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•my heart was beating in my chest, i quickly threw on some shorts and raced down stairs passing grayson as he threw his clothes back on

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my heart was beating in my chest, i quickly threw on some shorts and raced down stairs passing grayson as he threw his clothes back on. when i reached the bottom of the stairs my mom was placing her work bags on the table. "what the fuck.." she mumbles. that's when it hit me i look around and it's a mess, trash everywhere. "oh god.." my mom looked up at me. "did bella really do this again-oh grayson hi!" my mom says. omg he came downstairs. i turn around and he smiles down at me. "hi ms evans, hope you've been good!" he kisses her cheek as they share a hug. "good to see you around here again, you and bella okay?" oh my fuck, i swear if he- "well actually i was here with beck." he says softly as he places this hand at the small of my back sending me chills. my mom eyes me then nods her head softly, "i just wanted to check out her famous window." my mom smiles wide at his comment. "yeah her father made that for her, she's always there." i smile small. "where's bella-" "i'm right here mom." bella says as she comes down the stairs with ethan. oh god. my mom eyes widen at the other twin. this probably looks so bad-
"hey ms. evans," ethan says softly as they now share a hug. "so that's who your sister was hanging out with.." my mom whispers for only my ears. i look at her and shake my head. "ethan and i should get going," grayson says with a smile. ethan nods and says his byes as he heads for the car. grayson looks at me, "i left something in your room hold on.." my mom looks at me and i follow behind him like a small puppy. "you didn't leave anything in here.." i whisper softly as we reach my room. he smiles and laughs softly, "i know, you saw instagram right?" i frown at him, "isnt it interesting.." he says calmly and comes closer to me. what the fuck is happening. "i mean yeah, you didn't leave my room once so.." i place my arms crossed over my chest softly. he smiles, "that's very much true beck.." his eyes look down to mine and he looks at my lips. is he really- "i'll see you tomorrow at school, becks.." he walks past me. my eyes widen, "that's mean you know." i bite my lip i didn't mean to say that. he laughs, "what is hm?" we both turn to look at each other. "playing like that." i say softly. he smiles and looks at me leaning down placing his lips on mine and his hand softly lands on my waist. "happy now?" he says with a sweet smile. my face is burning, it's red i just know it cause i can feel it. he laughs softly, "ill see you tomorrow at school becks.." then before i know it i'm left in my room with a weird feeling.

"so would someone like to explain to me why both of my daughters were with a twin?" my mom says at the dinner table. bella rolls her eyes, and i just sit quite. graysons lips were still lingering, and the moment replaying in my head gave me butterflies. "just high school fun." bella spits out. my mom glares at her, "sleeping with both of them isn't high school fun baby, that's called being a whore." i choke on the water that was in my mouth and bella wide eyed looks at my mom. "i also heard from a good source that there was flirting with gilinsky too.." omg she was really coming for bella. god i loved being a good child. "i'm done here, all you do is criticize me! hello you have another child who isn't an angel!" bella yells out while standing up quickly. i laugh, "oh really! what have i done now to ruin your perfect little life?!" my mom sighs, "girls.." she whispers. "you stole grayson from me!" i look at her like a crazy women and stand up, "are you kidding me?!" she rolls her eyes, "oh please, you have! your all he thinks about!" i snicker, "yeah okay, how'd you know when you were to busy having him inside you!" "beck!" my mom yells out but i don't seem to care. "you have everything, everyone wants you! you gorgeous, a cheerleader! people don't think less of you because your sister so much cooler then you!" bella's face softens and my mom looks up at me. "don't you get it! i'm not you!" i scream out falling back down in my chair, i feel hot and my face burns. "your better off like that beck-" i glare up at her, "yeah okay you can get whatever you want!" she rolls her eyes, "obviously not cause you have grayson i don't!" "oh my god bella! i don't have grayson!" she groans, "for fucks sake yes you do! you just don't know it yet! whenever me and him would hang out all he could seem to do was be interested in you! he always asked about you, made sure you were okay! max carter suddenly stopped bullying you because grayson had a little talk with him! and morgan addie stopped making fun of you cause grayson dropped her so everyone lost there shit and dropped her too! reason why he's not in your pants like he was in mine is because he doesn't want to have you like that! in his eyes your this little sweet thing he wants to hold and protect forever! you've never given him the attention cause your just so much better then that and don't do the shit i do. and that interested him, he wanted you not me! and that's why it hurts so bad! cause he wants you beck, he wants you." bella spits out with pure disgust. my mom sits there wide eyed. i look up at her, "lying isn't good for you.." i whisper. she laughs with tears spilling out of her eyes, "i'm not lying! and you know why, cause he told me all these things the night he broke it off with me! so whatever reason he told you as to why we stopped talking was a lie!" she picked up her hoodie and keys and walked out the door slamming it leaving me and my mom alone. "mija are you okay..?" i continue to stare at my empty plate of food, "is she gonna be okay..?" my mom sighs, "you know she needs her time to cool off, she's like her dad. needs her space..." i finally look up at her. "mom, he needed his space and he's been gone for two years." my mom looks at me, "i know.." is all that comes out of her mouth.

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