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•beck gripped the handle of her bag tighter as she made her way to her first day of detention

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beck gripped the handle of her bag tighter as she made her way to her first day of detention. she was annoyed and nervous cause grayson would be in there as well. "ms. evans.." she gave a small smile to the teacher she didn't know and took a seat in the back. graysons eyes where on her the whole damn time. just with her luck, they were the only two in there since mason hadn't come to school and well bella was arrested. "okay kids," the teacher suddenly stood up, "i'm going to the bathroom then the lounge. don't leave you'll just make things harder for yourself. and dolan it's senior year, we want you to graduate." grayson snickered and beck just kept looking out the window with her head down. once the teacher was gone grayson turned around fully to look at beck. "becks," she squeezed her eyes shut hoping he'd just hush.  "beck, talk to me please.." she sat up annoyed. "what do you want me to say huh?" grayson frowned, he hated when she got snappy with him. "what you did was fucking crazy beck-got your own sister arrested!" beck scoffed, "what are you mr innocent now! grayson i can assure you, you've done way worse! you fucking killed lilian!" as soon as the words left becks mouth she knew she fucked up. that was grayson biggest regret and beck just rubbed it in his face like that. "grayson-" "nah don't even beck. i see where you stand now." he said coldly. he'd just called her beck, not becks. beck was going to say something else but she didn't know what, but she couldn't anyway the teacher had walked back in.

beck sighed softly as she unlocked the door to her home, daniel was gone once again. he had no point to be here if bella wasn't. beck softly closed the door hearing the tv play behind her. "hey beck, angel." he heart dropped as she heard a voice she hadn't heard in years. her bag fell from her hand as she slowly turned around. "aaron.." he stood up from the couch watching her every move. "h-how'd you get in here-my mom isn't home.." he smirked walking up to the girl as she backed up into the door hard. she was shaking, which she hated so she did her bad habit and pinched her thighs. hoping if she did it hard enough she wake up from this nightmare. "oh come on angel, i practically lived here...don't think i forgot about the spare key that sits under the door mat. beck bit the inside of her cheek softly and tears started to form in her eyes. "when did you get out.." his hand moved to her face as he placed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "awhile ago actually...just been watching my number one girl from the side lines...and beck angel you've been a bad girl.." she shut her eyes tight as aaron's lips came in contact with her neck. one thing she'd noticed that changed about him, he was gentle now. maybe. prison does wonders to a person.
"beck mija? you here?" aaron looked at the girl with hard eyes. if her mom came into her room it all be over. the teenage girl wiped her tears from her face as aaron's hands rested on her hips. she cleared her throat, "uh yeah mom, i'm good.." "okay mija..just wanted to let you know that i'm leaving out of town to get all of bella's papers sorted out, i should be back monday." it was monday, she'd be gone for a week meaning beck be stuck with aaron for a week. sweat slowly rolled down becks forehead, aaron moving a little causing beck to gasp. "beck you okay-" "yeah! yeah..i'm fine. tell bella i um hope everything goes well.." "sure thing beck, i don't want anyone over with everything going on. and if you need anything laura's down the street." aaron snicker as beck looked away from him as his grip on her hips got tighter. "okay mom, got it.." that's when the front door closed and locked, she heard her moms car drive away. "just like old times..trying not to get caught hm.." aaron bucked his hips as becks face fell back into her pillow, tears falling out of her eyes as she bit down on the pillow. she refused to moan to this monster.

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