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• a couple of days had gone by since becks little run to the police station

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a couple of days had gone by since becks little run to the police station. beck was antsy all week, any day now her older sister might be arrested if her plan had actually worked. "beck mija the door..?" beck snapped out of her thoughts and she nodded to her moms command. "god beck what's your deal, the broken heart finally caught up to you!" beck was to on edge to let her sisters comments affect her anymore. "for fucks sake bella. leave your sister alone." the girls mother spit out as bella put her hands up in surrender with a smirk. beck sighed and made her way over to the door, when she opened it she was face to face with sean dolan. he smiled down at the young girl, "wow boys you see that! that's a gorgeous women!" beck laughed at sean's comment as he took her into a hug. "you look great sean." she said with a smile as he smiles wide at the girl passing her into the kitchen. ethan and grayson walked in, "hey evans," ethan said as he messed up her hair jokingly causing the girl to roll her eyes as ethan made his way to the kitchen. grayson looked down at beck, grayson lack of sleep was starting to show and it was hurting beck. he took the small girl in his arms, kissing her neck. "hey becks.." he said in a hush voiced. "oh gray babe!" beck quickly let go of the dolan as bella clung onto him, causing grayson to sigh. daniel came downstairs, "hey everyone's here! let's get this show on the road!"
beck sat next to her mom as usual and on her other side was grayson. bella in front of her, of course. "so glad you could make it sean, we love having you here!" the girls mom, brianna, said with a friendly smile. beck looked at daniel then her mom, what even were they? beck never saw them do the things couples together would do. she knew her mom was tired of men and her bad luck at it, beck had a feeling she'd given up. brianna had only let daniel stay in the house for the sake of bella, cause bella truly cared for the man. he was her dad after all. beck turned her attention away from the parents and looked down at her food. she could he sister playing with graysons hair and clinging onto him. of course it made beck feel bad, cause let's be honest she'd do anything for grayson. obviously. but grayson dolan was just one of those guys where you get a little taste and were addicted. he was like a drug. becks attention verted over to ethan and he looked so uncomfortable. beck sighed, "hey e.." he looked up from his food to the younger sister with a small smile. "what's up evans?" she smiled softly, "what if i get you to go on a date with some girl i know..?" that caught bella's attention as she frowned and grayson rolled his eyes at the girls reaction. truth was laura claudio, bella's best friend had been in love with ethan dolan since sophomore year. but she'd never told anyone, beck found out by accident at a sleepover last year. laura never did anything about it cause well ethan was whipped for bella. ethan smiled, "sure sounds fun." beck nodded, "i'll tell you more later then.." she said with a smile as there was a knock on the door. becks stomach turned, oh fuck was all she could think. her mom pushed out of her seat, "i'll go get it." beck moved her hands to her lap, she pinched her thighs to keep from shaking. grayson noticed, he'd noticed everything about the girl. he'd admire her till the day he'd die. everyone was still talking but beck was trying so hard to hear james rogers voice. that's when everyone had quiet down. brianna eyes were on beck, and they stayed there full of fear. beck could only stare at grayson, the fear in his eyes was scaring beck. that's when james spoke, "i'm sorry to interrupt your dinner, but bella evans you've been arrested for the assault of mason carter." bella's face dropped and grayson just looked at beck. ethan looked at daniel, as his face was filled of shock. police officers came to get her, "what-" bella tried to speak but she was hush. "bella don't even.." her dad say in a hushed voice. the fear in bella's eyes scared beck a little. she'd never seen it before. bella's eyes landed on beck and they stayed there as the dragged her out of the kitchen with cuffs on. all the parents including ethan followed outside. grayson and beck were the only ones at the table. "w-what did you do becks..?" grayson whispered as he looked at her. she finally had let go of her thighs, she had stopped shaking. "shes not going to rat you out gray...she loves you to much to do that.." beck said looking at the boy. and that was the truth, bella did love him to much and she would kill for him and she'd never tell a soul grayson was involved.

beck stared at ethans sleeping body on her couch, she was breathing along to his breathing. it was keeping her calm. grayson sat on the other couch staring at beck, he kept moving. he couldn't stay still after what had happened. sean had gone to work, since he was called in. brianna and daniel obviously went to the police station. beck finally got up, "stop doing that it's bothering me." grayson looked at the girl standing up as well, "oh i'm sorry i can't stop moving, forgot that bella just got arrested and i'm on edge!" beck glared at grayson, "shut up your brothers sleeping.." the girl said as she climbed her stairs heading to her room. grayson followed, closing her door when he arrived. "why did you do that..? beck do you know how crazy that is-" "who said i did it hm?" grayson glared at the girl, "beck please i'm not dumb. plus your the only one who knew bella was involved!" beck looked out her window, the memories of where grayson moved her hair to the side and saw her tattoo. it gave beck butterflies, it was so long ago it seemed. beck watched as her bed dipped as grayson took a seat on the edge. she sighed and walked up to him, standing between his legs. "she was our-the biggest problem gray. she was making you and ethan unhappy..." he looked up at the girl as she moved some hair out of his face softly. he sighed as she cupped his face, "gray it's gonna be okay..i'd do anything for you.." he frowned, "i know...that's what makes all of this worse. i've got you caught in the loop like lili..and you haven't even realized it becks.." beck looked at him and she thought, he was right. but she's gotten this far, she didn't care. just like lili didn't care either.
grayson stood up abruptly causing beck to fall back a bit but she caught herself. grayson reached for his jacket and keys, he didn't want to do this but he had too. to keep beck safe. "where are you going?" beck said as she grabbed his arm. the boy sighed, "beck i'm leaving okay. i don't want to see you anymore." beck scoffed, "grayson come on-" "no. i'm seriously done...beck you can't die okay. that can't happen." "so i did all of this for nothing..?" "i guess you did then beck.." he snatched his arm away leaving the room. and just like that beck was once again alone with her crazy thoughts and emotions. the two were always getting left to be by themselves, and they hated it.

"okay what the fuck happened with bella?" laura says sharply as she slams her tray of food down on beck, sarah, and jaxs lunch table. "people are saying she got arrested..and she won't answer my calls?" beck sighed as the girl sat down. "well she did.." sarah whispered as beck gave her a look. "um what-" "she was the one who beat up mason.." laura laughed, "and why would she do that for you? no offense b.." beck smiled small as her hands went down to pinch her thugs softly. and bad habit she has started now. "non taken..but she didn't do it for me, she did it for grayson you know. she didn't want mason on graysons list of fucking troubles." beck said lying. laura nodded as she looked at beck, "you know if you ever need anything b..my house is always there for you." beck smiled, a real smile, "thank you laur." laura nodded and headed over to her table with ethan and grayson and some other friends. beck did keep her promise and now laura and ethan seem to have something going. as beck verted her eyes from the table grayson was watching her. she looked away rolling her eyes. she was fed up with bipolar bullshit, she had her fair share of being sad about the guy.
she was just straight up mad now.


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