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•"dude she was all over him you know!" "i'm sure it isn't that big of a deal babe

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"dude she was all over him you know!" "i'm sure it isn't that big of a deal babe.." "jax! it's bella! she's obsessed with grayson! and now she's going to steal him back from beck!" jax rolled his eyes, "no she not babe! grayson was obsessed with her while he was with bella so she doesn't compare!" he looked at me through the car mirror, "no offense beck.." i laugh softly, "non taken." then they continue the bickering. i was siting in the back of sarah's car, her and jax were talking about what i saw on the bleachers. i sighed as they continued, "i have a date with mason carter this friday!" i finally spit out. when i told sarah about what happened i kinda left this part out. "what?" they both say at once looking back at me. "your going on a date with him?" sarah says while raising an eyebrow. i nod, "after laura's party?" jax says as i nod again. "and what does grayson think about that?" sarah as. i roll my eyes still kinda mad at what i saw at the bleachers. "what does it matter, i'm not his girlfriend so why should he care? hm." sarah nodded slowly, "go off then.." as jax whispers that caused me to crack a smile.

when sarah dropped me off at home i thought i'd be alone. "oh come on," i whisper as my sisters car sits in the driveway. when i reach the door i go to unlock it but it flys open. i raise my eyebrow, "can i help you?" bella says. i push past her, "i live here to dumbass." when i got inside my eyes widen, ethan and grayson were both sitting on the couch. grayson stands up when he sees me, you gotta be kidding me. i look at bella, "you cant just get enough can you?" she rolls her eyes. "oh please beck, i'm not the one going out with mason carter friday night!" i glare at her, "your going out with him?" grayson says but i don't pay attention to his words. my eyes are still on bella, "i thought you were abandoning mom and i, like your dad you know." i can see the anger in her face, "don't compare me to that asshole!" i laugh, "hey i'm not his daughter, that's all you!" grayson watches me as i take my ass upstairs to my room. when i reach my room i go to close the door but it doesn't, i look down at graysons foot stopping it from closing. i glare at him as the door opens, "what do you want?" he frowns, "come on becks, don't be so mean to your sister-" i laughs, "who's side are you even on?!" he raises an eyebrow coming in while closing the door, "so there's sides now?" i stare at him, "there was sides when you decided to fuck every thing up!" he looks down at me coming closer and i back up slowly and softly into my wall. "i didn't fuck up anything, you did becks..." he's so close to my face i could smell his minty breath. "how did i fuck things up.." i whisper as he places a strand of hair behind my ear. he smirks, "when you decided to catch my attention and make me lose feelings for you sister.." i bite my lip looking up at him, "that sounds like a person problem, doesn't it?" he looks down at my lips, "not when your in the problem baby.." chills go down my spine, "grayson-" his lips come crashing down on mine again, i didn't realize how much i missed the feeling. it had only been like three days. he softly holds my face in his hands, as i realize i'm tippy toeing to reach him. he notices to cause his hands go to my waist picking me up and placing me on my dresser. "if i were you i don't think going on that date with mason carter friday night would be a good idea.." grayson whispers against my lips giving me chills again. he backs up heading for my door, "be nicer to your sister becks, she's staying home now." i watch him as he leaves my room and i don't say a word. i turn around and look at myself in the mirror and i look at my lips. there red, and tingling. "what the fuck.." i mumble.

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