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• beck had almost made it through the week and she wasn't dead, it was friday

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beck had almost made it through the week and she wasn't dead, it was friday. she bit her lip in pain as she pulled up her jeans for today, she slipped on a sweatshirt. it was graysons. beck hadn't even noticed shes been wearing hoodies all week. "for fuck sakes beck hurry up!" beck hurried on her shoes wincing as she grabbed her bag. as the girl was coming down the stairs she sighed softly as aaron stood by the door. when she reached the floor her shoes making noise cause the guy to turn around, "my pretty fucking baby- whos fucking hoodie is that?!" the girls heart dropped, she looked down at the hoodie. she didn't even notice that it belonged to the dolan. "um..a friends.." she whispered softly. aaron eyed the girl, "whatever." he walked out her front door slamming it. she let out a breathe she hadn't known shed been holding, she made her way to the kitchen grabbing a bar to hold her off till lunch. she made her way back to her front door before aaron yelled at her anymore. the girl heard yelling outside and the girls heart dropped. she stopped dead in her tracks, the yelling had stopped. it was too quiet. beck sucked in her breath as she slowly walked to her front door placing her hand on the handle. she opened it slowly and her eyes widen as she dropped her things to the floor. "grayson stop it! stop!" ethan yelled getting out of the car quickly. beck almost fell out of the door way as she in pain made her way down to her driveway. aaron and grayson were killing eachother. the next thing made beck think she was dead, for sure. a gun shot went off, becks legs gave out. she fell to the floor screaming, her ears ringing and world spinning. it was quiet, but it was interrupted.
"beck! beck get the fuck up!" she was being yanked, she could barely hear. her eyesight went back to normal after a few blinks. her heart fell, aaron threw the girl over his should grabbing her book bag. her neighbors were staring to come outside in a panic. ethan sat on the floor with his phone to his ear, he was crying. there was screaming, beck didn't know who the screams belonged too. then she realized it was hers. grayson bailey dolan was laying on the floor with a gunshot wound on his side. aaron was trying to shove the girl in his car, she just kept screaming. her neighbors had come running now, many to help. "GRAYSON!" tears falling out of the girls eyes. she couldn't fight back. aaron finally got the girl in slamming her door and getting in the car driving away quickly as neighbors chasing after the car but not fast enough.

"beck..beck!" the girl jumped hitting her head softly on the car and groaned. "god beck..be fucking careful." aaron hovered over the girl as she was laying in the backseat. her heart fell, he was a killer. beck was sure grayson was dead. he was shot. her face felt stiff from dried tears. but her eyes felt heavy again, "god please...p-please don't kill me..." the girl whispered terrified. aarons face soften and he frowned, "you really think i'd kill the girl i love the most. god beck, it hurts that you would think so low of me.." he grabbed the girl and her bag. "where am i.." aaron grabbed keys unlocking the door. "my house." he said as simple as that.
beck watched as the guy slowly unlocked the door, but didn't open it. he looked at her through the sliver doorknob, the girl was shaking. "we're going to behave. right." it wasn't a question, a demand. "yeah.." beck let out in a whispered as the guy opened the door, yanking her inside as she winced. "yo guys, i'm home!" beck flinched at the guys scream. beck heard mumbles, and she bit the inside of her cheek. "aaron.." the girl whispered and he looked at her. "what?!" she flinched, "what.." he said softer. "i-um i have school.." he rolled his eyes, "one day won't kill you beck." the girl jumped as people came down the stairs. "yo aaron whats up dude-whos that?" aaron's hand slipped behind the back of becks neck. "my girl, beck." there were four people infront of beck, two guys and two girls. the guys could give less of a shit about her, but the girls were stalking the girl like she looked like zayn malik. "she seems to be to young for you?" one of the girls spit out. "pft please roxy, i've known her since the beginning of time." the other girl looked at aaron, "doesnt she have school? i'm assuming.." aaron burned holes into the other girl, "well yeah she does jane, why don't you two take her?" becks heart dropped and chills appeared on her skin. the girls nodded as aaron removed his hand form becks neck.
beck sat in the back of the girls car, her backpack held up against her chest. she in between suitcases, roxy and jane she had learned we're staring at her. "yeah...we should take her back to where she came from.." beck let out a sigh, she hadn't known she was holding. roxy started driving, "are you guys leaving.." beck let out small. jane looked at her through the mirror, "yeah we are. the hate we have for aaron has gotten the best of us." roxy snickered, "basically we ratted him and the boys out...cops should be here soon." beck looked at both girls, "why.." jane sighed and roxy stayed quiet. jane looked at beck, "because our little sisters ended up in your position with aaron, but worse." "and we don't want that for anyone else.."

"hey kid," beck grabbed her bag looking at roxy. "stay away from men like him. okay." jane finished. beck smiled small at them, "thank you guys..." roxy winked and drove off. beck turned around looking at the hospital infront of her. she grabbed her phone from her bag as she started walking shaking. "oh shit my bad- beck?!" beck looked up at she smiled, like for real smiled. "ethan, oh god." the boy took the girl into his arms softly as she wrapped her around him. then he pulled her back, "god i called the cops and told them he took you and oh god beck-" "is he dead." ethan frowned at the girl as her heart fell. he sighed, "no...no he's not but they almost lost him. he should be getting out of surgery soon..hey why don't we get inside.."
beck sat in a chair next to graysons hospital bed. ethan, laura, and sean we're outside, they said they wanted beck to be the first thing grayson saw when he woke up so he wouldn't lose his shit. beck rubbed her eyes looking at the floor, as grayson looked at the girl. "beck?" the girl lifted up her head quickly and a huge smile appeared. she looked at him, "g it's okay...i'm okay.." he bit his lip softly, he hated seeing beck like this. it honestly broke him. he softly reached his hand out to the girl, she softly placed her in his hand. he lifted the girls hand up placing his lips softly on the girls cold hand. she bit her lip, smiling wide. "gray..?" "yeah becks.." she sighed, she hoped his answer to the question would be a good one. but it was a long shot. "when you graduate, can we just pick up all our shit and just leave somewhere..?" grayson smiled not looking at the girl. "what about your senior year becks?" she smiled looking at the their hands as she laid her head down softly, "that doesn't matter, i just want to get away from here...with you.." "new york?" she smiled wide, "new york it is.." he laughed softly and drew a heart on the girls hand with the pad of his thumb softly.
the boy let out a broken sigh, his plan of keeping beck away to be safe was no longer a thing. she wasn't safe out there without him, there were worse people in the world then him clearly. all he wanted to do now, was keep beck safe and alive. he'd do everything in his power to make sure she be fine, even if it almost killed him. but he do everything that he should have done for liliana. and that was a promise he was going to keep, for sure.

_______honestly this chapter put me through some emotional trauma and i may or may not hate it but it's all gucci

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honestly this chapter put me through some emotional trauma and i may or may not hate it but it's all gucci. so hope you enjoyed ☠️🤚🏼 no but thank you guys for all the love and support on this story, means the world. hope everyone's safe and good. love you guys <3

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