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•the thing about the evan sisters is when they got drunk it was a mess, but both of them drunk together was even worse

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the thing about the evan sisters is when they got drunk it was a mess, but both of them drunk together was even worse. bella remembers everything from the previous night while beck remembers not a thing. beck groaned as she woke up in a bed she'd never been in. she hoped to god it was graysons, not mason carter or some other random guy. she slowly sat up wincing, her arm was in pain. she looked down at it and her eyes widen, a good part of it was black and blue. "what the fuck.." she finally looked up which hurt her killer headache. grayson was at the door frame with just sweats and wet hair. he finally got his shower. he looked exhausted. "what happened..." beck whispered as she watched grayson close the door and sit next to her. "grayson what happened?" he sighed rubbing his face. "mason carter." was all he said and becks heart dropped. "please tell me your not wanted for murder.." grayson looked over to the girl glaring at her. she frowned, "grayson i'm being serious. please tell me you didn't do anything.." he was getting mad, "i haven't but i will beck!" he stood up quickly. "he hurt you and he's gonna pay for it!" beck sighed, "grayson no. okay no, forget i'll deal with it.." he glared at her, "are you crazy no! i'm not letting that dick near you again?!" beck rolled her eyes she didn't wanna talk about this anymore. "where's bella?" grayson scoffed. "she's at your house." beck looked up at him, "you just left her there!" beck stood up causing grayson to roll his eyes, "she needed to be away from everyone-" "what the fuck did she do?!" grayson glared at the small girl once more. "she said some fucked up stuff okay! she hurt ethan in ways no one should!" becks face soften and she frowned. there was a knock at grayson door, both heads turned there attention to it. the door opened it was ethan, he looked horrible just like gray. tired and well sad. it made becks heart break, ethan was always happy..
"bella's here and to see you." ethans said as his eyes only looked at grayson. grayson sighed, "oh come on.." beck whisper walking passed grayson and passed ethan down the stairs. "beck wait.." grayson said behind her. bella sat on the couch, she looked so fragile. she was wearing big sweats and one of her dads sweatshirts. her hair was a tangled mess. she looked up and both girls eyes met. "of course you'd be here.." bella said with a groan. "where else would i fucking be!" beck spot out. grayson was tired of the evans bickering. "no. don't start something." he said roughly looking at bella. "you have some nerve showing up here after what you said." bella stood up, "i apologize to ethan okay...gray please we gotta talk.." that statement caused beck to roll her eyes. she turned around to face grayson, his face brought a smile to her face and she didn't even realize it. she leaned up and kissed his lips softly and grayson looked down at her with a smile. "i'll be in your room when your done.." grayson nodded at the girl before him as she turned around looking at bella who looked hurt by the kiss but beck didn't care. she deserved it, "keep your hands to yourself or i'll kill you okay." and beck was gone.
bella stood up looking at grayson, "she staring to sound like you...you see that right.." grayson ignored her comment but she was right and that hurt grayson. he opened the back door as him and bella sat on a couch out back. they would always sit there when they had there talks. "what do you wanna talk about-" "you gotta stop seeing her grayson." grayson looked at the girl. she was right, but he didn't wanna believe it. "and why do you suddenly care about your sisters well being?" bella glared at him, "i don't. i care about yours." grayson sighed, "grayson come on. you know it, you can't be with her. you can never. you have to be with some who's as fucked up as you!" grayson just sat there and looked at his shoes, "oh so like you." bella rolled her eyes, "you'll break her like fucking glass and you know what happens after that. all the blame is on you and it's drives you crazy. then you do shit you can't take back...grayson come on. it happened with liliana...i was there-for you. i saw everything.." grayson glared at the girl squeezing his fist together, "don't bring lili into this bella.." bella sighed, "i don't mean too but come on beck can't be the next liliana..." grayson wanted to yell at bella and tell her to get out and leave him and beck alone. but she was right, grayson cared to much for beck. "beck can't die gray...it will kill you and that will kill me..." grayson looked out to his backyard. "just go home bella, take beck with you. i won't bother her anymore.." bella stood up, "that's what i thought." and grayson was once again left alone.
"beck come on we're going home." bella said as she swung grayson door opened. beck stood up confused, "last i checked i don't play by your rules bitch." bella rolled her eyes grabbing becks okay arm dragging her downstairs. "wait! can't i say bye what the fuck." bella looked at her little sister, "no. no you can't." bella dragged beck harder, becks attention was on grayson. he was still sitting in the same position where bella left him. he was crying and mad. beck looked at her older sister, "what the fuck did you say to him?!" ethan has come out of his room watching the girls from the top of the stairs. bella rolled her eyes pulling beck to the front door, "he doesn't wanna see you anymore okay. your not what he wants." bella spits out and becks face falls. "what.." she says softly. "dude come on.." bella dragged her to the car and she didn't fight it. she couldn't. "grayson...gray dude?!" ethan was shaking grayson as he sat in the same position still. "i'm f-fine...i'm fine e. i'm okay..." grayson stood up. ethan raised an eyebrow, "you don't seem fine, what did bella say.." grayson looked at his twin, "i'm fine."

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