna following slowly behind in him. beck watched the girl and her heart broke, jenna walked with a limp but she tried playing it off. it wasn't working, and she saw something that brought back horrible memories. jenna was pinching her thigh, like beck would when she was in trouble. jenna took one last look at beck, and becks heart broke even more. there were tears in jennas eyes, and her eyes were screaming for help.
"no. no no and no." beck glared at grayson. "grayson you saw her! she needs help! mason is clearly hurting her!" grayson rubbed his eyes as his head leaned against his car window. beck sat in the passenger seat, her body turned to the side looking at grayson. "beck, your not-i'm not letting you get wrapped in shit like that again!" beck groaned rolling her eyes slamming her arms against her side. "your acting like a child!" beck glared at him, "she needs help! i was there before! i know what it's like! girls need to support eachother and your not letting me do that grayson!" grayson groaned, "beck. i said no okay, i'm trying to look out for you okay." he said calmly. beck stared at him, she was burning holes into him and grayson hated the way she was looking at him. "take me home, now." grayson looked at her, "beck come on-" "i want to go home grayson! take me home for fucks sake!" he sighed pulling out of his parking spot annoyed and drove the girl to her home that she hadn't stay at in months. "beck look i didn't mean to shut you down like that, it's just-" "i don't want to hear it.." beck said slamming his car door as she walked to her front door. grayson watched as she marched inside as her mother opening the door, grayson sighed as becks mom waved at him softly and kind of apologizing in a way which grayson returned. becks mom closed the door, and a frown grew on graysons face as he looked at becks prom dress sitting in the back of his car.

"i can see why he said no, it's mason carter that guy was dangerous before he dropped out of highschool.." bella said softly taking a bite out of her dinner. beck rolled her eyes as her mom stared at her, "hes obviously doing things to her, she looked so broken...and they have a child. a child guys! come on we have to do something!" bella sighed and her mom rubbed her eyes. "i mean we can try something, cause no one should ever go through that..but i'm not sure it will work mija." both girls looked her mom, "i'll talk to james tomorrow. and beck go home, grayson can't stand to be away from you." bella smiled at her sister nodding.


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